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civ vi. promising!

yes, promising is the right word. i was a bit overhyped in my previous post about, because currently it's a mess. the ui is shit, hard to get useful information (no info about current trade deals for example), tons of exploits, idiotic ai..it needs some serious patching before it becomes really enjoyable.


agreed, especially missing qol features like a freaking unit overview i really don't understand, shitty AI on the other hand was to be expected really... but its foundations are rock solid, way better vanilla state than v imo. city planning is a welcome new challenge, like how they kept the more varied culture victory possibilities. can dig the art style, too, tho from a technical point of view in terms of presentation it's more like 5.5, but that's not really important now is it... oh yeah but amenities need more fucking transparency, too! anyway only on my second playthrough and enjoying it despite numerous flaws.


edit: barbarossa da fucking man! those hansas w00t!

Edited by jaderpansen
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Nintendo Switch rumored to have a 720p multi-touch screen on portable unit, and Joy-Con R controller has pointer functionality, possibly making games like Mario Galaxy and Pikmin portable.

i haven't played the galaxy games yet :( are they better than sunshine?

WAY better!!

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Nintendo Switch rumored to have a 720p multi-touch screen on portable unit, and Joy-Con R controller has pointer functionality, possibly making games like Mario Galaxy and Pikmin portable.

i haven't played the galaxy games yet :( are they better than sunshine?

WAY better!!


fuck me. it would be a miracle if i could find the sensor bar that came with my wii u but i'll definitely try and find that, or buy another.. 





my local used video game store has the games and the sensor bar etc. i'll pick it all up soon.



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Guest bitroast


Someone put a lot of time into this



It's a shame though that (as per the Metroid 2 remake) as soon as it gets to a remotely playable state that Nintendo will send a cease-and-desist arrow into the heart of the author

metroid peeps were smart in that they kept a low profile up until they had a finished product.


the zelda demos are cool but it's pure wrecklessness as far as expecting an actual game to emerge is concerned. perhaps they're wanting to use it as more of a portfolio dealie to show off their 3d rendering skills. cos no finished game will ever come out of that unity zelda remake hehe

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Got around to trying Stardew Valley after getting it in a Humble Bundle - really good! Plays exactly like the old Harvest Moon games but with some much needed sandbox additions like crafting. My only gripe is it's missing a certain charm from HM but I can't quite put my finger on it, I am probably just seeing the game through rose tinted glasses.


Battlefield One is great too but lord do I suck at it. I'm around 3k in Overwatch but I die over and over in BF, way too chaotic and the spawns are a bit silly.

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grabbed re1 hd remake from ps+ before it expires (tomorrow)? right time of year and all. seems waaaaaay harder than i remember the original being. still pretty fun. i opted to use the old school tank controls =\



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Titanfall 2 is pretty funtimes. The single player campaign is actually decent and the multiplayer seems like it might have a bit more depth (and the same brilliant movement and gunshootyfeel as the first one)

Edited by Sally Vingoe
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Routine release date March 2017


I know some of you are anticipating this one





Really looking forward to this. The sound design is awesome. I hate to be a negative nancy but graphically it looks a tiiiiny bit outdated. But fuckit.

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fucking finally.


I have to say though... SOMA, whether intentionally or unintentionally I dunno, has provided a similar experience already, albeit in a different setting and with somewhat different gameplay mechanics. can't help but think the fact that Routine has taken so damn long after the much-hyped trailer has resulted in other games perhaps taking some inspiration from it, thereby weakening its own impact on release.

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I started playing Chroma Squad (bought this week's Humble Bundle just for it), never been a fan of Power Rangers like show but the general vibe and the gameplay mechanics are great fun. I doubt it's the best tactical RPG ever made but it's the first one I play so...Reminds me a lot of the movie Be Kind, Rewind for some reason !


Also bought Mad Games Tycoon. I played Game Dev Tycoon a lot when it came out and Mad Games Tycoon just seemed to have everything I wanted to make it perfect - the Theme Hospital like management of buildings and rooms, the possibility to focus on hardware or game engines development. Only made shitty games so far and my studio will probably be shut down fairly soon but from what I've seen of the game it can be really fun.

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It's a shame so many people are sleeping on Titanfall 2, though I suppose being overshadowed by BF1 and CoD releases was to be expected.... Titanfall 2 is damn good! The campaign was actually pretty great and one of the fresher feeling FPS campaigns I've played in years, it may be a little short but it was really fun, and I'd happily run through it again. Multiplayer is fast-paced and pretty intense with lots of different custom loadout tweaks to make on your pilot. If anyone tried the Tech Test and was put-off give the full game a try, it's A LOT more polished.


The other great thing about it is that Respawn seems to be listening to player feedback, they've already made a few changes to the multiplayer to improve menus, and they stated they're looking into addressing buffs and nerfs where needed, or tweaking how mechanics work (the map hack perk is a little OP atm).

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The first DLC for Dark Souls 3 tries to go for the original painted world nostalgia but ends up reminding me a lot of Dark Souls 2 instead. That second optional boss feeling like one of those in the DS2 DLCs, the clutter of various enemies incoherently meandering the place together. The corvian knights were awesome. They should have exploited them more.


was still okay but meh, also way too short and the entire thing was basically shown in the trailers... I know preview stuff should be avoided prior to playing any game like this one because spoilers but it shouldn't be that bad.

Edited by Perezvon
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It's a shame so many people are sleeping on Titanfall 2, though I suppose being overshadowed by BF1 and CoD releases was to be expected.... Titanfall 2 is damn good! The campaign was actually pretty great and one of the fresher feeling FPS campaigns I've played in years, it may be a little short but it was really fun, and I'd happily run through it again. Multiplayer is fast-paced and pretty intense with lots of different custom loadout tweaks to make on your pilot. If anyone tried the Tech Test and was put-off give the full game a try, it's A LOT more polished.


The other great thing about it is that Respawn seems to be listening to player feedback, they've already made a few changes to the multiplayer to improve menus, and they stated they're looking into addressing buffs and nerfs where needed, or tweaking how mechanics work (the map hack perk is a little OP atm).

I'd get it if it wasn't because BF1 was taking up all my vidja time at the moment. Hope the game does well because it looks really good.

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The first DLC for Dark Souls 3 tries to go for the original painted world nostalgia but ends up reminding me a lot of Dark Souls 2 instead. That second optional boss feeling like one of those in the DS2 DLCs, the clutter of various enemies incoherently meandering the place together. The corvian knights were awesome. They should have exploited them more.


was still okay but meh, also way too short and the entire thing was basically shown in the trailers... I know preview stuff should be avoided prior to playing any game like this one because spoilers but it shouldn't be that bad.

Agreed on the length and everything shown in trailers...they must've rushed this out or something. I don't understand how they dropped the ball there.


It actually gave me a lot of Demon's Souls vibes. Hard to place entirely why but I think the rocky cliff faces and enemy grouping and pacing was similar. The whole wrapping story with the NPCs and bosses just didn't do as much as it could've...the whole DLC really falls under that criticism imo. It makes me honestly worried that the last DLC will be even more disappointing, especially since it may (should) be the final Dark Souls content ever.

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Guest bitroast


The first DLC for Dark Souls 3 tries to go for the original painted world nostalgia but ends up reminding me a lot of Dark Souls 2 instead. That second optional boss feeling like one of those in the DS2 DLCs, the clutter of various enemies incoherently meandering the place together. The corvian knights were awesome. They should have exploited them more.


was still okay but meh, also way too short and the entire thing was basically shown in the trailers... I know preview stuff should be avoided prior to playing any game like this one because spoilers but it shouldn't be that bad.

Agreed on the length and everything shown in trailers...they must've rushed this out or something. I don't understand how they dropped the ball there.


It actually gave me a lot of Demon's Souls vibes. Hard to place entirely why but I think the rocky cliff faces and enemy grouping and pacing was similar. The whole wrapping story with the NPCs and bosses just didn't do as much as it could've...the whole DLC really falls under that criticism imo. It makes me honestly worried that the last DLC will be even more disappointing, especially since it may (should) be the final Dark Souls content ever.



it seems weird that bloodborne went thru a similar cycle of having 2 DLCs being developed, but somewhere along the line they figured it wasn't enough meat for 2 and combined it into 1 really solid packaging of DLC. seems like perhaps this could've had the same treatment, but maybe bandai namco or someone was against it ?? who knows : \ 


my initial playthrough of dark souls 3 was pretty lackluster. like, i absolutely had fun, but the whole thing has you wanting more. the way it constantly ties itself back to the original game and even just the way it reveals its own secrets ... i dunno. there's something about that game that just managed to come across really boring to people familiar with the previous games. 


been replaying it recently in what was originally going to be my build up to playing the new DLC (altho, i'm now going to wait until both DLCs are out before diving in to the additional content). 

and yeah, playing the game a second time knowing where all the enemy placements are and not really giving any 2 shits about digging deep for secrets or lore and instead just trying to enjoy the game for what it is (kill the bashy enemies) is alot more fun. 

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^good points, and agreed....though I obviously didn't hold off on playing the DLC. My second or third run of Bloodborne was like what you're doing, just running through and fighting to whatever degrees I desired at those moments. It definitely reminds you of how good the combat system is in these games, without having to suffer through PvP shenanigans. To be fair I enjoyed the PvP of Bloodborne much more than I have in any Dark Souls games.

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The first DLC for Dark Souls 3 tries to go for the original painted world nostalgia but ends up reminding me a lot of Dark Souls 2 instead. That second optional boss feeling like one of those in the DS2 DLCs, the clutter of various enemies incoherently meandering the place together. The corvian knights were awesome. They should have exploited them more.


was still okay but meh, also way too short and the entire thing was basically shown in the trailers... I know preview stuff should be avoided prior to playing any game like this one because spoilers but it shouldn't be that bad.


you've summed it up very well

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I can't stop playing Stardew Valley


My wife started that up this weekend, she seems to like it... It's kinda like Animal Crossing is it not?


Meanwhile, I'm completely hooked on Titanfall 2, I don't think Ive been this hooked on a FPS in a LONG time, but it's just damn fun to play.

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i'm playing through Pikmin 3 (my first Pikmin game) which is a great experience. completely different to anything i've played before. it is surprisingly hard managing all those Pikmin and groups effectively. i've killed so many poor Pikmin. i'm sorry lil Pikmin :'<

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I can't stop playing Stardew Valley


My wife started that up this weekend, she seems to like it... It's kinda like Animal Crossing is it not?


Meanwhile, I'm completely hooked on Titanfall 2, I don't think Ive been this hooked on a FPS in a LONG time, but it's just damn fun to play.


More akin to Harvest Moon.

3DS version out Jan. 20



Goddammit, release a PS4 (pro) version, updated for HD!

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