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Texas Chainsaw massacre 2

Really odd film in many senses - Toby Hooper returning to direct after 14 or 16 years, completley changing the tone of the film from gritty, proto-found footage to almost cartoon like black comedy, and where he had cleverly hidden the gore in the first film here he displays it to an ultra-violent level. It goes back and forth between genuinely cool and then naff exploitation flick, usually on purpose but sometimes you question otherwise...

Woman wearing friends face on her face/10


tis' pretty funny how they re-made the Breakfast Club poster:


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Texas Chainsaw massacre 2


Really odd film in many senses - Toby Hooper returning to direct after 14 or 16 years, completley changing the tone of the film from gritty, proto-found footage to almost cartoon like black comedy, and where he had cleverly hidden the gore in the first film here he displays it to an ultra-violent level. It goes back and forth between genuinely cool and then naff exploitation flick, usually on purpose but sometimes you question otherwise...


Woman wearing friends face on her face/10


tis' pretty funny how they re-made the Breakfast Club poster:




I remember watching TCM pt 2 as a kid and being extremely uncomfortable.

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stupid. i hate when movies like this resort to the characters basically explaining their entire plan half way thru the movie to- you know- remind each other what their entire motive for whatever it is they're up to is. like "hey, remember when we planned on killing people? and you said you were down with it? yes, that was 2 weeks ago when i was telling you we really need x, y and z murdered and you said you were going to help. so do your part, and i will do mine of making sure r, p and s are decapitated just like i promised i would"


2 freshly sawed off limbs out of 10


All very true but I find it hard to truly hate on a film where a character being chased has no choice but to dramatically jump out a window. Goes a bit Home Alone at points too.

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Texas Chainsaw massacre 2


Really odd film in many senses - Toby Hooper returning to direct after 14 or 16 years, completley changing the tone of the film from gritty, proto-found footage to almost cartoon like black comedy, and where he had cleverly hidden the gore in the first film here he displays it to an ultra-violent level. It goes back and forth between genuinely cool and then naff exploitation flick, usually on purpose but sometimes you question otherwise...


Woman wearing friends face on her face/10


tis' pretty funny how they re-made the Breakfast Club poster:




I remember watching TCM pt 2 as a kid and being extremely uncomfortable.


yeah it's a weird fucked up movie, the combination of Leatherface's chainsaw psychsexual phallus movements and the redneck guy with the burnt head lighting up the coat hanger and licking off bits of burnt skin would be enough to throw any kid into despair

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Total Recall Colin Farrel/10 i didn't think this was too bad apart from the fact that most of the plot didn't make any sense, at all. not a jot. remotely.


Dredd sulk/10 didn't think much of the casting in this and generally it didn't hang together well for me. bring back Sly is what i say, even if he is 100.

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There Will Be Blood - Fantastic, towering film. Acting is perfect across the board, and the cinematography is flawless. I do have my issues with it, but they are minor compared to the entertainment I got from watching. I'm quite late to the party, I know. - 9/10

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Now I wanna watch it again too. It dug deep into me, also because I work with children a bit and the whole thing looks so fucking plausible.


I'm glad everyone likes it, it's far and away my film of last year. Had the tears going, especially the



scene where he's burying Fanny



and the shop and in the church. Really harrowing without ever feeling like it laid it on too thick. 10/10.

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the hunt was my favourite film of the year for sure, although it seems like i missed a few a films because stealing films doesn't seem to work that well anymore and i was skint most of the year

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Secret Life of Walter Mitty - 7/10 I'm not a Ben Stiller fan but this was ok. Pretty vanilla story, no big surprises and the first half reminded me a lot of Joe vs The Volcano, it even has a volcano.

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american hustle - 6.5/10

the secret life of walter mitty - 5/10 would've been alright with anyone other than ben stiller in the lead.

12 years a slave - 7.5/10 the amount of violence reminded me of "passion of the christ" only this is based on a true story.

bad granpa 7/10 not a huge fan of jackass but this had some pretty great moments.

captain philips - 7/10

escape plan - 0/10

jagten (the hunt) - 10/10 fucking hell.

lone survivor - 5/10 'murka fuk ya.

rush - 8/10

her - 7/10 because interesting concept. felt it could've been better though.

saving mr banks - 6/10

about time 7/10 time travel flick!

blue is the warmest color - 8.5/10

blue jasmin - 7.5/10

blue caprice - 5.9/10 kinda boring artsy about serial killers.

alan partridge: alpha papa - 6/10 nowhere near as good as i had hoped.

carrie 2013 - 5/10

dallas buyers club - 7.5/10

last vegas - 3/10 "lol we're too old for this" for almost 2 hours.

inequality for all 7/10

fruitvale station - 6/10

don jon - 4/10 what?

august osage county - 6/10 good performances but it's basically just elderly women shouting at eachother for 2 hours.

enough said - 7/10 good to see gandolfini went out on a high.

insidious 2 - 3/10 loved the first one, wtf was this?

odd thomas 0/10 couldn't finish.

out of the furnace - 7.5/10

the butler - 6/10 could've been great but too cheesy, and oprah? really?

the spectacular now - 8/10

the truth about emanuel - 6.5/10

breathe in - 6/10

riddick - 0/10

dirty wars - 7/10

thanks for sharing - 3/10

sharknado - 1/10 not even so bad it's good.

the wolf of wall street - 11/10


didn't bother with imdb links but these are all 2013 films, except jagten.

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secret life of walter mitty


garbage. i don't understand why anyone thinks ben stiller is funny or talented. he's a void. this movie is full of product placement, almost as much as the average adam sandler movie. eharmony, cinnabon, papa johns, it goes on and on. the main character is borderline autistic, self absorbed and delusional. i guess stiller thinks this is relatable. there's something very creepy about this entire story. he takes control by going to extremely dangerous locations and putting himself in horrible situations. way to go dude, take life by the balls. i was waiting for him to smash a co worker in the face with a keyboard and the keys fly into the camera forming "fuck you". it's that corny.



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Her - I really liked it. Emotion-wise I felt like it was Adaptation crossed with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I also really liked the setting, the design, the style (those pants!), and the acting. Joaquin Phoenix is fucking great.

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short term 12 - you can really tell that director/writer knows his stuff, it's a perfectly packaged social drama. it packs a punch but it often feels too scripted, like some kind of well thought of contraption. and while those scripts feel authentic they do limit the characters too much. this film needed some touch of mike leigh.

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short term 12 - you can really tell that director/writer knows his stuff, it's a perfectly packaged social drama. it packs a punch but it often feels too scripted, like some kind of well thought of contraption. and while those scripts feel authentic they do limit the characters too much. this film needed some touch of mike leigh.

was wondering if someone had a similar opinion to me on this film and this review nails it imo: http://thedissolve.com/reviews/146-short-term-12/

still, definitely worth a watch.

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"he already did, he's gonna phone wendy up in a few minutes to tell her"




phone rings



edit: but ye it was the uncut version which i haven't before, hmm

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