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Finally beat RE2 on normal setting with Leon. Almost had to resort to finishing it in assist mode but wouldn't buckle. As a result I had to fucking go back and beat a boss I already beat again while conserving more ammo just to net an extra 5 shotgun shells to help me beat the final guy. Damn this game is tough. A proper throwback to the original 3 games in the series. It's a shame they couldn't get this in VR as it would have been about 10x as terrifying. Just tried doing 2nd run with Claire and it appears it's significantly more difficult this time around.


In the original game, actions taken during the first playthrough would affect the second. For example, the availability of certain items may be altered, so I'm wondering if they do the same in the remake?




Items are in different locations and doors are open that were closed on initial playthrough. I even started in an area I never got to visit with Leon, though I doubt there will be many new locations.



Finally beat RE2 on normal setting with Leon. Almost had to resort to finishing it in assist mode but wouldn't buckle. As a result I had to fucking go back and beat a boss I already beat again while conserving more ammo just to net an extra 5 shotgun shells to help me beat the final guy. Damn this game is tough. A proper throwback to the original 3 games in the series. It's a shame they couldn't get this in VR as it would have been about 10x as terrifying. Just tried doing 2nd run with Claire and it appears it's significantly more difficult this time around.

Does it have the extra costumes and weapons for the 2nd play thru like the original?



Yeah I won some alternate costumes for Claire and Leon that closely resemble the outfits from the original RE2. Claire's alternate costume in particular looks pretty ridic. Got a new gun for Claire too.

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Controversy surrounding Metro Exodus now. The publisher Deep Silver made the decision to pull the game from Steam and make it exclusive to the Epic service, two weeks before scheduled launch. Lots of people are pissed, and understandably so. Supposedly Epic's quality as a game service is garbage compared to Steam. I used it briefly myself early last year when during my Fortnite (StW) phase. And I've had multiple failed login attempts into my Epic account. But I uninstalled the service a few months back anyway. Other users aren't as lucky though I've heard.
No way am I buying Metro Exodus now, let alone pre-ordering, so long as it's Epic exclusive.

As for RE2, I haven't touched it since Monday when I lost my nerve. Maybe I'll pick it back up later when I'm done being a chicken. I dunno tho, I legit got minor PTSD from it.

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Controversy surrounding Metro Exodus now. The publisher Deep Silver made the decision to pull the game from Steam and make it exclusive to the Epic service, two weeks before scheduled launch. Lots of people are pissed, and understandably so. Supposedly Epic's quality as a game service is garbage compared to Steam. I used it briefly myself early last year when during my Fortnite (StW) phase. And I've had multiple failed login attempts into my Epic account. But I uninstalled the service a few months back anyway. Other users aren't as lucky though I've heard.

No way am I buying Metro Exodus now, let alone pre-ordering, so long as it's Epic exclusive.


But they've launched a new store and my guess is you launch the games through there just like on Steam. It's good that Steam is getting some competition to rattle everyone's cage.

But I'm still lukewarm on Metro Exodus so...



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Controversy surrounding Metro Exodus now. The publisher Deep Silver made the decision to pull the game from Steam and make it exclusive to the Epic service, two weeks before scheduled launch. Lots of people are pissed, and understandably so. Supposedly Epic's quality as a game service is garbage compared to Steam. I used it briefly myself early last year when during my Fortnite (StW) phase. And I've had multiple failed login attempts into my Epic account. But I uninstalled the service a few months back anyway. Other users aren't as lucky though I've heard.

No way am I buying Metro Exodus now, let alone pre-ordering, so long as it's Epic exclusive.


But they've launched a new store and my guess is you launch the games through there just like on Steam. It's good that Steam is getting some competition to rattle everyone's cage.

But I'm still lukewarm on Metro Exodus so...




Steam has a long-standing reputation as a gaming cloud service though...since 2001. From what I hear Epic doesn't even have the basic features like reviews, achievements, and many users are vulnerable to having their data sold to third parties. So it's also a potential security risk. I think Epic have gotten cocky from their success from Fortnite last year. I don't think their strategy is viable for the long term.


As for Metro, I might wait until the dust settles and see if it returns to Steam after a year or so. But I'm not rushing it.

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As for Metro, I might wait until the dust settles and see if it returns to Steam after a year or so. But I'm not rushing it.

If I heard correctly it's a timed exclusive and will indeed be back on Steam around Spring of next year.
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As for Metro, I might wait until the dust settles and see if it returns to Steam after a year or so. But I'm not rushing it.

If I heard correctly it's a timed exclusive and will indeed be back on Steam around Spring of next year.


ye i think the epic games exclusives are for 1yr

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Game Informer did an in-depth look into Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice this month both on the website and the actual magazine, and I'm even more hyped than I was before... This definitely looks like more than just a Soulsborne rehash, I'm hyped.



Been doing another run of Dark Souls 3 in the meantime.

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My avatar is available in Smash Ultimate today with the version 2.0 update!

Playing him in All Star mode can brick your Switch:



big difference between a corrupted save and a bricked console

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^ we have that on our WII - I used to play on our old amiga computer. It is savagely difficult isn't it?


I find it to be ridiculously hard.


i can confirm: the game is indeed ridiculously difficult, but it's a childhood favorite. 8 year old me is so excited (even though i can hardly get past the second stage)

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Have been playing 2 player Darius burst in the arcade lately, so good with the rumble seats massaging your ass when you encounter another boss;

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Have been playing 2 player Darius burst in the arcade lately, so good with the rumble seats massaging your ass when you encounter another boss;


Fuckn love Dariusburst.



I just got an Atari for my birthday with like 30 games... And a few more for my GBA (Mario 2 and Yoshi's Island).


So I've been playing Ms. Pac-Man and the original Donkey Kong with my wife all night. Woo!!

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^ Well done!

I just started over from scratch after taking a breather for a few days, learning tips on how not to waste all of my ammo in the meantime. My initial mistake was trying to kill every zombie in sight. Now I just have to figure out a game plan on dealing with Mr. X.

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New official Atomic Heart gameplay trailer.

If I wasn't hyped before, I am now. Looks IDM af. Can I say it looks IDM?


You might want to read up on this https://gadgets.ndtv.com/games/news/atomic-heart-in-development-hell-report-1985061, although the insider info in russian goes into much more details regarding this.

Basically the devs are incompetent douchebags and they're just hyping it up as much as they can with flashy videos but there's very little done, they had to start from scratch basically. I doubt it'll be released anytime soon

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