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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Three jabs, and 1st round of covid this spring. Round 2 three weeks ago and it was pretty rough. A week in bed with a terrible cough and slight breathing problems. Hope I won't go through this twice a year.

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Hubby took one of the wal-mart covid tests last night and came back with a verrrry faint pink line.  So we probably both got it but we haven't had any symptoms yet.  Hoping it stays that way.  He's got diabetes but thankfully we both been vaxxed and boosted.  We just gotta wait and see what happens.  Not the best christmas prezzie. 

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17 hours ago, ignatius said:

pretty intense. 

China estimates COVID surge is infecting 37 million people a day 


a lot of older people didn't get the vax or only got first shot.. or never got boosted. 

lots of folk in china not vaccinated? i would have thought they'd all be, but it makes sense if cases there are so capable of rapid growth. the nuance of variants and versions of vaccines has been a missed or mishandled aspect of communication in the last few years.

here in the UK, lots took the idea they'd be safer once the initial + booster doses to mean they'd be simply *safe* rather than better off now than before them; that would have been done and dusted almost two years ago, and there's the widespread understanding that six months might be all a dose really covers you for, and they're still sticking to their guns that what they were told initially is as much as they'll do, as far as they'll compromise of accepting the need.

the elderly especially over-simplified this. the young were more likely to assume the elderly were more at risk - even the only at risk - so many who declared themselves fit (how?!) to fight didn't bother at all. some who i know of that were young and vaccinated contracted covid and were hit very very hard - shocked that they were, too.

honestly, i still think there was a way to carefully and calmly say that vaccination of everyone was the best solution for a resolution / return to life as we know it. for now, it actually feels like it's a story that's not over that risks being the dominant one again in the coming few years.

with variants created easily within unvaccinated or unboosted people, the psychological challenge is now how to put the genie of apparent safety back in the bottle when / if a new variant takes us somewhere closer to being back to square one. i don't even know if there's enough vaccinated people globally or in various countries to prevent that, or if infection rates and measures adopted worldwide can prevent it. 

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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

The COVID explosion is China could not only kill over a million citizens, but may cause havoc with the global supply chain and financial markets and oil prices again.

Ok sounds like it will be a good time to buy some ETFs at a good relative price


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1 hour ago, whosebrian said:

Fuck it, I got Covid.

happy holidaze.

don't believe the people who say to drink your own piss. it just doesn't work. if you're going to drink your own piss it should only be recreationally. 

for real, i hope it's mild and you skate through w/o any drama. 

1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

Ok sounds like it will be a good time to buy some ETFs at a good relative price


the nightly news actually used this as a lead more or less... "million people could die.. but the economy!"

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23 hours ago, Squee said:

My skull is full of snot but my tests are all negative.

the flu is pretty heavy this year too so could just be that. i hope you can de-snot yourself. 

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I had the J&J vax.. I refuse to get the mRNAs. Not enough out there on long term effects. Some doctors are coming out with scary information. I have ALS in my genes and I dont want to trigger it. I know a guy in a wheel chair from the covid vax. Really. Got shot, Went paralyzed in hours. I go the flu shot. 

Bro in law has covid . Was at his house last night so we shall see. Im not fat so I hope that helps. Just dont want the weird shit. Like smelling shit for a year . Or clinical depression on top of the clinical depression. 

Edited by marf
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I know mRna has been worked on for decades, but in humans? I can't get a definitive answer. The vax got fda approval long after covid dropped. I didnt like the virtue signaling that swept the world. Allienating skeptics. Why not be a little cautious? It was frightening how in lock step the public ostracized and belittled cautious people. Like some global mind control. 

Now young people are dying in higher numbers mysteriously and cancer is drastically on the rise. I dont know. I will keep watching and hope I dont get hit hard with Covid. 

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I'm on jab number five and my erection is now permanent, taller than me and it keeps beeping, other than that no problems.

10/10 would recommend 

Edited by Silent Member
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15 minutes ago, Silent Member said:

I'm on jab number five and my erection is now permanent, taller than me and it keeps beeping, other than that no problems.

10/10 would recommend 

Damn, man! Congrats! How's the 5G in dat dick?

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8 hours ago, marf said:

Now young people are dying in higher numbers mysteriously and cancer is drastically on the rise. I dont know. I will keep watching and hope I dont get hit hard with Covid. 

lol, yeah, its being caused by the the unmitigated and rampant spread of covid. We've known since 2020 that infection can cause a delayed acute reaction resulting in cardiac problems, strokes etc. and we've seen about an average of 8% excess deaths across the west this year. We've known that covid can damage the immune system since 2020 and now we're seeing widespread immune dysregulation resulting in an onslaught of hospitalisations for illnesses that are normally relatively harmless.

Vaccine damage is a real thing, its undeniable, but its a minor issue compared to the suffering and chaos being caused by allowing a deadly bat-virus to spread unchecked through society.

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4 hours ago, Silent Member said:

I'm on jab number five and my erection is now permanent, taller than me and it keeps beeping, other than that no problems.

10/10 would recommend 

they're working on a sixth jab that will actually detach your dick and make it fully autonomous, roaming around screwing people/animals/objects independently and transmitting the sensations back to you. it's a brave new world.

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10 hours ago, marf said:

Not enough out there on long term effects.

you've probably eaten food and snacks and stuff that will have more long term effects than mrna vaccine. red dye No. 5 or whatever. .not to mention all the shit they have sprayed on food for a long time and all the stuff they feed live stock as well.. i know we try to avoid such things whenever possible but here in the USA i recall many stories about girls entering puberty earlier and some link to bovine growth hormone because some little kids drank a lot of milk.. but that was many years ago and probably bullshit since we don't hear about it any more. ?

this reminds me of someone who wagged her finger at me over Kava tea and sent me a link to the possible long term effects but she "loves her exxies" meaning E, MDMA.. the molly etc. 

and ^^^ not saying that's you. just reminded of that little anecdote. 

also, i had cancer a few years before COVID happened and i got vaccinated.. so does this mean the vax caused cancer will cancel out my existing cancer? that's how this works right? 


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Just tested positive for the first time. No symptoms. I was required to test for a job I’m working on in 2 days. Did 2 at-home PCR tests and both were positive but I followed up with a rapid test but that was negative. I’m probably going to get cut from the job… which I needed desperately. I’m pretty pissed. I’ve been super careful for the past 3 years and this is a direct result of too many indoor holiday gatherings that I didn’t plan and didn’t want to do. 
Cherry on top of a miserable, diarrhea-filled 2 weeks. 

I tested negative immediately after first getting sick on the 21st. No clue if my diarrhea was related to covid or not. All I hope is that I don’t develop respiratory symptoms. 

Bought 3 mega millions tickets after the test. Maybe I’ll get a little good luck with all of the bad. Wish me some, y’all. 

Edited by J3FF3R00
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19 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

Just tested positive for the first time. No symptoms. I was required to test for a job I’m working on in 2 days. Did 2 at-home PCR tests and both were positive but I followed up with a rapid test but that was negative. I’m probably going to get cut from the job… which I needed desperately. I’m pretty pissed. I’ve been super careful for the past 3 years and this is a direct result of too many indoor holiday gatherings that I didn’t plan and didn’t want to do. 
Cherry on top of a miserable, diarrhea-filled 2 weeks. 

I tested negative immediately after first getting sick on the 21st. No clue if my diarrhea was related to covid or not. All I hope is that I don’t develop respiratory symptoms. 

Bought 3 mega millions tickets after the test. Maybe I’ll get a little good luck with all of the bad. Wish me some, y’all. 

The exact same thing happened to a good mate last year. Positive covid test, only symptom was diarrhea for a week, no respiratory problems. Could be a coincidence.


Me, my wife and infant son got covid over Xmas, me and the lad both had no symptoms whatsoever. I don't know if it was the 4 pfizers I've had, or my natural sigma male tiger blood, but it just didn't touch me whatsoever.

My wife was coughing like an orphan in a victorian workhouse for a week, but almost fully recovered now.

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1 hour ago, Amen Warrior said:

The exact same thing happened to a good mate last year. Positive covid test, only symptom was diarrhea for a week, no respiratory problems. Could be a coincidence.


Me, my wife and infant son got covid over Xmas, me and the lad both had no symptoms whatsoever. I don't know if it was the 4 pfizers I've had, or my natural sigma male tiger blood, but it just didn't touch me whatsoever.

My wife was coughing like an orphan in a victorian workhouse for a week, but almost fully recovered now.

No new symptoms as of today although I tested strongly positive on a rapid test this morning. My wife and toddler have yet to test positive. No symptoms for them, either. Fingers crossed. 
I had 2 Pfizers and 2 Moderna boosters so I’m hoping that has something to do with it. All I know is I’ll take an asymptotic infection over a symptomatic one any day. Our friend who tested positive the same day as me has aches, chills, etc. No bueno. 

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There's a lot of it going around right now. Four days ago I went out for dinner with a friend, and she woke up the next morning feeling like hell, didn't test positive right away but did the next day. Has every symptom etc, says it's the sickest she's ever been. She had it in the spring and is up to date on all vaccines.  I somehow seem to have dodged it despite having had a close visit with her for a couple hours in a loud restaurant. Have been vigilant and watching for symptoms. I did feel particularly tired and run down about two days later but was also traveling (yes I wore a mask everywhere), so it could have just been burnout, and so far I'm still testing negative and have felt fine.

tldr who the fuck knows with this thing? Healthy people with all the available protections still get horribly ill, some people get directly exposed to it and don't get sick at all. We need to stop acting like we understand this thing cause we really still don't.

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1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

There's a lot of it going around right now. Four days ago I went out for dinner with a friend, and she woke up the next morning feeling like hell, didn't test positive right away but did the next day. Has every symptom etc, says it's the sickest she's ever been. She had it in the spring and is up to date on all vaccines.  I somehow seem to have dodged it despite having had a close visit with her for a couple hours in a loud restaurant. Have been vigilant and watching for symptoms. I did feel particularly tired and run down about two days later but was also traveling (yes I wore a mask everywhere), so it could have just been burnout, and so far I'm still testing negative and have felt fine.

tldr who the fuck knows with this thing? Healthy people with all the available protections still get horribly ill, some people get directly exposed to it and don't get sick at all. We need to stop acting like we understand this thing cause we really still don't.

seems like it's been that way since the beginning though. if people were actually listening and reading a bit beyond the basic headlines all that info is there. there's seemingly always been a large variation in results to infection in people but also very typical results for lot's of people. 

the evolving nature of a virus is a huge wild card for sure. also, the uniqueness of all our basic health conditions and immune health or immune uniqueness. if that's a thing. seems like it. our genetic make ups and stuff. 

there's been plenty to doom scroll about and doom is certainly one take on it and seems pretty valid for a segment of the population. 

anyway.. here's some doom:


some her writing is pretty good in other pieces. wide ranging topics. these two links are relevant. 



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