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Death Grips broke up lol


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So "cunt" is alright to call an established member, but "read the fucking rules" to a person who just made their first post and that post happened to be telling us what we can/cannot post in a thread, gets me a shaming.


Jesus tapdancing christ that's backwards.

read the fucking rules.



fixed that for you! :emotawesomepm9:

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So "cunt" is alright to call an established member, but "read the fucking rules" to a person who just made their first post and that post happened to be telling us what we can/cannot post in a thread, gets me a shaming.


Jesus tapdancing christ that's backwards.

read the fucking rules.



fixed that for you! :emotawesomepm9:







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no one is a cunt, i am removing any posts in this thread that continue with the personal attacks. Because they are pointless juvenile pile ons for the purpose of fashion and self aggrandisation.



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Never actually listened to them. Once saw them live on stage, had no idea who they were, thought "wtf is this shit?" and walked past. :cisfor:


This post really had no point. If you like them, fine by me. Didn't seem like something I'd enjoy.

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Guest skibby


why do topics always turn into a place full of comments by folks too lazy to create new topics?




Ironic that you should post this as it is not on topic. You should have started a new topic to post this.



i was quoted out of context, by that same logic you could also invoke godwins law.


the original quote is as follows:




why do topics always turn into a place full of comments by folks too lazy to create new topics?


anyway about death grips, so sad, so sorry this band broke up, so final, irreversible.


just heard of them for the first time in this thread and im already mourning. not really.


its clear that i've become the true victim of Death Grips having broken up, an object of ridicule, a target of mobbing.



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Note to posters


This whole 'cunt' debacle is over. I will remove anything else that is written in this vein and that isn't part of or an extension from your funeral procession for this band.

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that's pretty brutal

what didn't you like about it?

I guess his kind of music just doesn't work well in a live setting for me. He was up there looking uninterested playing some tracks at the audience. Like... "Meh, I'm here guys". It just didn't seem necessary to see live at all. But this is what I think about most electronic music of the watmm variety. One notable exception being the Ufabulum tour.


There's just no way it can be as engaging as seeing a band like Swans, or Dinosaur Jr or even Dr. Dog(one of the most fun live bands I've seen which I did not expect.) I dunno. I just want a bit more fun with my live music. I can sit and contemplate by myself in my room I don't get off my ass to do that in a crowd.


Which is why only a band like Dillinger Escape Plan can replace Death Grips in this particular situation.

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fair enough. sounds like you haven't seen ae live though ;)

Oh I did I saw them after Quaristice came out. Much more booty shakin. Gotta check for the set on here because I remember it being like hearing one of my favorite albums by them but only one time.

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Death Grips have been replaced in the NIN / Soundgarden tour by Oneohtrix Point Never, Dillinger Escape Plan or Cold Cave, depending on your city






I like Dillinger Escape Plan, but I would much prefer to see Cold Cave, but since I live in Georgia, I guess I have no choice if I decide to go to this show after all.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Gravity

lol, i'm surprised that there seem to be nin fans completely weirded out by OPN's tunes. considering how varied trent's output is, you'd think they'd be used to stuff like that. maybe lots are just into his heavy tunes.

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