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while we are sort of on that topic. what does she say con circlon "nadoshdy"? it sounds so cool..and kind of sad to..I get goosebumps when I hear it.

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while we are sort of on that topic. what does she say con circlon "nadoshdy"? it sounds so cool..and kind of sad to..I get goosebumps when I hear it.


yes i'm wondering that too, that part is beautiful, i must say

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Yeah, come on, don't post pictures of his family...


it wouldnt be the first thing that i'd run and do. however, it is interesting that someone randomly posts that and we instantly accept it as reality and react like we got aphex' back like bros. as if she is his bicycle that he left unlocked while he ran into the corner store.

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So when can there be Youtube videos uploaded so I can share this on social media? I gotta get some justification for all these years of me talking about how good it's going to be.

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Only given it a couple of listens since it arrived this morning. Pretty heavy going for the most part, I suppose I've always liked the fact that his past records alternate between relatively 'light'/'melody-driven' tracks and more hectic ones, whereas this is pretty dense start to finish. Wouldn't have minded an Alberto Balsalm or a Fingerbib in there, or some more piano stuff maybe. More stuff that's straight up heart-string tugging. But that's my taste through and through.


What is there, however, is wonderful. Not a bad track on there... produk 29, syro and aisatsana are the three that really stood out to me so far, but definitely solid start to finish. I love the gradual change in mood on the title track, brilliantly done.


Going to take a lot of listens to properly get my head around it, I think. Which is going to be difficult alongside the new FSOL and the recent / forthcoming stuff from Opal Tapes and a bunch of other things I've recently bought... too much music, not enough time!

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while we are sort of on that topic. what does she say con circlon "nadoshdy"? it sounds so cool..and kind of sad to..I get goosebumps when I hear it.

it's very kind form to address to socks. "lovely socks" will be closest i guess. it's kinda hilarious if your russian

Нааааасоооочки !

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to put it another way, even the most hermity of the hermit recluse artists throughout modern history have at least several photos taken of them. Its probably sexist for us to argue whether this obviously public photo ought or ought not to be in the public.



Mmm, may I say Steinvord?

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Why do people order multiple formats of the same album? Must be nice to have so much disposable income.

It's really nice. I got stopped on the street by a girl looking for people to sponsor kids in developing countries, donate some $, write letters back and forth so I did it a little bit out of the kindness of my own heart and a little bit so I could tell an 11 year old kid from Ghana about aphex.

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