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Watched MaXXXine or stinky poo poo as we like to call it in my house

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10 hours ago, Silent Member said:

Watched MaXXXine or stinky poo poo as we like to call it in my house

Oh, so a bit better than X and Pearl?


Why do people like those movies?
"Erhmagawd, she just keeps smiling during the credits!! AMAZING!"

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Longlegs was the biggest disappointment of the year for me. Kudos to the cinematographer and the marketing department, but there was truly not much else here...
Garbage story. Was not buying a second of Nic Cage's performance. Dial that shit back about 50%, Nick.

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On 8/16/2024 at 2:13 PM, Squee said:

Oh, so a bit better than X and Pearl?


Why do people like those movies?
"Erhmagawd, she just keeps smiling during the credits!! AMAZING!"

it's normie to be into "horror" now.

I once had a conversation with a girl who was watching Jason X (lol) and talking about what a big horror head she was and how "the kills [in Jason X] were so good". then she asked me what I liked and I said Cronenberg, j-horror, whatever. I started enthusing about Cronenberg Jr and Possessor, which was my favourite movie of that year, and I described the opening scene with that character doing her wordless emotional self-calibration, which immediately puts hooks into the viewer and sets the tone for the film. I said I found that kind of emotional/cerebral angle more appealing. she found my description of that scene unnerving and disturbing and said she didn't know if she could watch that. as people were being splatted onscreen in Jason X.

so yeah, meaningless spectacle horror for idiots is a rich vein to mine, and it's why some of these movies succeed.

Edited by usagi
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On 8/12/2024 at 3:08 AM, J3FF3R00 said:

It didn’t help that three teenagers movie-hopped into the theater about 10 minutes in and proceeded to cough loudly, laugh, shine flashlights, make animal sounds and take flash photos of the screen, throughout.
 I ratted them out to security who asked me if they had tickets! Wtf?? Dude. That’s your job, not mine. I said “I have no idea” so he just came in for a stroll and left, doing absolutely zero.
The kids started up again for 20 more minutes or so so I had to go out again but this time I told a custodian lady who got the job done and the kids were ejected. I almost asked for my money back. 

I am fucking done going to the movies.

There's only one cinema I bother going to now and it's full of old people who don't utter a word throughout the entire film.

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I really wanted to like this but found if excruciating. Almost every shot is  an hand-held, extreme close up (far too many of which were of people’s mouths chewing food loudly, for some godforsaken reason) and the editing is super fast. It feels like the director was trying to do their version of some late 60s Hollywood New Wave film but without a narrative reason for employing all of these “experimental” film techniques. Tonally, it was a bit like the graduate meets Harold and Maude meets a casavettes movie but only as a perverted emulation/imitation.

the script would have been interesting without all of the nonsensical formal choices except the characters made zero sense. I knew 5 minutes in that this movie was going to make me angry and I stuck with it (nearly suffering an anxiety attack), against my better judgement, and the film never got better.

Visually, looked like total shit, as well. Apparently it was shot on 16mm (again, probably to emulate some 60s movie), but it was poorly lit, resulting in a very low budget, 1990s student-film quality, in a bad way. 

This film surprisingly has a very good score on rotten tomatoes. All of those critics are out of their minds.

I should have seen Alien: Romulus but my wife wanted to see this one.
She hated it, too. 

Edited by J3FF3R00
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I just watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the second time. It was much better than I remembered and I finished them in two days. 

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This gem has a lotta heart and nails the washed out nostalgic horror vibe. It would have been more effective as a short film with the talking heads edited out. Still, something I'd have on in the background while making a track or weirding out visitors. 

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9 hours ago, YEK said:

I just watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the second time. It was much better than I remembered and I finished them in two days. 

extended or regular versions? i’ve recently watched the 1st two extended & wow they’re long, but not much obvious fluff, surprisingly.

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4 hours ago, auxien said:

extended or regular versions? i’ve recently watched the 1st two extended & wow they’re long, but not much obvious fluff, surprisingly.

Ugh, regular. 3 hour long movies are good enough. 

Edited by YEK
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On 7/28/2024 at 12:03 PM, lyst said:

I want to see the new horror flick "Oddity", trailer looked good and has good numbers on Rotten.  But it's not playing anywhere by me and only a cam version is online.  Anyone check it out yet?


I finally saw this as it's now on streaming services.  Pretty good!! One or two parts get a little cheesy but majority of the movie is creepy and suspensful horror.

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Rewatched Solaris (1972 obviously) and I had wild doppelganger dreams all night afterward, it's been on my mind all week since. One of my all time favorites, such an incredibly beautiful, compelling film. I wish more science fiction could be this good.

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2 hours ago, Nebraska said:


wife wanted to watch this. big mistake.

kudos to hartnett for really giving it all but this was just toilet

I've never seen a weirder directed movie. Everyone acted as if they had filmed their scenes separately, and Shyamalan's daughter as the singer was so amateurish that I found it hard to look at the screen.

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Criterion Channel is such a breath of fresh air when it comes to streaming services. Just tons of great movies and a reasonable price. Even some bonus features. I know I'd be better off buying physical copies of everything but I can't afford it and this has been a really great way to catch up on a bunch of classics. And it's just so refreshing browsing a streaming app that's totally curated based on quality and not quantity.

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All Hallows’ Eve (2013)

hands-down the worst movie I’ve ever witnessed in my life. There really isn’t a case to be made for watching it under any circumstances unless it’s for the academic purpose of studying precisely what doesn’t work in filmmaking. Don’t watch it. I’m ashamed I did and even more ashamed I actually finished it. 

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