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under the skin was 10x better than this and 10x more subtle.

you just fucked up

Again I’m with juice. Didn’t even like UTS that much but it was fucking miles past Annihilation in terms of quality and just plain enjoying the film. Anni was just bad, with little redeeming qualities for me to understand how it has any fans. Art sure is subjective, my dudes.

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under the skin was 10x better than this and 10x more subtle.

you just fucked up

Again I’m with juice. Didn’t even like UTS that much but it was fucking miles past Annihilation in terms of quality and just plain enjoying the film. Anni was just bad, with little redeeming qualities for me to understand how it has any fans. Art sure is subjective, my dudes.

yeah i don't get it. didn't feel "instilled with dread."



just annoyed with the characters and bad production. that whole "we have two working theories" bit... seriously? these people are supposed to be smart? it was like watching scientists walk up to the eggs in prometheus too look inside. the bear thing lol


this track is hella dank tho



i didn't love under the skin or anything but i definitely enjoyed it and would watch it again



Art sure is subjective, my dudes.
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Harry Potter is and always has been garbage


BULLSHIITE! Well maybe a little...  Nostalgia factor was huge for me with the original stuff.  Still watch it here and there to this day. 


The new Fantastic Beasts was wretched, and this one looks worse.

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Magnolia. Gave this a solid 10 back in 2000. Haven't seen it for about 15 years so was anticipating being disappointed but it was probably even better than I remember it. 11/10


Annihilation. Watched this right after Magnolia. Pretty boring stuff. Hoped it would end sooner than it did. 3 nineties rave flyers out of 10

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if it wasn't for the last half an hour i wouldn't give a fuck about anihilation, the mandelbulb thingie was rad and the humanoid too, indeed it is a shame that the whole aesthetic of the movie is ugly as hell... it was almost always sunset lol and the fx used for it were atrocious, the burned whites, the overall colour tone, bleh, disgusting... i liked the philosophic mambo jumbo that it implied without saying too much though...

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I liked Annihilation, the cheap looking visual effects kind of undermine the movie though, really took me out of it at times. Oh well.

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I'm also pretty good at watching bad movies, and I love simple/crappy effects, but half-assed attempts at realistic cgi always bug me. This movie had ye olde syfy-channel look at times, but I guess the first two thirds of the film were pretty in line with that stuff, only with better acting and directing. 

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how you guys suspend your disbelief


I don't think they do. All analytical all of the time.


Reminds me of the Red Dwarf Back To Reality episode




Hang on a minute! Are you ... are you seriously telling me you were playing

the pratt version of Rimmer for all that time? For four years?! Wow,

that's a classic that is! That's a classic!

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what is good cgi anymore for you guys? I thought this movie looked incredible throughout. 

CGI that makes me realize it's CGI is bad CGI.


I can watch Avengers (or lots of stuff) and know that obviously Iron Man flying around punching bad guys is CGI but if it doesn't LOOK like it, then I'm alright. In Annihilation, almost every creature, shimmer lighting effect, glass trees, the whole fucking lot, it all looked like CGI to me, immediately. Every damned shot of all those 'set piece' moments, takes me right out of the experience. To be clear, that alone isn't enough to make me dislike a movie, though it's actually getting pretty rampant (I'm assuming these filmmakers are going for cheap CGI farms from the east maybe? never looked into). The movie sucked anyway, even if the CGI had been amazing...but when the climax of your movie is literally dependent upon the CGI set and characters and so forth, you'd better nail that shit. They didn't.

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what is good cgi anymore for you guys? I thought this movie looked incredible throughout. 

CGI that makes me realize it's CGI is bad CGI.


I can watch Avengers (or lots of stuff) and know that obviously Iron Man flying around punching bad guys is CGI but if it doesn't LOOK like it, then I'm alright. In Annihilation, almost every creature, shimmer lighting effect, glass trees, the whole fucking lot, it all looked like CGI to me, immediately. Every damned shot of all those 'set piece' moments, takes me right out of the experience. To be clear, that alone isn't enough to make me dislike a movie, though it's actually getting pretty rampant (I'm assuming these filmmakers are going for cheap CGI farms from the east maybe? never looked into). The movie sucked anyway, even if the CGI had been amazing...but when the climax of your movie is literally dependent upon the CGI set and characters and so forth, you'd better nail that shit. They didn't.



i dunno man, I never thought once "oh man this is CGI!" it was more like "iTS A FUCKING BEAR" or "wtf are there plants coming out of her arms"


but yeah those dismal marvel movies sure don't look fake as fuck (they do)

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Which bit was edgy? He was talking about the cgi?

yeah, the cgi, there's no need to use such fx such as those horrible sunsets, glows, saturated whites, color tones in general... it's all post, and it's horrible in my book... i can bear a bear that doesn't look real... no pun intended... Edited by THIS IS MICHAEL JACKSON
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