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Man with a Movie Camera

Having seen countless clips and read about it over the years, it wasn't till last night that I actually sat down and watched the whole thing...and oh my lordie, it is truly incredible.

It's doing so many things. So aware yet unaware of what it's doing... or rather, what it's creating in terms of the history and language of cinema. It the sort of thing that leaves you speechless, yet so full of thought.

Frankly, it blew me away. I watched it with the Michael Nyman score, which was great, and I wonder how different an experience it would have been with another.

Double Exposures/10


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Cold in July


What is it with indie thrillers and falling apart half way through? This one started out strong but started incorporating elements that the filmmakers probably thought of on the fly. It all culminated in my wife leaving the theater and me cackling as the blood splattered through ridiculous mood lighting.


It's like it had hints of Refn, which worked, but once Don Johnson was onscreen, his Miami Vice cred made everyone try to out-Refn Refn himself, and it's my firm belief that Refn barely had a clue even when he was making Drive.


If you find yourself watching this for whatever reason, make sure to leave before the Michael Mann / Nick Refn abomination gets to full swing. I stayed to the end and it ruined my night.

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X-men Days of future past or whatever


A enjoyed this one. The action was fun and made sense, story was comic-book silly but worked, characters I cared about, some shots were pretty great and the whole thing made the kid in me very happy.


9/10 for superhero blockbusters

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The Lone Ranger


Now- that's a pretty fucking rare rating for Hollywood films, so kudos. Fantastic everything, and it made me feel happy that some people understand the beauty of actual STORYTELLING. And TRON Legacy was solid, as well, so maybe Disney is somehow... oh, I dunno- quality. It's fun to hate them, but dayum- some solid films.



The only tiiiiiny flaw in The Lone Ranger, is the part on the top of the train where crow-on-head is down, and the badman pulls out his gun. This is where ze Lone Ranger gets the silver bullet and shoots the gun out of badman's hand. The flaw is: there is a clicking type sound effect when the gun is pulled out, but the hammer is cocked afterwards. So the sound should have been different when the gun was pulled out, cuz it seemed like he cocked the hammer twice. And this is the only flaw from a storytelling and narrative perspective, cuz other flaws can be OK due to suspension of disbelief. And I know this cuz the film is 2.5 hours long, but it took me over 10 hours to watch it, due to taking modafinil and memorizing and being in awe over every bit.


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Lifeforms - Try as he may, Patrick Stewart still ended up in a wheelchair/10.


the story of Brian and Gaz?





I don't even remember writing that post, but yes, Lifeforce, thank you. Now could someone write Lifeforms?

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Lifeforms - Try as he may, Patrick Stewart still ended up in a wheelchair/10.


the story of Brian and Gaz?





I don't even remember writing that post, but yes, Lifeforce, thank you. Now could someone write Lifeforms?


patrick stewart would play brian obv

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How To Train Your Dragon 2 - 8/10 - I was forced to see it in 2D by the shitty theater I went to but when I see it the second time, it will be in IMAX 3D because this is some of the best cgi artistry ever! Better than the first one. It will get a 10/10 in 3D.............YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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