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South Park knocked it out of the park on the third episode. Schooling everybody on how a show can age gracefully.


"Why does everything suck this bad?" Indeed, Randy. Indeed. For someone who's had an awful 2016, that was actually somewhat cathartic.

Edited by melancholera
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watched season 1 episode 1 last night. laughably bad. is geena davis hurting this much for money? she's looking spectacularly milfy, but i can't see this doing anything for her career. 

also, the first episode is like a very quick rehash of the original film applied to a mexican kid and an american girl in chicago. the rest is moot- except they couldn't get an old priest so they went with a youngish/older looking priest. 


zero upside down crucifixes out of ten

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really impressed by Atlanta. theres something very unforced about the show, very simple and real.

so far, pretty amazing

Yes, this show is the best thing on right now.
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Guest bitroast

season 4 Check it out with doctor Steve Brule. 

so far 2 episodes in and yesss still loving this. 


i seem to remember season 3 having a bit of a so-so reaction on me, but this stuff is not so-so at all no-no .. :^)

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gotta disagree with Eugene on Luke Cage, I'm half way thru and it's really solid. Taking the Marvel universe to a pretty bleak street level, there's no costumed nut running around, there are a lot of MCU references, but they make sense like these are the real people living in NYC and those crazy ass white folks uptown are a world away. It's all a tribute to the blacksploitation films of the 70s, mixed with some of the NYC crime films of the 90s like New Jack City or Sugar Hill.


The music is fucking excellent, Shaheed from A Tribe Called Quest really did a RZA level job of picking the best tracks for the atmosphere, and they vary according to the tone of the episode, lots of classic 70s funk/soul, contrasted with hip hop. They will definitely need to release a soundtrack if this series is as highly rated as the last two.



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holy moly, this show is trying hard... i liked the part where özil be like "fuk de süstemm!"


kinda interesting how after decades of headshaking hacking is depicted at least somewhat authentic and it's not even doing much for the narrative really (at least so far). just 2 eps in, curious enough to make me stay to see where things be going...

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it's cheesy AF almost to a degree where it's unwatchable at times, but it's also pretty damn unique to a degree where most other series look really lazy compared to it.

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it's cheesy AF almost to a degree where it's unwatchable at times, but it's also pretty damn unique to a degree where most other series look really lazy compared to it.


agreed as far as i can tell, not much of a series connaisseur anyway, in fact i just recently finished breaking bad lol, it took me like 4 years of on/off watching.


"i'm good at reading people. my secret: i look for the worst in them."


i rl loled at this one, some dank meme material right there... "all my life, who am iiii?"

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i thought it was pretty cool. pilots being pilots are overstuffed with exposition and lots of dialogues are just an excuse to explain the setting, but in the second half, once it gets going, it gets pretty engaging.  it's gonna be pretty tough acting wise, one will have to act like a robot following a not-so-perfect wild west tropey script while showing hints of self awarness of the actual situation, and it already looks like evan rachel wood's not up to the job. hopkins is deece, but his charachter is this cliched, overly wise father/overseer/mastermind dude that begins to question his own project, meh. quite a few parts aren't really great (that over the top "she's still wriggling!" was really out of place) but as a whole i thought it was pretty exciting. basically it's a cross between three familiar ingredients -  truman show, AI stuff and a futuristic theme park, but that crossbreeding makes it quite fresh and engaging, it can go into lots of interesting directions. i mean it's just awesome to finally get high concept scifi in long form with hbo budget and production might.

Edited by eugene
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Quarry - so far so good, doesnt overdo the retro & the tension is well-handled, handle-bar taches all round. Few cliches, but its building a world that you want to see more of.


Poldark - the things you do 4 Mums after sunday dinner, although the triangular hats could be a hipster feature in no time. Still contrived chest bursting out of shirts lust by suggestion 4 the ladies this autumn, good vs evil, locations never fail doe & Cornwall looks as good as it does in real life.


University Challenge - top ever personal score was 25-ish, but the mascots & the occasional "whoah" @ the inevitable uber-autistic twitcher never fails. The music though......

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Watched first season of American Crime. Was impressed how dark and ominous it was, especially for a network show. Had a Kubrick-esque sense of lack of closure that was appropriately reflective of the current US justice system.


Watching Shameless most nights before I go to bed (the US version). 


My 15 month old son likes this show called Octonauts and I have to say it's really enjoyable for a kids show...nice pacing, not condescending, simple and clean computer animation. As the wiki for it states "The subject matter is reminiscent of Star Trek and Thunderbirds blended with Jacques Cousteau." 

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The first episode of Westworld didn't blow me away, but there's enough good to bring me back for at least a few weeks.


I knew there was something i wanted to watch. Cheers for the reminder.

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The first episode of Westworld didn't blow me away, but there's enough good to bring me back for at least a few weeks.

I knew there was something i wanted to watch. Cheers for the reminder.

Yeah I am intrigued, look forward to seeing where it goes.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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it's cheesy AF almost to a degree where it's unwatchable at times, but it's also pretty damn unique to a degree where most other series look really lazy compared to it.


agreed as far as i can tell, not much of a series connaisseur anyway, in fact i just recently finished breaking bad lol, it took me like 4 years of on/off watching.


"i'm good at reading people. my secret: i look for the worst in them."


i rl loled at this one, some dank meme material right there... "all my life, who am iiii?"


hm, ok so ep4 was pretty tripe.


the fact i'm a bit tired of the "dream/hallucination"-card aside i felt it was played faaar to early, at this stage characters are far from fleshed out enough to make em work / interesting on a "subconcious" level imo. hardly helped any plot progression, too. gimmicky. also the tie of the protagonist with mr. robot feels strangely jumpy. overall things got weird, just not in an (what i assume) intented exciting way, rather forced and mildly annoying.


dunno... still wanna see how things will pick up next episode.

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First Westworld was really good, haven't seen the original movie so not sure what exactly to expect (though I have seen Itchy & Scratchy land of course so I can guess), acting was all pretty good, effects were all pretty subtle and nicely done, I like how they've not given too much indication about what the actual future looks like, hopefully they just introduce that in little dribs and drabs throughout the season. Only thing that annoyed me was the opening theme music, which was generic and lame (the rest of the music was fine though, liked the little bits of modern music on the player piano).


Luke Cake is pretty enjoyable so far, watched the first half. Not the most exciting storyline ever, but the acting is all pretty good and the music is excellent (Adrian Younge is great). It's better than Jessica Jones.

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