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realized sicario and arrival were by the same guy so i watched his other two, enemy and prisoners. both good.


Enemy and Prisoners are so good. Also check out Incendies, Villeneuve's breakout film.

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I bloody love Elijah Wood. He could sit on his arse getting fat from that hobbit money coming in but he stars in and helps produce weird horror films. Also, there was that video of him at that aphex show and he seemed cool.



I saw the Maniac remake. Any others you'd recommend?

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Maybe it was because I was drunk, but I liked Okja (even with it's heavy handedness). Still probably the worst Joon-Ho Bong movie, but better than most shit nowadays. 

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Saw Breaking the Waves - Heavy Metal soundtrack to a looong examination of Calvinism in remote Scotland. I could smell the whiskey with this one and it reminded me of the time I went to Holy Island in Northumberland and read about all the submissive women living there in the late 1800s. Has Watson ever made a bad film? I even liked her in Metroland. 


Next later tonight will watch Cold Fish - korean film from 2010. 

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Cold Fish is awesome. Sion Sono is amazing. Check out Love Exposure, Suicide Club, Why Don't You Play In Hell, and Tokyo Tribe if you get around to it. 

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Better than Snowpiercer because that was a fucking shit show.

Oh god, I forgot about that abortion. He needs to stop working with Americans

ugh... i was hoping this would be some sort of redemption but i'm assuming it's as bad/worse than snowpiercer. i don't know anything about okja. haven't seen a trailer or anything. i just know it's bong. maybe he just can't tell that english actors are turning in shit performances? is the writing really that bad? really sucks he's fallen so far because mother is one of my favorite movies

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From my complete amateur point of view I'd say that the Korean written characters don't translate well into what Hollywood you expect to see a Hollywood character do. The Korean actors in Okja are great and you except their performance and characters and blablabla. Tilda Swinton though acts like she's in Cromatie High School and she did the same in Snowpiercer. For some reason Jake Gyllenhaal kinda made it work on Okja, but his character could easily have been played by some excentric South Korean actor and none of us would have thought it was strange.


I dunno.


I guess some things just get lost in translation one way or the other.

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I watched Coherence. It was ok. Pretty cool idea and the tension was pretty alright. But I'm not sure it benefited from being a feature length film.

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I agree, would make a great Twilight Zone episode.

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The Vagrant


Forgotten black comedy/horror goodie staring Bill Paxton - very odd dream like/nightmarish vibe to the whole thing. Not amazing, but not bad! You get the sense everyone is trying to make it work, so you gotta commend them for that...tis' a bit of fun


This is directed by Chris Walas who made his debut with The Fly II (a nostalgic masterpiece). 


Started to watch Maniac (2012) bloody 'ell it is gruesome. Feels like stepping into Condemned the computer game from years ago. 



Yes indeed! He also did the special effects for The Fly (1986), Gremlins and other hollywood greats - he defo shows his skills in The Vagrant, albeit rather ungratuitously, which is nice, holding back to use the good stuff for the right moments


Would you recommend The Fly II?


Been meaning to watch the original Maniac...thanks for reminding me - and I see they did a blu-ray of it, fingers crossed I can source it :D

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Sisters (1973) - Ah, I wasn't into this at all. Barring Armageddeon, this might be the worst movie I've ever seen with a Criterion release. The whole thing hinges on Keystone Cops caliber detective work and another of De Palma's copy and paste Hitchcock plot twists. And then there's Margot Kidder doing that facking awful Quebecois accent. 

Edited by doublename
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