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The Big Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS ABOUND*


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a good, fun movie buried in here folks. but soooooooooooo much retarded shit shoehorned in for no reason. rose was a terrible character and an even worse actress. one thing i actually felt force awakens got right was casting but this was rogue one levels bad. and then the fanboy shit. egregious and inescapable. serious question: why does kathleen kennedy give a fuck about rubin farr and his troglodytic opinion of star wars? why do you have to cram in super gay "star wars feels" in terms of market cap? surely the farr pie slice is a given. a lock. no need for pandering whatsoever simply because it says star wars on the box. he was posting star wars sex toys "as a lol" a few posts back ffs. i understand having a completely pointless furry "cute" animal, ewok style, for children to buy toys over, but quite literally not 7 minutes went by without a "reference" or a "callback." and im using those terms generously. usually it was just a verbatim recitation but everyone on screen looks tired and bored. there is no reason, financial or otherwise to include this horrible "reference" shit, except in service of kotaku listicles. which i suppose have more influence than i care to admit. it's especially frustrating when there are actual moments of excitement and adventure in this movie, mostly due to acting, but also parts of the script. this "fanboy service," which is idiotically a term now, is so much more damaging to the flow, feel and tone of a film than ANY sort of "forced diversity" casting to appease lindy and other sjws. kathleen it's time to make smelly, fat reddit idiots even more annoyed: please just forget about them and make a fun movie. the biggest mistake of the internet was making them think they are cool. pickle rick.

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a good, fun movie buried in here folks. but soooooooooooo much retarded shit shoehorned in for no reason.

That's what I thought too. It felt really disjointed because of all the shit that's been cramed in it. I didn't care for anyone in this movie. Actually I don't recall feeling anything but boredom, I just remember waiting for something interesting to happen the whole time. Almost everything felt out of place and unnecessary. All the good ideas were wasted by how/when/where they were set up.



I really felt like leaving the theater during that casino planet phase. Puuuh...



To put it politely, I'd say it didn't manage to catch my interest. For two fucking hours and thirty minutes.


I kinda understand now why Mark Hamill isn't super enthusiastic about the movie.

Edited by Perezvon
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is it like TFA, in the sense that it's sort of a "homage" to eps 4-6?

No this is actually a new film, not a reboot.


It's the best Star Wars film since return of the Jedi, put that in your scale of whatever.

Edited by Gocab
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Serious question: if you went to Star Wars movies, have you seen the Transformers movies as well? Just wondering what kind of idiots throw money at this cancer. Thanks! :)


And when I refer to cancer, I also refer to the Star Wars franchise. Or rather, the entire movie franchise industry. In case you're wondering, this is for an anthropological study where I compare the cinema in the third Reich with the current franchise industry.

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is it like TFA, in the sense that it's sort of a "homage" to eps 4-6?

No this is actually a new film, not a reboot.


It's the best Star Wars film since return of the Jedi, put that in your scale of whatever.



I have a gram scale-- is that enough to contain this film's awesomeness?

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so i guess the sweet moment that lady is talking about in the tweet is when the asian girl at the beginning of the movie blows herself up? or is it when the asian girl at the end flies a ship into someone? really says all i need to know about disney that the asians in this movie both act like kamikaze pilots. representation matters!

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I came out of the theatre with mixed feelings. As time passes, I hate it more and more. I wanted to love it, but honestly, fuck Rian and fuck Disney. This was *the* Star Wars movie they had to get right (and I was honestly quite happy with TFA and Rouge One) but they totally dropped the ball on this, and there is no coming back from it.

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I just got out from this. It was very by the numbers, join the dots. It's still fun but there were many major problems for me. Can't say what as it would spoil it for those who've not seen it yet.


Here's one though. 


Luke asking what happened to Han? Like he wouldn't know - didn't feel a tremble in the force?


And that was in the first ten minutes. Cannot quite see how the (paid?) critics loved it so much.

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Also the dumpy asian chick was unnecessary. It just felt like the studio had inserted her to appeal to some new demographic - Chinese market for this is huge.. I assume we'll get some neutral gender nonsense in the next one.


I dunno, the whole movie felt flat, contrived and full of wtf nonsense. Honestly, some bits looked straight out of an 80s B-Movie. Not a multi-million dollar franchise.

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Still cringing about that scene where Leia floats back to the ship and that other one with Yoda's hologram. Jesus...  :facepalm: 




Yeah. that Leia bit was without doubt one of the worst sequences in the entire SW history. Momumental facepalm. It was like something you'd have seen in a Star Wars spoof movie directed by Mel Brooks.


Laughably bad on an entire other level.

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there were so many moments of sheer embarrassment for me. all the strong females nobly sacrificing themselves for the light. the completely tonedeaf way each scene played out, from the little twenty minute cartoon casino planet sequence that seemed like some kind of psa about animal cruelty and human trafficking in like qatar or somewhere to the yoda scene which might as well have ended with the "the more you know" logo displayed above the burning tree. the porgs sort of ironic presence, like disney is saying "had to do it, back on my bullshit" by inserting them into every scene but also sort of winking at the audience like "look how dumb merchandising is now buy these things". the leia in space scene was monumentally bad, one of the cringiest things i've ever seen in a movie. i'm sure all the rubes will write on twitter about how moved they were and how amazing the female characters are and how empowered they feel by the children's movie but disney got one over on you and they're laughing all the way to the bank with this garbage.

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