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SIGN or PLUS? Which is Better?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. SIGN or PLUS - Which Do You Prefer Over The Other?

    • SIGN
    • PLUS
    • It's like choosing between children... I cannot
    • Both are equally great
    • I didn't like either

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As much as I enjoy PLUS after living with them both for a bit can confirm SIGN is by far the better album for me.

Think as others have said SIGN is so much more cohesive as an album and think its  kinda a landmark release in the evolution of the sound, PLUS is fun but feels bit more like random collection of (awesome) tracks and don't think it brings much new to the Ae party..but fuck me its still an amazing party!!

Thx for both Shean and Rerb!! 

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I'm with kirm on this one. I wish I could say this was a close race, but for me, SIGN is more cohesive and just better. Imho PLUS sounds a bit like the track that didn't "fit". Still good, and I'm very grateful this didn't just end up on some hard drive forever, but a clear victyory for SIGN in my book. AE does everything right.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/25/2021 at 12:27 AM, ignatius said:

can i vote for MIXLR?

still hoping for these


Wow! That’s amazing. I don’t mean this in a negative way, but I like this even more than anything on either...(apart from M4 Lema.)

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Question sign vs plus is very hard to answer! It’s like if you asked me which child do i hate more? Just...impossible!




Edited by xox
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Yeah, this is tough, almost unfair to ask. haha ...but if I were forced to choose I'd choose the PLUS release.  I think mostly because iIt's the closest in sound to elseq/nts/ae_live and that's where I am still at, since 2016 or so. :)

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For me I say SIGN is the best of them but the PLUS is cool as well. 

What stuff are they using in these albums more than MAX? It sounds more "musical" than previous releases. 

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28 minutes ago, cern said:

For me I say SIGN is the best of them but the PLUS is cool as well. 

What stuff are they using in these albums more than MAX? It sounds more "musical" than previous releases. 

At times it sounds like a max unplugged to me ? 

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Well after a couple of attempts I managed a SIGN PLUS album, coming in at 78mins.

Its always interesting to mess about with later autechre, trying to edit down something like lux 106 mod you realise the melodic progression is nuts, constantly shifting throughout the track.

One advantage is that the emotional tracks like F7 or Metaz Form8 seem a little more 'earned' when spaced throughout the more percussive PLUS tracks, though there is a bit of unavoidable tonal whiplash. Not saying this is a better way of listening, but it works for me, and definitely upped my appreciation of the original 2 albums.

A1 M4 Lema 8:12
A2 DekDre Scap B 2:52
A3 7FM ic* 3:49
A4 si00 5:50
B1 esc desc* 3:00
B2 ecol4* 10:43
B3 Metaz form8 6:01
C1 sch.mefd2 5:25
C2 gr4 3:21
C3 lux 106 mod* 2:44
C4 F7 5:56
D1 X4* 9:31
D2 psin AM* 4:03
D3 r cazt 7:12

* edited tracks

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  • 1 month later...

If I had the control of SIGN and PLUS material and had to make only one 10-track album:

1. Metaz Form8
2. si00
3. sch.mefd 2
4. au14
5. X4
6. esle 0
7. TM1 open
8. ecol4
9. psin AM
10. r cazt

And for bonus track n Cur. Album name: PLEASE


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  • 4 weeks later...

Being super conservative the best tracks for me are:


M4 Lema

Metaz form8

r cazt



DekDre Scap B



ecol4 is easily the best of the whole bunch for me... just jeez classic

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Also about PLUS lacking cohesion... I agree. I think though, it works well as a "mixed bag" up until ii.pre esc and esle 0. Those would fit better on SIGN and stick out a bit. Lux is a beauty and could also fit but I think it shares a bit of timbral likeness with ecol4 that it works on PLUS. SIGN is also kind of a mixed bag but still feels more cohesive for some reason which I can't explain. 

And as for choosing a favorite album - almost impossible. It would be kind of like choosing between Confield and Tri repeate or something, but since I think ii.pre and esle 0 aren't the best fits for PLUS even though esle 0 is gorgeous - PLUS is probably #2 for that reason alone heh

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@cern pretty much. Except I would replace X4 with ecol4. Even though X4 is killer.

I sort of see X4 as a spiritual cousin to ecol4, just because of length and sort of similar structure of starting one place ending another.

But I just love the sort of dry percussive bits, bells, glassy things, groovy bass and so on in ecol4 and from around 7 mins and to the end it builds and builds and gets a nice climax...

Edited by coax
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4 hours ago, cern said:

Now Im just dying to hear how their live sets are gonna sound now! We will sure hear some amazing bangers!

Covid-19 can go to hell! 

I also predict a heavier/bangin live set this time around, a) to contrast the '16/'18 live sets and b) since the Oversteps tour had that stark contrast to the album, and I generally feel a parallel between '10 Oversteps and '20 SIGN. But we can only speculate for now... 

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