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Social Media's Effects On Our Minds & Lives


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4 hours ago, decibal cooper said:

Where is Chris Morris when we need him? The satire potential here and for so many online trends is incredibly ripe imo

I smell a Jack Dangers album

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7 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

Traditional Sandwich


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14 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

Traditional Sandwich

also, Go Make Me A Subliminal Sandwich

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12 hours ago, prdctvsm said:


It’s pretty wild how conservatives brand themselves as a revolutionary movement currently. Never heard of this before. I wonder how this even works. Not many people are able to provide for two people with one job especially in a larger city with high rents. found this image while researching this topic:



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some interesting stats on social media usage across the planet - https://datareportal.com/social-media-users


Detailed analysis by the team at Kepios shows that there were 5.07 billion social media users around the world at the start of April 2024, equating to 62.6 percent of the total global population.


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9 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

been watching you for quite a while now

settle down now, mkay

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On 5/3/2024 at 8:16 AM, decibal cooper said:

Where is Chris Morris when we need him? The satire potential here and for so many online trends is incredibly ripe imo

I think he’s given up. Satire can’t even begin to touch the insanity that is going on in the US and elsewhere in the “alt-right”.

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They're not banning tiktok cause it's dumb or cause of Chinese interest are they. I work in edu and see a) a lot of kids ruining their lives on social media but b) it's a threat to the status quo so ultimately I'm alright with it. 

The last half year has laid it all out there. 


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10 minutes ago, Crazing said:

They're not banning tiktok cause it's dumb or cause of Chinese interest are they. I work in edu and see a) a lot of kids ruining their lives on social media but b) it's a threat to the status quo so ultimately I'm alright with it. 

The last half year has laid it all out there. 


YouTube shorts and instagram reels still offer the same functionality. It’s just successful lobbying by zuck and google as they are not able to beat the platform anymore 

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Posted (edited)

Makes me laugh. My best mate (friends since nursery school) cunt of a wife is always posting up fucking numbskulled, pathetic, childish, corny quotes about friendship. Every fucking week they turn up. This is the same fucking cunt who made it her absolute number 1 priority in life to make sure good old Chris was seperated from his best friends. I've seen him once in a decade. And check this out. When she found out he was down the pub with me and Matthew, she refused to pick him up from the pub, told him not to get a taxi and made him walk back to the hotel. Don't get me wrong I don't spend time investigating all this shit or dwelling on it, just an observation I made this morning. Apart from her I find FB pretty boring to be honest, just middle aged folk with pictures of their cats or birthdays with their family. All pretty harmless stuff. It's really good for my fishing clubs as you are constantly 'in the know' with what's going on, on the bank, river/lake conditions, working parties and club politics and helping new members. On the whole Facebook serves me well in that respect.


Edited by beerwolf
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11 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

Makes me laugh. My best mate (friends since nursery school) cunt of a wife is always posting up fucking numbskulled, pathetic, childish, corny quotes about friendship. Every fucking week they turn up. This is the same fucking cunt who made it her absolute number 1 priority in life to make sure good old Chris was seperated from his best friends. I've seen him once in a decade. And check this out. When she found out he was down the pub with me and Matthew, she refused to pick him up from the pub, told him not to get a taxi and made him walk back to the hotel. 


Friedrich Nietzsche - It is not a lack of love, but a lack...

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Problem is that life now is just a rehearsal for social media. One of the kids I taught became a content creator and moved to l.a The school was all like but he's missing school and what about his attendance and grades. I'm thinking but the only reason u exist is to make him mr money bags and he's that at 15 so job done. Shut it. He's passed the stupid business exam irl. Even if he is just contributing to the utter cultural shite being factoried out ad infinitum he beat the dumb marketing cnts at the school who spend more effort on social media pr than education anyway. 

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菊門  Validate em All 2029
I am John [Redacted]

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2 hours ago, Crazing said:

Problem is that life now is just a rehearsal for social media. One of the kids I taught became a content creator and moved to l.a The school was all like but he's missing school and what about his attendance and grades. I'm thinking but the only reason u exist is to make him mr money bags and he's that at 15 so job done. Shut it. He's passed the stupid business exam irl. Even if he is just contributing to the utter cultural shite being factoried out ad infinitum he beat the dumb marketing cnts at the school who spend more effort on social media pr than education anyway. 


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I remember life before the internet really got going (I was at uni in the 90s) and something just crystallised in my brain about the difference between then and now:

Back at uni we would sit around in someone's room and chat and my way of socialising was to try and say things that were either funny or interesting. Or both. So you'd talk about things you'd read or heard and try and make them interesting. So I might talk about chaos theory and how it related to global warming, or someone (say) had read Carlos Castañeda and would go on about the mystical beings he wrote about in his books. And unless you happened to stumble upon someone who was actually an expert in any particular area (say an expert in enviromental modelling or an expert in the Yaqui cultures of Mexico), you could just explore ideas in a fairly uninformed way and it was kindof fun. Like you'd take a concept from one subject and a concept from another subject and try and squash them together and see what you came up with.

But now that the worlds knowledge is at everyone's fingertips, you can't really chat in the same way. You end up kindof shrugging and saying 'well I guess I'll go and look that up later'. Because you know that any inkling of an idea you have, someone's probably written about it already in better depth than you could manage. So you can kindof go and read about that, and be better informed, but thats now a research activity, not a form of socialising. And everyone is aware of this in a way so conversations tend more towards the safe/mainstream because saying anything wild or innovative is probably going to make you look dumb unless you do loads of research up front. So unless you've got a subject that everyone has a lot of depth in, there's really not much point talking about it. I suppose 'current events' are still worth talking about because eveyone's roughly equally informed and its safer to speculate.

Now: in terms of actually understanding the world, the new post-internet way is much better. For example back at uni we all spent weeks sitting around going on about Carlos Castañeda and the Teachings of Don Juan. But five minutes googling now lets me know there's now a broad consensus that Carlos Castañeda just made all that shit up.

So we're better informed now. But actual conversations and socialising are harder, because its much harder to have a fun/interesting conversation and much easier to have a safe/boring one.

And so the way I get my social needs met has sortof split into two - my intellectual curiosity and my need to see and read hilarious things is met by the online world. And my need to have face to face conversations with people is met by having conversations with people and thats kindof nice but a lot of the conversations are boring because we can't have interesting (but naive) talking-bollocks sessions like we used to.






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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, zazen said:

So we're better informed now. But actual conversations and socialising are harder, because its much harder to have a fun/interesting conversation and much easier to have a safe/boring one.

ymmv of course but i find that it's the same as ever. there are people who can think for themselves, have "original thoughts" and there are people who are informed by some variety of mass opinions who rarely have an original thought. i still encounter plenty of people who have 'the gift of gab' and can shoot the shit about anything until my social gas tank is empty... i do wonder what the ratio of introverted vs extroverted person out there in the wild. i still am quite introverted and prefer small groups and one on one interactions.

there is in the USA a mass culture though that's of various varieties and there's still the entitled groups who are sheltered and can exist in a bubble of school -> university -> job and not really leave that bubble world. classic "never had an original thought in their lives" kind of people.  

but also, being in a diverse group there's going to be people with very different life experiences who will challenge the common narrative of a group... much to the group's annoyance some times. 

Edited by ignatius
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