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people who don't like cats are fundamentally untrustworthy. it's always been proven to be true in my experience. you don't have to love the shit out of them, you don't have to like them more than dogs or w/e, but if you're one of those "I hate cats" types then there's something suspicious about you which I will probably discover at some point (if it isn't obvious upfront).

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people who don't like cats are fundamentally untrustworthy. it's always been proven to be true in my experience. you don't have to love the shit out of them, you don't have to like them more than dogs or w/e, but if you're one of those "I hate cats" types then there's something suspicious about you which I will probably discover at some point (if it isn't obvious upfront).

Great truth.

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I've noticed that there's a big overlap with people who like horses and people who like dogs. The people who like both also tend to have certain types of personality traits, but hard to put my finger on.. Like I talk to a person and I can say this person probably likes dogs and horses.

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I wonder if the level of fame one would achieve would be worth the learning curve of mastering the incredibly difficult over-the-shoulder technique when peeing...

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I've noticed that there's a big overlap with people who like horses and people who like dogs. The people who like both also tend to have certain types of personality traits, but hard to put my finger on.. Like I talk to a person and I can say this person probably likes dogs and horses.

yeah, values like loyalty and docility are associated with these animals. people who hold these values in high regard are a special breed. Often upper middle class centre-right oriented people with a disposition to the old fashioned. being very tame themself they like their animal companions the same way

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A workmate's pet dog had puppies and I'm going to adopt one.  It has been some time since I've had a pet dog.  I am really excited.  I hope I can handle it.  I've had dogs most of my life, but never a BIG dog.  To take an outlook on life from Bill Murray in The Life Aquatic, this is going to be an adventure.

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Sometimes I come across a certain sub-type of a dog owner that makes me think they actually need a dog as some sort of psychological compensation, like having a completely obedient follower, just for the sake of pumping up their ego. It's something off in their behavior to their dogs that just isn't that sincere... I don't know why. Like they are some sort of controlling freaks to other people as well.

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A workmate's pet dog had puppies and I'm going to adopt one.  It has been some time since I've had a pet dog.  I am really excited.  I hope I can handle it.  I've had dogs most of my life, but never a BIG dog.  To take an outlook on life from Bill Murray in The Life Aquatic, this is going to be an adventure.

what type of dog?

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I've noticed that there's a big overlap with people who like horses and people who like dogs. The people who like both also tend to have certain types of personality traits, but hard to put my finger on.. Like I talk to a person and I can say this person probably likes dogs and horses.

yeah, values like loyalty and docility are associated with these animals. people who hold these values in high regard are a special breed. Often upper middle class centre-right oriented people with a disposition to the old fashioned. being very tame themself they like their animal companions the same way



I know some that are still highly competitive and individualistic and one girl who is clearly left-wing but they still love the horses and dogs. But yeah, maybe something like that they want something that they can control and mold to act to their own will?


Cats are more like your asshole friends who you still like even with all the stupid shit they do.

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i think i had the same disease. i still looked like a 12 year old when i was 16 or something. quite tragic. especially when you're into older girls. as you're basically non-existent to them. ;)

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people do not know how to not identificate with their own subjetive thoughts. That is way wars and stupid discussions happen, people associate real emotional or physical negative energies to specific subjetive and imaginative (not real) opinions or mental constructions always in reaction to the imaginative mental subjetive outcomes of others. Because thinking is the most egoic and expansive feature of the energies we manage as humans, when we see this illusive imagination put on some confrontation by other imaginations, some of the emotionl energy is uncounciusly associated to those thoughts, generating at the end the real negative outcome in the form of some stupid abrupt or violent event. In rare chances those mental outcomes are really accurate or related almost in honest tune with the very context of reality at a particular present moment

Edited by Milwaukeeeee
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people do not know how to not identificate with their own subjetive thoughts. That is way wars and stupid discussions happen, people associate real emotional or physical negative energies to specific subjetive and imaginative (not real) opinions or mental constructions always in reaction to the imaginative mental subjetive outcomes of others. Because thinking is the most egoic and expansive feature of the energies we manage as humans, when we see this illusive imagination put on some confrontation by other imaginations, some of the emotionl energy is uncounciusly associated to those thoughts, generating at the end the real negative outcome in the form of some stupid abrupt or violent event. In rare chances those mental outcomes are really accurate or related almost in honest tune with the very context of reality at a particular present moment


I think a large part of that problem is because people generally speak, act and think in social idioms. When someone outside of recognizing that idiom hears/sees it, it can either take on another meaning or is too ambiguous to understand. Depending on the mood of the receiver, the resulting misunderstanding or confusion builds and a preventable conflict can be created. Even if the sender means entirely well.


I wish people would stop being horribly ambiguous and stop using social idioms outside of the proper social crowd. I wish we all said what we mean using words in their properly intended use. Just pay attention to your speech. It'll never happen, and it will continue to piss off my OCD as I have no idea what people are trying to say. Then they get pissed at me because it's apparently terribly obvious what they meant, despite their words meaning something else entirely.

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people who don't like cats are fundamentally untrustworthy. it's always been proven to be true in my experience. you don't have to love the shit out of them, you don't have to like them more than dogs or w/e, but if you're one of those "I hate cats" types then there's something suspicious about you which I will probably discover at some point (if it isn't obvious upfront).

Great truth.



I agree as well. To be honest, unless someone is legitimately very fearful of it or it causes a lot of trouble for them, I feel that applies to any animal.

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But I think people who like cats more than dogs can’t be trusted. Usually flaky, untrustworthy pieces of shit. Fuck cats 4 real. One time a cat ran in front of my car and died, of course. I felt no emotion but if I had hit a dog, the remorse would have been serious. But some cats are okay.

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Jesus y'all have some fucked opinions on people based on whether or not their preference of pets aligns with yours... how about you get to know them instead of thinking that there's some kind of warped psychology behind their preference? There are control-freak cat-owners and flaky dog-owners all the same. Some people love cats AND dogs, imagine that!

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