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Let's list them:


Blindness - mass rape scene had half the audience walk out of my screening


David Cronenberg's Crash - several walk outs, and compete silence after the ending ditch fuck scene. I've never seen an audience that freaked. The only thing I can compare it to was driving home the morning of 9/11 and the crazy zoned out driving I saw. Complete shock.

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I walked out of Cosmopolis and Fury Road.



Never walked out of anything else other than those two pointless pieces of shit.

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I walked out of Cosmopolis and Fury Road.



Never walked out of anything else other than those two pointless pieces of shit.


I very very rarely don't finish watching films, even if I dislike them I'll make the effort to sit through them. I couldn't manage it with Cosmopolis though, just awful, and I'm a Cronenberg fan.

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I saw a man walk out of The Ring in 2003. He'd shat himself. He stumbled up the isle trying to hold the liquid turd in his pants and stop it running down his leg. When he walked by their was a disgusting stench, then more people started to leave.

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I saw a man walk out of The Ring in 2003. He'd shat himself. He stumbled up the isle trying to hold the liquid turd in his pants and stop it running down his leg. When he walked by their was a disgusting stench, then more people started to leave.


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How many of you have been in a movie theater where people walked out?


me- this happens almost all the time, even though all these films were watched for free as pre-screenings:


my girlfriend and i walked out of deliver us from evil


several people walked out of jupiter ascending (i'm talking like 1/4 of the theater)


grindhouse had a couple of walk outs after planet terror but i'm assuming people didn't know what a double feature meant


beyond the lights had a few walk outs

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i walked out of deliver us from evil


You clearly didn't buy into the idea that a couple of soldiers would come back from a tour of duty in Aghanistan possessed by demons and then start up their own painting and decorating business.

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hah I watched that shit in Cambodia and everyone was just texting after about 20 minutes. maybe mobile phone networks produced it.

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Ex Machina- 7/10


Liked this movie because the themes were interesting, the acting was great and the set design/cgi was good. Although the screenplay could have used some work imo. I appreciate that they delved into certain themes of surveillance and the human uncanniness of AI but I feel that I took little from the film. This would be a great film to show to someone who doesn't think about this stuff and spark their interest in sci-fi/ near future technology. I really wanted to like this film more but it was trying really hard to be smart without going into much depth.


Her is a much better film with similar themes imo.

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I mostly went to low attented films, so i don't have a lot of experience of watching people in theaters. What i can recall is one dude slamming the door during Inland Empire coz of a series of disorienting stops of projecting the image - not sure why that was happening, nothing of sort was on DVD cut, someone fucked up with a projector maybe. I felt part of rage was to do with a movie too.


And also during Coppola's Twixt and to a lesser degree McQueen's Shame some teens were clearly out of place laughing all the way, not giving a shit to what's on screen by the end. That actually happens a lot of time with Auteur cinema which isn't properly marketed.


At Cosmopolis screening one dude fell asleep so deep that he didn't react to his phone ringing loudly, i had to interfere. He stayed until the end though.

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At the Satantango screening a few months ago, one guy was snoring so loudly that 3 whole rows of people were trying to make him stop. But he fell back asleep every time in a minute or so, back to loud snoring. That went on for like 3 hours, I pretty much got used to it in an hour or so.


Amazingly, almost all of the seats were still occupied when the lights turned on at the end, I'd say less than 1% of people left during the movie.

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i walked out of deliver us from evil


You clearly didn't buy into the idea that a couple of soldiers would come back from a tour of duty in Aghanistan possessed by demons and then start up their own painting and decorating business.



that and the fact that they had the guy from the soup as a cop

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I went to Stratford Westfield to watch Inherent Vice. Tonnes of people walked out. They must have expected the Big Lebowski and were disappointed/bored/really bored.

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Ex Machina- 7/10


Liked this movie because the themes were interesting, the acting was great and the set design/cgi was good. Although the screenplay could have used some work imo. I appreciate that they delved into certain themes of surveillance and the human uncanniness of AI but I feel that I took little from the film. This would be a great film to show to someone who doesn't think about this stuff and spark their interest in sci-fi/ near future technology. I really wanted to like this film more but it was trying really hard to be smart without going into much depth.


Her is a much better film with similar themes imo.




While I certainly enjoyed Ex Machina, I felt that all the ideas presented in it could have been in a much better film. It was definitely pop sci-fi for general audiences, with a great visual style. I'll definitely give it the respect it deserves for being pop sci-fi full of intelligent ideas & concepts, though, not just a future-set action movie like nu-Star Trek or Oblivion or some shit like that (which a case could be made for not really being sci-fi at all by conservative definitions).

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seems like i'm the only cosmopolis fan, everyone hated it? wtf... such an entertaining movie.

i never walked out of a cinema because i don't go to the cinema, expensive shit... but i turn off lots of downloaded movies... most recent one:

the whisperer in darkness

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that and the fact that they had the guy from the soup as a cop

he's also from community... but yeah, awful movie... in fact i watched it because someone recommended it here, or at least gave it a positive review...

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I loved Cosmopolis, captivating robotic style.


The only movie i was seriously tempted to walk out of was Tulse Luper Suitcases, don't remember which of the three parts, probably first. What an unreal bore fest, i constantly looked at my watch surprised as hell how easily my patience got to the limit, yet kept composure coz it was kinda weird and i didn't want to lose that battle. Life highlight if i think about it, i'm a winner by nature.


Another one is Film Socialism, stayed mainly in protest to others who left, i think like 50%. Some old jazz-loving man (you get to know people on these quiet screenings) stayed till the end to comment to theater's staff that they really shouldn't screen movies like that to people.

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I've expressed my hatred for Where The Wild Things Are many times. People walked out and I wish I could have. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was another really bad one.

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