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the ultimate hippy cult mixes pot, lsd, yoga, vegetarian food and psych rock then takes a two year vacation inside the sun's heliosphere with a bunch of chicks, a few vw wagons and a camera to fry their retinas and brains.


21 salvia hits + ketamine out of 10



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he masterbates the penis continuously the entire film? that alone, should be of great interest to the watmm? he is challenged by the beauty of a women versus her content? he has unique disagreement in the church whilst repenting for his sins?



i'm interested..

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I once watched Anchorman in the company of a guy and his sister who quoted, out loud, about 80% of the dialogue, in perfect unison with the tv, as though there was some kind of psychic merging going on. I'm not exaggerating. It was strange and slightly scary, and teeth-itchingly irritating.


Haven't been able to watch it since.

sounds about right, it is probably the single most overrated comedy movie besides Borat in the last decade. I assumed after the silly Bradey Bunch 70s aesthetic parody movie that making parodious 70s movies were already toast, but nope, they dug up the rotted corpse and decided to trot it out again for Will Farrel vehicle around the same time another studio trotted out a different similar corpse and made that god awful dukes of hazard remake.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Guest zaphod



well lumpy, i guess i'm a miserable cunt. i tried pretty hard to get into this, but i just wasn't feeling it at all. very pretty, effective use of 3d, awful score, bad dialogue, the barest sketch of character and motivation, and a lot of uninspired cliched writing. really expected more after seeing the ecstatic reviews this is getting, but it's a mediocre effects picture, nothing more. and mirezzi might have called it when he said children of men is like a video game, because the endless, unbroken takes in this actually felt like a video game cutscene, not a movie. didn't help when the film turned into a sort of mirror's edge in space, with first person camera views. it destroyed whatever tension the film could have had and constantly reminded me i was watching it. maybe cuaron is just too virtuosic for his own good, i don't know.

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well lumpy, i guess i'm a miserable cunt. i tried pretty hard to get into this, but i just wasn't feeling it at all. very pretty, effective use of 3d, awful score, bad dialogue, the barest sketch of character and motivation, and a lot of uninspired cliched writing. really expected more after seeing the ecstatic reviews this is getting, but it's a mediocre effects picture, nothing more. and mirezzi might have called it when he said children of men is like a video game, because the endless, unbroken takes in this actually felt like a video game cutscene, not a movie. didn't help when the film turned into a sort of mirror's edge in space, with first person camera views. it destroyed whatever tension the film could have had and constantly reminded me i was watching it. maybe cuaron is just too virtuosic for his own good, i don't know.

it's ok, let's all join in a death spiral of wretchedness together. Gonna watch the Breaking Bad finale now, finally.

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well that was weird.

It's funny how up untill the final (let's say) 20 minutes of the film, it's probably one of the worst films going, but I think that's the point. Defo worth sticking it out - never been as pleasantly surprised as I was with this.

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well that was weird.

It's funny how up untill the final (let's say) 20 minutes of the film, it's probably one of the worst films going, but I think that's the point. Defo worth sticking it out - never been as pleasantly surprised as I was with this.

Ooh, my lady still hasn't seen this.


That's next 'what shall we watch?' evening sorted.

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me and the girl like to watch just about any horror movie in the theater, so we watched Insidious Chapter II. Pretty much average; a lot of it was hilarious. There was some horribly fucking woody acting, but that's to be expected in any horror movie. Only legit creepy part of this movie was the dad smiling...holy shit he has a disturbing face.


I was a big fan of the first one too, because I felt that despite its flaws, the director really used some of those classic tricks of old horror movies to get jump scares that were "legit"and built up on suspense and sound manipulation, rather than just AHH THAT WAS UNEXPECTED FUCK.


More mainstream horror movies need to go back to the suspense building.



Ill give it a 5/10 (the original I'd give a 7/10)

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hot chicks cruising around the desert and kicking ass- then robbing an old guy and his sons. brutal stuff action with lots of titalting shots of heaving breasts


r.i.p. tura satana and haji

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

i don't even want to see the don juan trailer again.



he masterbates the penis continuously the entire film? that alone, should be of great interest to the watmm? he is challenged by the beauty of a women versus her content? he has unique disagreement in the church whilst repenting for his sins?



i'm interested..



so apparently the trailer and marketing is not representative of the film. it's much darker than it appears. so I might catch it on dvd.

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Guest zaphod

Children of the Corn. Got-stoned-and-fell-asleep-halfway-through/10 feat. ugly ginger kid


were you watching the remake on the scyfy channel right now? not that i was

Edited by zaphod
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well lumpy, i guess i'm a miserable cunt. i tried pretty hard to get into this, but i just wasn't feeling it at all. very pretty, effective use of 3d, awful score, bad dialogue, the barest sketch of character and motivation, and a lot of uninspired cliched writing. really expected more after seeing the ecstatic reviews this is getting, but it's a mediocre effects picture, nothing more. and mirezzi might have called it when he said children of men is like a video game, because the endless, unbroken takes in this actually felt like a video game cutscene, not a movie. didn't help when the film turned into a sort of mirror's edge in space, with first person camera views. it destroyed whatever tension the film could have had and constantly reminded me i was watching it. maybe cuaron is just too virtuosic for his own good, i don't know.

spoilers i guess


Unspeakably bad music. ruined a lot of moments for me. hard to stomach because y tu mama had great music that made me think cuaron had ok taste. both the "orchestral" score and the electronic swells and shit were pathetic. bullock as fetus baby with umbilical cord thing was forced. not the slightest attempt to build any sense of a character, save the dead daughter which caused a gigantic lol for me due to "her just falling and hit her head." Get it guys!!? G-R-A-V-I-T-Y... woah.. deep! Completely hated the drops of water on the camera lens trope this time around. In children of men is gave the war a documentary feel, but in this coupled with the first person shifts, destroys the idea of what the camera is. yeah, at this point it can do anything. cool i guess.


the ISS exploding was 30 seconds of cinematic virtuosity that you don't see every day.

Edited by dr lopez
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a classic poliziotteschi that contains all the usual ingredients: rape, random and frequent robberies, brutal violence, fast cars, faster motorcycles, hard boiled cops and funky ost.


italy's favorite anti-mafia inspector, berti (maurizio merli), is deputed to naples where (surprisingly) the mafia is having a field day in the city. the clean up is messy- but fun.


i approve of this kind of action


side note: when the italians ran out of steam in cranking these out, the krauts took things into their own hands- downgraded the violence and politics, threw out the funky ost and slowed down the car chases- then cast the dashing horst tappert as inspector derrick to get things down. this time, the clean up was less messy but still fun.

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well that was weird.

It's funny how up untill the final (let's say) 20 minutes of the film, it's probably one of the worst films going, but I think that's the point. Defo worth sticking it out - never been as pleasantly surprised as I was with this.


Up until?! You mean up until 20 minutes it was the best film going. Well, not the best, but I think the portrayal of paranoia was one of the best I've ever seen in the movie. It could be I'm just way too much into paranoia, but yeah I love it the same way I love "In the mouth of madness".


Some recent films I've seen:


Pacific Rim: I like the visual style and the monster scenes actually showed the monsters in full several times, which was nice. The story was cookie cutter so not really worth mentioning. The best part was del toro's injection of steampunk-ish sets, costumers and general visuals. All in all a decent ride. 7/10


Violet & Daisy: Felt so old and dated, I was surprised. Kind of like a 90s film, both in music and acting and story. I found it obnoxious in the first 30 or so minutes because of this, but it actually surprised me as it went on with some OK humor and "good heart" in the end. Still, kind of average, so 6/10.


Man Of Tai Chi: Keanu Reeves directorial debut. It has at least its own style when compared to more generic crap out there which made it interesting to watch. It felt a bit like Karate Kid with adults, combined with video game characters and a video game story. The characters were traditional and I found Keanu to be kind of bad acting wise. I guess he fit his character. 6-7/10?


The Bling Ring: Very cold documentation of events I felt. It's like Somewhere but without the real connection to the characters. I did not like Emma Watsons facial expressions and accent. It was funny how stupid and innocent the kids were in what they did, and I guess that this actually happened is the most interesting part of this movie. 6/10


The East: It all felt kind of hipster, I'm not sure why. I don't believe that any of what happens in the film is actually happening. I always felt like I was watching a movie rather than getting lost in it. I did like the concept of the film and it had several good scenes however. 5/10


Pain & Gain: Lovely film. I mean I really liked it because it was so over the top and I felt it was smarter than maybe I thought it would be. I have no idea what Mark Kermode was talking about when he said this was a filthy disgusting film. He said it was one of the worst he had seen and should avoid at all costs. I felt the opposite. It felt extremely "american", extremely self-aware. The characters were well written and fleshed out and it was hilarious. Maybe I'm dumb about this movie and someone could explain it to me, but for now 7/10

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This weekend i have mostly watched shit.


This is the End 5/10 (I lol'ed once)

The Internship 5/10 (best bits in the trailer, only good part was the vist to the strip club)

The Lone Ranger 6/10 (Not as bad as people made out but its still pirates of the Caribbean out west)

After Earth 4/10 (Lol those fucking accents)

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