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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Interview with a vampire

Somehow I hadn't seen this. Had way more brevity than I expected, Tom Cruise bought the laughs. Overall pretty good although I missed the main point of the film due to mumbling dialogue.



Second viewing. Still enjoyed but the visuals were not as mindblowing and the annoying backstory was more annoying. Think I was sat too close.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Behind the Candelabra

Really enjoyed this. Very funny. Very odd character. Very well acted. I do feel that they "sanitized" it by getting a 42 year old to play what was a 17 year old in reality - that story is a little more shocking, especially when he tries to adopt him.

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The Look of Love - interesting biopic of the lavish seedy life of billionaire Soho/porn king Paul Raymond starring Steve Coogan who plays the role of the hedonistic coked up playboy quite well. The look of the film does well put you in another time where saucy innuendo and bad fashion were almost respectable. It does drag on a bit in places but it's no chore to watch. 7/10


Evil Dead 2013 - Better than I thought it would be with some good nods to the original without being a parody. Kinda falls flat at the end and this is where the original will remain a classic. Still nice and gorey and just on the right side of tongue and cheek. 7/10


Hell Comes to Frogtown - after WW3 Roddy Piper is one of the few fertile men left on earth who is sent in a big pink hotrod on a joint mission to rescue and breed with a rare group of fertile women who have been kidnapped buy some evil frog mutants in Frogtown. Fuck yeah/10

Edited by soundwave
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Grave of the Fireflies - finally got around to watching this after avoiding it for years (due to claims of devastating emotional impact). Have to say it is the best Ghibli film that Miyazaki never made. The ending went just a tad overboard with the ghost of a dead character (not going to spoil it more than that), so it's not quite a perfect 10. Still a very human film. Lots of heart and soul and as usual with Ghibli such a subtle touch with capturing small details. They put more love in to animating the way someone turns over in their sleep, than to an inferno engulfing an entire city, and I love them for it. 9/10

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Maybe i should watch it, i too have been avoidinating this one.




DragonballZ- battle of the gods ... passed the time, i'm not a dragonballz fan and i haven't watched any other of the films, just dropped myself into this one for something to do, i think the idea was triggered by watching an interview with the woman that voices goku. I wouldn't recommend the experience to anyone else here though. Well unless you're as tolerant and forgiving of the powerup battle genre as i must be.

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manic (2001)

a bit dull for a film about bipolar disorder. the aphex soundtrack was effective (but maybe for personal reasons,because i listened to SAW2 mostly when i was a messed up teenager). but i dunno,i felt more when i watched breakfast club recently. nice seeing deschanel not being a shitty sitcom character tho. 6.5/10

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Altered States (1980)

I had purposely avoided any synopsis or images related to this film after hearing briefly about it, and once I had seen 'The Devils', I knew Russel wouldn't disappoint - so i went in blind, and by golly by the end of it I could see!
I kid, it's definitely an extremely interesting film, both thematically and visually - perhaps is strained a bit by the convoluted dialogue at times, and it feels like it repeats itself briefly, gets a bit 'cheesey' but i think that's just Russel. All in all - it's a welcomed mind fuck.


Makes one want to buy an isolation tank and do some psychedelics/10



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The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Oh my! Watch this film right now if you have not, tis' the PERFECT Halloween treat! I was completely blown away by this - it's a gem in it's own right, and near perfect for what it's trying to do. Hilarious, sexy, schlocky and scary - what more can one ask for?!

Linnea Quigley/10


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Kill List 8/10


the beginning of this was really promising and had some very vivid dialogue and action (some maybe a bit too vivid and graphic TBH).


however the catalyst for the climax was underwritten and this caused the climax to lack weight. the twist was also a bit predictable.


still very good for a horror film (or psychological thriller whatever you want to call it)

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