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Yma Sumac was a Peruvian-American coloratura soprano. She was one of the most famous exponents of exotica music during the 1950s. ... In one live recording of "Chuncho", she sings a range of over four and a half octaves, from B2 to G♯7. She was able to sing notes in the low baritone register as well as notes above the range of an ordinary soprano. Both low and high extremes can be heard in the song "Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)" (1953). She was also apparently able to sing in a remarkable "double voice".


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Sam is far from being a world class boxing trainer from a technical perspective (holy shit at Harley’s previous trainer never even having him hit the heavy bag lol), but I think his unconventional approach may work well. He’s definitely still doing the fundamentals of knocking away and slipping the jab, reminding Harley to fight tall, and it was really good to see he had him drilling footwork and appears to value how integral that can be.

The thing is though in someone’s first fight almost all those techniques go out the fucking window when the bell rings and adrenaline kicks in. I think this is where Sam might be able to help Harley the most. It won’t be pretty, but if he can loosen up, not have mental lapses off of the breaks and employ the fundamentals under duress he should be set up for success. 
I think both guys are going into this with the understanding that the biggest opponent is the moment itself. Who better to put you into the uncomfortable and unpredictable than Sam Hyde?


Edited by Hail Sagan
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8 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:


"Excuse me, what IPAs do you have on tap?" ahaha

edit: first video is :trashbear:though

Edited by luke viia
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18 million views, 8 years old and I just watched it for the first time?! How? 


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