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I just got rewarded my first space frigate in No Man's Sky by helping the captain fight off pirates, and he put me in command. There's so much to do and explore in this game it's insane. In fact this could easily keep me occupied for the rest of 2018.


If there's ever gonna be a new Star Trek game, I wouldn't be surprised if it borrows heavily from NMS's game mechanics.

I completely crashed on that game. I got the frigate as well but every just seems like such a hassle and I don’t want to be limited by my stupid inventory. Also, maybe it’s just me but the way they bombard you with information is ridiculously overwhelming.



It's a bit much. Try switching over to "Creative" mode - basically it's God Mode. You don't get the dopamine reward hit for completing tasks, but it's a nice alternative if you just want to chill out and roam the galaxy. 


You guys have probably gotten further into the game than I have. And I agree that inventory management can be a pain in the ass at times, which is why I'm always keen on hunting for Drop Pods in order to acquire more Exosuit slots. But I think it's truly a game meant to be savored rather than rushed. So far it's been much more relaxing than constantly having to babysit Minutemen settlements in Fallout 4.

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speaking of which... Fallout 76 looks dire. cant help but think this is the beginning of the end, like they're about to run this legendary series into the ground from here on out (or starting with 4 some would argue, but it was decent overall).

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devil daggers is great for sure. i think my record was in the low 200s, haven't played recently but i had a lot of fun with it last year. similar to thumper in the demonic visual style and the way it lulls you into a trance, makes you zone out everything else and focus 100% on mastering the mechanics.

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I heard Fallout 76 is gonna progress along the Fallout lore timeline in real time. So on 11 August 2027 IRL, FO76 will reach the point on the Fallout timeline where FO3 took place. I know Bethesda already announced that the game "will continue to be updated forever." Interesting to see how things will play out.

I'm still not convinced enough to buy it though. I'll wait and see what players have to say for the first week following release. Who knows, maybe it'll be a late bloomer like No Man's Sky was.

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Yeah it's looking kind of formulaic. It's getting old.

They need to breath new life into the series the way 2k did with bioshock.

You are aware that this is a survival mmo and nothing like the old Fallout games right? I'm not even interested in trying it, that genre is not for me.
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the game "will continue to be updated forever."


I admire the ambition but there's just no way they can really justify this. So many games has promised the same and end up releasing sequels or do-overs, or end up shutting down.

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I have a feeling Fallout '76 is going to flop pretty hard, seems like they took the worst bits from 4, built a new game around what was trending back when 4 had just been released and removed the last remains of what made the games interesting in the first place. I hope they at least add some good microtransactions so they can milk whoever buys it dry.

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Yeah it's looking kind of formulaic. It's getting old.

They need to breath new life into the series the way 2k did with bioshock.

You are aware that this is a survival mmo and nothing like the old Fallout games right? I'm not even interested in trying it, that genre is not for me.


No! I didn't know that. 


I made an assumption based on screenshots and one gameplay video. It looked really similar to 3 and 4 except for the battle component.


I won't be getting it anyway, like you it's not a genre for me.

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the game "will continue to be updated forever."


I admire the ambition but there's just no way they can really justify this. So many games has promised the same and end up releasing sequels or do-overs, or end up shutting down.


Like I said, time will tell. I understand Bethesda's trying to move the Fallout IP into uncharted territory with multiplayer and such, but it's a risky move to say the least.


4 was shite in a way that I can't quite put my finger on, and I REALLY loved 3

I know exactly what you mean. While I thought the combat was vastly improved, the story just wasn't there. But fortunately there are large scale mods under way to set the game in new locale, like Fallout Miami and Fallout Cascadia. Even the team behind Fallout 4: New Vegas (whom have been officially praised by Obsidian) are scrambling to finish their project, last I heard.

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I still didn't quite manage to finish FO4, I wanted to but suddenly everything just lost impact and I gave up. Think I was right near the end too. Maybe I'll give it another go. Not convinced about FO76 though. Not that I've looked at any gameplay.

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^ me neither, in fact the furthest I ever got was confronting the merc guy. the building and other ancillary fluff distracted me from pursuing the main quest as well. I took a break and never returned. replayed FO2 instead (through to the end).

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I got swallowed up by the new crafting side of FO4 and spent hundreds of hours scavenging and building before I ever progressed very far in the main story.  Still never finished it either and not sure if I will.  But I am looking forward to 76.  A friend & I will be teaming up to check it out.  We are really stoked to base build as a team.  I'm also looking forward to the open world pvp aspects of this game.  Star Wars Galaxies and Darkfall were two of my favorite multiplayer rp games, and 76 seems to be expounding on these types of games.  And these ideas planted into a fallout world are very exciting to me.  Just not sure if it's going to resonate well with the younger generations of today's gamers.  The ability to create their own content through role-playing in a sandbox seems nearly non-existent(the frightening proof being hundreds of comments under any 76 post anywhere on social media proclaiming that you can't have a mmo without npc's guiding you through a story).  


But I am hopeful.  There's still small pockets of games like rust, arma mods, minecraft, and even vrchat where these ideas have room to flourish.  And it seems given the climate of players in these games, Bethesda are really trying to confront the more toxic side of these communities with their pvp and bounty systems.  I just hope they can find some balance with these mechanics.  Because the thrill of pvp with consequences is very appealing.  


The only downside to wanting to play 76 so badly is that I'm going to be waiting a good while to play RDR2.  But that's fine, I am pretty used to waiting for sales to play aaa games.

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So it's gonna be Bethesda.net exclusive. I thought about making an intentionally ridiculous/stupid player character if I ever ended up buying it, but now I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

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Haha, yeah. I played da:i first and as a longtime ME fan, imagine my disappointment when I found out I was basically playing a mod of the above.

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Haha, yeah. I played da:i first and as a longtime ME fan, imagine my disappointment when I found out I was basically playing a mod of the above.

I grabbed them both free off of Origin, they're in the basic "Vault" games you can download for free with your subscription (which I found pretty deece).


Totally regret sinking 80hrs into ME now. 


DAI has a few little quirks but overall, the characters actually have somewhat of a backstory, and the battle is much more satisfying (being able to pause/issue commands and use the tactical map). 


Also more difficult. 


I know it's a few years old now but I'll probably take DAI through to the end.

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FO4 is $30 on xbox live right now, so I'm thinking about getting it.


Finished Far Cry 5 and was pretty disappointed with the ending. Gameplay is still dope, though.



Personally, I think that you should never give credence to any religious fanatics and by giving it a "dark" ending it just puts more fuel on the fire for people that want to believe in dumb shit.



Giving Titanfall 2 a spin right now. Apparently it's made by the people that did Modern Warfare 1 & 2 so the handling in it is great. Have yet to try multiplayer, but it looks promising.

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