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Wolfout 2 looks ridiculously fun, but I have such an enormous backlog of games I need to finish/start playing first. I'll get there eventually.

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Can you perform enough invasive full-body searches to meet your daily quota? Will you pay enough attention to finely-detailed bureaucratic stamps? Will you literally stamp enough passports with your satisfying rubber stamp? STAMP! STAMP! 


Or will your family die of cold, starvation or easily-preventable illness in their poorly-equipped коммуналка?[/size]


Find out today with the free demo!

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The new Wolfenstein is a very good game.

unfortunately just started destiny 2, otherwise I'd be all over wolf.


Is it pretty much like playing DOOM? Looked like the same engine etc.

Same engine but plays a bit differently. If you want to run and gun like in Doom you'll probably want to lower the difficulty. It's pretty difficult.


But same engine I think, ye. It looks insanely good and the shooting itself feels even better than the previous games.


Also feels good to support a linear SP game with no bullshit microtransactions or tacked on MP stuff in the current year I guess.

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The new Wolfenstein is a very good game.

unfortunately just started destiny 2, otherwise I'd be all over wolf.


Is it pretty much like playing DOOM? Looked like the same engine etc.

Same engine but plays a bit differently. If you want to run and gun like in Doom you'll probably want to lower the difficulty. It's pretty difficult.


But same engine I think, ye. It looks insanely good and the shooting itself feels even better than the previous games.


Also feels good to support a linear SP game with no bullshit microtransactions or tacked on MP stuff in the current year I guess.



Noice, I'll definitely be playing it then, at some point. 

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The new Wolfenstein is a very good game.

unfortunately just started destiny 2, otherwise I'd be all over wolf.


Is it pretty much like playing DOOM? Looked like the same engine etc.

Same engine but plays a bit differently. If you want to run and gun like in Doom you'll probably want to lower the difficulty. It's pretty difficult.


But same engine I think, ye. It looks insanely good and the shooting itself feels even better than the previous games.


Also feels good to support a linear SP game with no bullshit microtransactions or tacked on MP stuff in the current year I guess.



Noice, I'll definitely be playing it then, at some point. 


Yeah I just started playing it a couple of hours ago. It's pretty dope so far. The beginning gets a bit rough though, not only with combat, but with a couple of story scenes...like when BJ is clinging to life immediately after the end of The New Order and has flashbacks from his troubled childhood...


Really digging the weapons too. The Lasergewehr in particular is badass, especially with the sound it makes. Pretty sure it's a distorted sawtooth wave oscillator running thru a high resonance, mid-range cutoff filter, with a mid attack, max decay, max sustain, zero release envelope.



As for Android, getting addicted to Day R Survival (Premium) at the moment. It's an open world survival game set in post-apocalypse Russia in an alternate 1990. It's like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Oregon Trail combined.

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I have a feeling it will be awhile before I can jump into wolf. Will probably be messing about in Destiny 2 pvp for the next... 2 years. I get sucked into the multiplayer pretty good. I think I put about 1000hrs on the 1st one.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Scored a free code for Mario Odyssey, it's class level design and lots of inventive amusing ideas. A lot of special moves to learn, and Splatoon players will keep hitting Y to recenter the cam, which has been relocated to R. Looks to be the deepest mainline Mario game yet, haven't even tackled the Amiibo functionality.


Continuing to love Mummy Demastered. Wonder how the Doom port will be.

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If you happen to be a Switch owner AND a fellow WATMMer you'll probably be glad to hear that Korg will port its Gadget app on Switch :music:

(well, that's if you have the time to play something between Zelda, Stardew Valley, Splatoon, Mario etc etc etc etc)

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is Cuphead harder than, say, getting a full A+ walkthrough in Hotline Miami? trying to gauge if the difficulty is in the sweet spot of challenging vs rewarding.

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really keen to try it.


also curious about Warframe, a free-to-play RPG/shooter that was released 4 years ago but which seems to have become a sleeper hit since then thanks to regular updates during those years. general consensus seems to be that it's a solid f2p alternative to Destiny.



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Yep Warframe is fab and an excellent example of F2P done right. Fast, frantic gameplay, cool Gieger-esque character designs with a load of customisation options (though a lot of these cost the premium currency), lots of deep mechanics and a ton of loot to chase. Story missions are alright too. Also you needn't spend a penny on it, you can earn premium currency by selling various rare items to other players.


Only real issues is that the game doesn't explain a lot to you, you'll spend a lot of time reading the wiki. Also it's 90% grinding, if that's not your bag.


Haven't checked out much of the recent big open-world update but it's p cool from what I've done so far.

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i got close to 3500 steam hours in fucking warframe :I ...


truth is it's an adequate time sink / button happy pasttime while listing to music or playing with your body with the free hand but not that much of a game really... there is literally nothing that can't be completely cheesed with the right loadout, so even "endgame" content turns out incredibly trivial. as FTP they need powercreeping gear to be able to make their bucks but they've crept in a total corner by now where conflicts are totally binary: be one-shot (due to broken enemy scaling) or perma cc the whole area 24/7, resulting in gameplay that's closer to diablo / clicker heroes than an action / 3rd person shooter title. so because there is basically no difficulty friction at all they make up for it with RNG and repetitiveness.


but if you stay away from the meta you can have a jolly time alright.


overall presentation is pretty great and getting better by the hour. art style is often very moebius (grineer) and giger-style biomechanics (warframes) inspired which is really cool. customization possibilities are ridiculous and when you start out there's shitloads to explore. if you're prone to completionist addiction / sunk cost fallacy i'd seriously be careful tho. tbqh i'd love to get most of that time back, i have sunk much less time in much better games... warframe really is more like an ongoing collector hobby.


the newest open world update IS pretty great tho and feels really fresh, only problem is it's very detached (loot economy wise) from the rest of the game so if you're a newb you're really wasting your time there (in terms of "progress"). one pro side of the no-skill-required-ness is that the community is usually very friendly and doesn't mind carrying you as a noob. devs are also quite receptive for criticism and frequently correct flaws... of which there are MANY tho. some bugs /exploits just stay in the game for YEARS. thing is there is so much content and gear by now they obviously lost overview / a coherent vision what's the game supposed to be.


blah blah so yeah "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle". good brainless fun tho. never tried destiny so no idea how it compares to that.

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