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29 minutes ago, Nebraska said:


this film was so bad i got second hand embarrassment more times than should be normal.

the kid on the cover lives on an army base where his dad is a fighter pilot. during some "mission" he's captured in a "shithole" country and america isn't going to do anything about it due to diplomatic relations b.s. so it's up to that kid to take matters into his own hand. so he learns how to fly an F-16, finds out where his dad is being held and gets all the necessary maps and ammo to get his father out. in three days. because that's how long his dad has. 

this film spawned  a series of 4 films all of which bombed

It is very likely I watched this thing when I was a kid, I have some vague memories of it. It might even be I took it unironically for real, like "wow, what a story!"

It's like when I first saw Hotshots. Me being all crazy about jet fighters, I thought it was seriously amazing; all the puns and jokes just flew right over my naive head (pun intended, sorry).

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On 6/7/2022 at 5:43 PM, cichlisuite said:

It is very likely I watched this thing when I was a kid, I have some vague memories of it. It might even be I took it unironically for real, like "wow, what a story!"

It's like when I first saw Hotshots. Me being all crazy about jet fighters, I thought it was seriously amazing; all the puns and jokes just flew right over my naive head (pun intended, sorry).

I was made about jets as a kid, especially after seeing Top Gun. I'd play the game religiously on the spectrum, try and do the air break maneuver a la Maverick. Now that's what I call pod racing. 



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4 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Some of these planes look too small to fit into. 80s posters, lol


they actually used israeli fighter planes because the .us has a policy against working on films with their own jets

56 minutes ago, YELLOW said:

Really enjoyed this one. Somewhere between grounded and absurdist, with some interesting set pieces. Tight 88 minutes


that's a great film. the johnnie's restaurant in the film is still on miracle mile though it's now used as a campaign HQ or something



this was a seriously nasty piece of work. there is no redeeming value at all as it's just a catalogue of depravity filmed with very little context and documenting hellishly grotesque rituals filmed in eye-watering close up detail. exploitation to the nth degree

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1 hour ago, Nebraska said:



this was a seriously nasty piece of work. there is no redeeming value at all as it's just a catalogue of depravity filmed with very little context and documenting hellishly grotesque rituals filmed in eye-watering close up detail. exploitation to the nth degree


Yeah, there is no way that sex change patient lived / was alive.

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5 hours ago, Shimon_Shimon said:

I was made about jets as a kid, especially after seeing Top Gun. I'd play the game religiously on the spectrum, try and do the air break maneuver a la Maverick. Now that's what I call pod racing. 



Have you played Falcon 4.0 too?  It was quite an amazing simulator which I played way too much back in the days. The flight model and physics were very accurate, and missions were part of a theater-level operations, and were dynamically generated. It was quite buggy, but who cares lol. Falcon 4.0 BMS was a refurbished successor with many fixes, however, soon after was DCS announced which, coupled with VR goggles, is as good as it can get. I can never find enough time now to play it, not to mention buying VR or HOTAS systems - too expensive.

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On 6/9/2022 at 7:29 PM, cichlisuite said:

Have you played Falcon 4.0 too?  It was quite an amazing simulator which I played way too much back in the days. The flight model and physics were very accurate, and missions were part of a theater-level operations, and were dynamically generated. It was quite buggy, but who cares lol. Falcon 4.0 BMS was a refurbished successor with many fixes, however, soon after was DCS announced which, coupled with VR goggles, is as good as it can get. I can never find enough time now to play it, not to mention buying VR or HOTAS systems - too expensive.

No, not played that, though it does look familiar. I'm tempted to get back into gaming, so will be checking if there's anything new worth playing, I'm totally out of the loop. 


Rewatched Frankie & Johnny the other night. Two lost and lonely people working in a NYC diner fall in love... Johnny's (Pacino) approach would probably see him sacked, and cancelled, in today's climate. He's a bit much. Pfeiffer is great in this.

Always had a soft spot for this film. Came out a year before Scent of a Woman, another good film (IMO), though it was the starting point of Pacino's long and difficult struggle with Hoo-Ha-itus. May God have mercy on his soul. 



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On 6/9/2022 at 8:05 AM, Shimon_Shimon said:

I was made about jets as a kid, especially after seeing Top Gun. I'd play the game religiously on the spectrum, try and do the air break maneuver a la Maverick. Now that's what I call pod racing. 



I remember playing the NES version, you got to fly the space shuttle on the final level, lol

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So I just saw everything everywhere all at once.


Left me with some deep thoughts like:

Is the phenomenon where a good chunk of the theater feels like everything they see on screen is hilarious even if it's clearly not meant to be a joke, universal? Or does it only happen where I reside? Please someone confirm.

Also, why does it ruin my experience? Why do I care if people around me find something hilarious when I don't, aside from the fact that it takes me away from the 'experience', why does it irritate me? Am I that much of a bitter asshat?

Otherwise great film, gave me Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind vibes, wish I could see it again for the first time.

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this was one of those really bizarre experiments where nikkatsu thought blending erotica and super natural horror was a good idea. instead of it's an awkward confusing mess. some parts are really good- but there's a lot dedicated to explaining the backstory which ends up making this a very different film from the one they intended to make.

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This was surprisingly cute, it’s basically a side-sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit? although they don’t explicitly state that it takes place in Toon Town, the writing is literally everywhere. This is an updated, modern version of Toon Town that looks a lot like L.A. The movie mixes different forms of animation in every scene, against the backdrop of real world actors and locations. If you grew up in the hand drawn era of Disney, and movies like Pete’s Dragon, or watched the Disney Afternoon cartoons in the 80s and 90s, you’ll get it.


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My friend’s girlfriend is obsessed with musicals and has been begging us to watch Dear Evan Hansen for forever. I absolutely despise musicals and has been a strong opponent to this idea. 

Then a couple of weeks ago I got a brilliant idea: I decided to redo the sound design for Dear Evan Hansen and re-edit parts of the movie it to make it watchable.

I made seamless transitions into scenes from Saving Private Ryan, tracked weird parts of the main character’s face and body, made awkward zooms, added extra instruments that are playing in the wrong key and so on and so on. 

It took me about 3 nights to redo it and I almost pissed myself while working on it.

So last night we all got together and I was like, "Ok, let's fucking watch Dear Evan Hansen" and I put on my version of the film and didn’t tell anyone. 
After two quick transitions to people getting shot and blown up my friends were like, “What a crazy decision to buy the rights to add scenes from Saving Private Ryan". They actually fucking believed it was part of the film. My friend’s girlfriend was totally sucked into the film and didn’t say a word.

I started to panic, because she was really into the movie and a couple of minutes away was a not so subtle scene from Saving Private Ryan. I didn't want to piss her off completely, so I made an excuse about the audio being out of sync and said "let me just restart the film" and then put on the correct version of the film.

This was one of the transitions


I’ll post more of them later today. 

After we were done watching it I asked them if they didn’t think those clips from Saving Private Ryan were weird and then told them what I had done. Everyone except my friend’s girlfriend loved it. 

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Jerry & Marge Go Large - Somewhat interesting true story, in what must be the whitest town in America. Bland direction & cinematography. 

Father of the Bride (2022) - A (4th) Miami LatinX adaptation of the original book. No jokes, a lot of arguing over caveman notions of masculinity. 

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i thought this was terrible. it seemed almost like a more emotional parody of james bond just soaked in terrible flat lighting and sterile production design and A LOT of cliche writing (the bad guy talks slowly and maniacally because he's a methodical maniac and that's just how they all talk)

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i wish this was an episode of an anthology titled 'crimes of the future' because that way, maybe cronenberg can explore this "future" world rather than just giving us a hint of it's existence like he did with this film.

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2 hours ago, Nebraska said:


i wish this was an episode of an anthology titled 'crimes of the future' because that way, maybe cronenberg can explore this "future" world rather than just giving us a hint of it's existence like he did with this film.

Overall, did you like it though? 

I just rewatched The Fly to get my Cronenburg Legs back under me before watching this one, May queue it up this weekend...

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2 hours ago, T3551ER said:

Overall, did you like it though? 

i thought it was "okay". had some nice calls backs to his previous features and seemed to exist somewhere in the fleshy ExistenZ or Videodrome bodyhorror universe, but i personally enjoyed those other two films much more than this one. 

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