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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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i was all around downtown la skating yesterday & saw many people smoking joints while walking down the street. one young man even had a camera crew filming him as he walked down 7th street, smoking his drugs like a madman. if only they had the decency of every bum with a tent on skid row / freeway-bridge. hotbox that shit like a gentleman.. ur really gonna walk around, wind blowing all crazy n shit, smoking that joint you just carefully rolled. shame.

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Good, now the USA should follow suit. Its absolute hogwash that alcohol has such a strangle-hold on the world and cannabis has been stigmatized to the point of near eradication.


I don't really see the big deal, it's money for guvmt to spend on stuff and taxes to come in, plus it creates jobs... not too many things left to stomp money out of now-a-days, may as well make a market for weed and stop ignoring it already exists everywhere illegally.


I'd like to see the same in the UK too but ayy lmao.


At least that ridiculous substances bill was postponed.

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I spent a good few years almost permanently stoned but I can't touch it these days, generally one night's smoking leads to about a week's worth of anxiety attacks now. It used to have odd effects on me anyway, I couldn't enjoy electronic music when high, I'd just sit there and pick it all apart. I almost ruined SAW85-92 and Lifeforms for myself by just hearing all the synth lines, drum loops, samples etc. for what they were rather than hearing a fully formed track. I think my brain is better off sober, hah.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Does anyone here have experience using live resin? a chemist friend of mine is pressing some shatter for me, but is also raving about Terp Kingz products which run about $70/gram I believe. Some nice gummy bears & hash pops are floating around my home town as well, so planning a stoney vacation soon :happy:

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Does anyone here have experience using live resin? a chemist friend of mine is pressing some shatter for me, but is also raving about Terp Kingz products which run about $70/gram I believe. Some nice gummy bears & hash pops are floating around my home town as well, so planning a stoney vacation soon :happy:


Live Resin is pretty lush, it can really have a positive impact on the flavor assuming the product is vac-purged properly. I prefer fine-micron dry sift and non-solvent hashes if I'm going to go down the hash route. Once you start having to use closed loop hydrocarbon extraction units you taint the spirit of the plant IMO.


If your chemist friend is pressing something he's making rosin. Shatter is extracted and produced differently. Rosin utilizes heat and pressure to extract, BHO/CO2 utilizes solvent(s) and vacuum ovens to purge the material of any leftover nasties.


70/g is insane - it costs most concentrate producers much less than 5/g to produce it once everything is paid for. Extraction dudes are some of the richest in the biz...

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I wish I could get the perfect effect of marijuna in a tincture. Each drop would just be like floating on a boat on a perfect lake of dreamy mushy lushness.


Can't be dealing with smoking unfiltered shit into my lungs. Don't want to buy some industrial scale grown, chemically infused skunk from a fucking useless wanker scum bag. And can't be bothered with buying one of those fancy things that you can smoke it with. Mmm sometimes I wish I could just buy a lovely refreshing ice lollipop infused with the magic herb.


I guess because I've always been in love with the taste and flavor of beer and social aspect of drinking, weed has always come a poor second. Sometimes I think I should just chill with the green goblin instead of the beer monster.


Just lick the green goodness of gobbledygook and get the tunes on. Yeah.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder if they've got the sack to name specific prescription drugs that are actually gateway drugs.

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I wish I could get the perfect effect of marijuna in a tincture. Each drop would just be like floating on a boat on a perfect lake of dreamy mushy lushness.


Can't be dealing with smoking unfiltered shit into my lungs. Don't want to buy some industrial scale grown, chemically infused skunk from a fucking useless wanker scum bag. And can't be bothered with buying one of those fancy things that you can smoke it with. Mmm sometimes I wish I could just buy a lovely refreshing ice lollipop infused with the magic herb.


I guess because I've always been in love with the taste and flavor of beer and social aspect of drinking, weed has always come a poor second. Sometimes I think I should just chill with the green goblin instead of the beer monster.


Just lick the green goodness of gobbledygook and get the tunes on. Yeah.



gave up booze a few years ago and not looked back with any pangs of sore headed regrets, yet


as much as a pure 1-skin hits the spot (Brits and their baccy joints need serious revision btw), i find a vape or maybe 2 of some well-sourced flower power to be ideal evening accompaniments. You can make a gram last 4/5 nights and if you then feel the need to blaze 1, the weekend & certain mountain walking plots are well placed for the deeper immersion in that spectrum of chemicals.


its the criminal market that underpins all kinds of wank that makes itself available & is then sold as a catch-all "cheese" variety (even though it could be 1 of hundreds of strains/combos), but if you source extensively Britain has a cracking shrubbery market in most areas. Cannabis Clubs are everywhere now too.


but if its a pint you prefer then who am i to say "no, do this instead", its more the British love affair with alcohol that rubs me the wrong way these days, especially if you've seen close friends spiral into chronic alcoholism & early deaths. Truly grotesque ways to end your days.


edit: but = tunes on and getting creative..... hell yeah

Edited by cwmbrancity
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Man the wheels are churning EVER SO SLOWLY for the legalization of hash. But they're are for sure turning

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Marijuana is a nightmare hall of terrors for me. I've never been able to manage it well but I connected with this stoner chick and decided to give it one last try. I only took 2 hits but I entered into 3 hours or so of the worst dread. Time stood still and I was convinced that I was never going to come back from it. I told her that it was a bad trip, put on Rhubarb and went to bed. The next day, my palms were still sweaty and I couldn't shake the anxiety for 2 days afterwards. Some brains just aren't made for it I guess. I know the argument of picking the right strain and indicas vs sativas et al. but I don't want to risk going down that psychosis rabbit hole again. I don't think any positive experience could outweigh the risk of those bad trips.




I learned the hard way that size and number of hits are critical without a tolerance to the herb. I've had a number of panic attacks from the stuff. Thing is, it might seem like a small amount just taking 2 hits but the size of puff can fool you. The tiniest bit will get induce a pretty strong high without a tolerance at all.


My last panic attack was recent. My friend has a huge bong and I took what I thought was a single modest hit from it. Granted, I also had drank way too much coffee that day so was already feeling a bit jittery. My mind went off the deep end and I thought my heart was pumping erratically. I freaked the fuck out and lost complete feeling in my hands and legs. I called the dispatch in a paranoid frenzy and she sent the ambulance. They ended up dropping me off at the nearest hospital. It was fucking embarrassing.


In hindsight I realized what i'd done. Broke my own rule again.. It never seems like much until the high grows strong.


I take a SINGLE hit that is SMALL VOLUME when I don't have a tolerance anymore, like after giving up smoking for a while. And not a single hit on a bong.. Just a small pipe or something. I did this a month later after the panic attack and had a great high with no problems that lasted through the night. I felt completely fine the whole time.

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Marijuana is a nightmare hall of terrors for me. I've never been able to manage it well but I connected with this stoner chick and decided to give it one last try. I only took 2 hits but I entered into 3 hours or so of the worst dread. Time stood still and I was convinced that I was never going to come back from it. I told her that it was a bad trip, put on Rhubarb and went to bed. The next day, my palms were still sweaty and I couldn't shake the anxiety for 2 days afterwards. Some brains just aren't made for it I guess. I know the argument of picking the right strain and indicas vs sativas et al. but I don't want to risk going down that psychosis rabbit hole again. I don't think any positive experience could outweigh the risk of those bad trips.



I have a vape capsule of mostly CBD (only 3% THC), and it works great. Helps me sleep and I don't get any of the rabbit hole bullshit where I forget what I was thinking about by the end of every sentence.

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I'm so desensitized to cannabis at this point. Not to say it doesn't have effect on me - it does, I don't smoke that much now-a-days. But having worked in 'the industry' for the past 4 years or so - I've seen and worked in indoor gardens that were as big as a football field. I've personally ran gardens that could pump out 15 pounds every 9 weeks. At the shop I managed/partially owned we'd see 6 pounds walk out the door easily in the span of 6-7 days. I could see a 20lb pile of frosted chunks of awesomeness and just go 'I've seen more'... It's like someone who needs the weirdest porn to get off...


Seeing people pay upwards of 20$ a gram in these recreational stores is mind-blowing to me as for wholesale it's around 3.50-4$ max per gram at the very most. Those cats are making money hand over fist!


Talking with out of state friends and out of country friends - they're always blown away by that stuff, but it's just become commonplace and once the legal stigma is lifted, it's just a fuckin' flower

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