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Maybe it's meant to be like he was just a shit brother that the rest of the siblings hated so was never part of their group, and just inherited the job out of necessity

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Maybe it's meant to be like he was just a shit brother that the rest of the siblings hated so was never part of their group, and just inherited the job out of necessity

Meh, that's a hokey shoe-horn.


But under the circumstances, I shouldn't grumble.

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Well it kinda makes sense. If all the other brothers are gone then he had to take over. He makes a point of saying it's been in the family for 50 odd years.


My favourite new character is still the 119 junkie mom. I keep hearing her sqwarky voice in my head... One one niiiinneeee

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Anyone else notice the weird flickering windows on the jet? Thought it was just due to reflections but looks like they were digitally scrubbed out.



yes. i noticed this. 

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Anyone else notice the weird flickering windows on the jet? Thought it was just due to reflections but looks like they were digitally scrubbed out.



More here: https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6ig4l1/s3e7_disappearing_fbi_jet_windows_at_2127/


Are people really entertaining the idea that the disappearing window glitch is a message for viewers to play the melody on flute, which will reveal Windom Earle's theme??? 

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I love that Cole was apparently whistling a Rammstein tune

Ha I thought this too, I know Lynch directed one of their videos but still felt like I'd imagined it.

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Really - wow wild I couldn't make that out at all, with the wobbly-tremolo notes I assumed it was some sort of Native American calling-signal type whistle

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lol that 1 1 9 thing has been stuck in my head too! God I love this show, will be sad when it's all over.

couldn't stop laughing at how she was already at the bottom of another bottle of pills yelling for help by the time the police managed to get around to investigating the several bodies next door. 


Really - wow wild I couldn't make that out at all, with the wobbly-tremolo notes I assumed it was some sort of Native American calling-signal type whistle

sounded a bit like `waltz of the flowers` to me. (the full blossom of the evening, the blue roses, etc) 


btw, didn't Jacques Renault die in the original TP? Because now he's answering the phone in the Roadhouse - or at least I think that's the same actor.

this scene was easily one of my favorite of the series so far. all of the disparate elements being gathered up in preparation for the second half. the revelation of a very matter of fact underaged human trafficking ring in twin peaks in combination with a wholly unnecessary few minutes of a guy sweeping up dirt to green onions + the broom spin right at the end. perfect.




fuck you, tammy


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