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Papers, Please. so good. I'm on my way to becoming a total beast at immigration-processin' dese niggaz. full 360 noscope 1337 MLG border inspector status.


I've been thinking about getting back to that game. Now I have to.


The dev has just recently his second game, Return of the Obra Dinn.




I bought it but haven't played it yet.

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i bought the mario party joycon bundle for switch and was happily surprised to get an actual physical copy of the game, not just a download code  :gamer:


Sweet deal!


Speaking of which, I just nabbed Detroit: Become Human at the supermarket for 12 squids. Worth it for the David Cage lulz alone. Lot of 'big' 2018 games dropping in price due to Black Friday shenanigans, keep yr eyes peeled...

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FO76 is apparently worse than any of us anticipated.


What's the news?



consensus at this point seems to be that it's just a copy-paste of FO4 with no overhaul or improvements and just barely-tested added functionality for multiplayer. meanwhile, there's no substance in the game to differentiate it from any other mindless MMO grindfest, unless you count minutes-long holotapes which most people can't be bothered listening to. it's completely soulless and seems to be loved only by the die-hards types at /r/fo76 and the like.


this guy explains it better than I can, and in a proper way instead of just focusing on the (lolworthy) bugs. his pithy one-sentence summary: "Fallout 76 is the story of an insane man chasing quest markers around a map while pointless audiologs play in the background".




if this were some other franchise, I honestly wouldn't give a shit. but Fallout has one of the greatest video game universes ever crafted imo and that makes this an atrocity, and what I fear to be the beginning of an AssCreed-style decline unless some other studio steps in.


anyway, if you still want to lol at the bugs/other shittiness, here:




fak u tood hobart

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FO76 is apparently worse than any of us anticipated.


what? Bethesda released a piece of shit again? No... it can't be.............



I rate FO3 highly, buggy or no. and I "enjoy" FO4.

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Pokémon Let's Go is pretty good so far, exceptionally easy, even compared to Sun / Moon. The PKHex editor took less than 24 hours to hack the game, as such the Legendaries are all over eBay. Works very well in handheld mode, maybe more fun than on tv with motion controls. Cool to see all the Gen 1 Pokes in HD, and the effects are well done.


The Poke Ball Plus controller is pretty useless, and is basically a $50 pay wall to get Mew.

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The whole Todd Howard-hate thing is ridiculous. Sure, he's the director of the games and is the face of Bethesda, but I'm pretty sure he's not the one who says, "alright, it's half-baked, let's make some money!"

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I don't know, it's kinda funny seeing people get mad or upset over Fallout 76. It's not like NMS where everything about it seemed opaque up to release, the beta for Fallout looked like absolute hot trash and people still bought it in droves (quick google puts it as 3rd most sold game last week in the UK). I'm usually pretty lenient on Bethesda quality but this is another level.

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I am happy to report we are now a Switch-owning family.


Son and daughter marathoned through Pokemon Let's Go Evee Fri-Sat-Sun, beating the entire game (sans all the Master Trainers). Playing 2-player co-op made the game really, really easy but that was obviously meant for parent-child playthroughs, etc.


Overall, the Switch is a great system and we're liking it so far - have Mario Odyssey on the way, with Smash Ultimate pre ordered with the season pass.


LOL, the Spyro remastered game outsold Fallout 76 in the UK

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Reality is overrated




Gonna go live in Tetris Effect, cya  :nyan:



How is TE on PSVR? I want to get it, but I really need to chill on buying so many video games. Especially because the holidays are right around the corner.

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How is TE on PSVR? I want to get it, but I really need to chill on buying so many video games. Especially because the holidays are right around the corner.



Not had a chance to set up the VR yet, might not be until the weekend but fingers crossed for sooner. Will give some impressions here after my first trip to Virtual Tetris land  :ok:


I am happy to report we are now a Switch-owning family.


Son and daughter marathoned through Pokemon Let's Go Evee Fri-Sat-Sun, beating the entire game (sans all the Master Trainers). Playing 2-player co-op made the game really, really easy but that was obviously meant for parent-child playthroughs, etc.


Overall, the Switch is a great system and we're liking it so far - have Mario Odyssey on the way, with Smash Ultimate pre ordered with the season pass.


Welcome to the Switcheroo! You're in for a treat with Mario Odyssey, play it together with them kids and you'll all have a blast.


They beat Let's Go already?! :psyduck: That's some dedication. I snagged a decent Black Friday deal on it (Pikachu version, thanks for the voucher Amazon Germany). Fancied a comfy game to chill with, but mostly to balance out all the wild west murderin' over in Red Dead... :catsuicide:

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I've got about 50 hrs in fallout since Thursday and I love it.  I feel like a private investigator participating in some old time radio stories.  I love the voice acting, and the typical immersion I found myself exploring in fallout 3, nv, and 4.  I also feel like I've only seen about 15% of the map, I like to take my time listening to the stories while I scavenge. 

Also got some good time in co-op with a buddy of mine which turned out a lot funner that I'd expected, but I prefer the typical solo fallout style of gameplay which thrives in 76(to my surprise, I rarely run into another player).  The engine hasn't held up with the times but there are some beautiful views, and the charm that I only find in fallout.  The bugs and plenty, most I can find humor in, but getting disconnected 1 or 2 times a night can be frustrating(supposedly the patch today addresses a lot of bug & optimization issues, we'll see).

Currently, I've figured out my camp situation(took me a few days to figure out how not to build a camp willy nilly and expect to be able to place it anywhere without issues).  I built it very minimal, but with everything I need.  I love finding a  cliffside, or river bed to place it for the day so I can quest throughout that area and be able to travel back and forth easily.

The pvp system seems very experimental and just broken in terms of what pvp in an online game should be.  And I don't think there is any endgame content typical to most mmos.  There's a few crafting stations spread around the map that you can claim as your own.  Once claimed you are given a ton of resources to build defenses around, and there's different mines you can build extractors on to get resources for as long as you can hold the area.  It invites some decent pvp, and the most fun I've had from a pvp perspective in 76.

Also, for as much fun as I've had, I do believe 76 was the wrong choice when Bethesda decided to make an open world mmo in the fallout universe.  Should have started from scratch with an engine tailored from the ground-up focused on online play.  But I can't blame them for not having the balls to take that big of a risk when they're seen overwhelmingly as a single-player game company.

Hope Bethesda learns from the good & bad of 76 for their future.  And I also hope 76 doesn't take up too much more of my time because I have been holding off rdr2 for a week now, and really looking forward to getting back into that world.

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How is TE on PSVR? I want to get it, but I really need to chill on buying so many video games. Especially because the holidays are right around the corner.



Not had a chance to set up the VR yet, might not be until the weekend but fingers crossed for sooner. Will give some impressions here after my first trip to Virtual Tetris land  :ok:


I am happy to report we are now a Switch-owning family.


Son and daughter marathoned through Pokemon Let's Go Evee Fri-Sat-Sun, beating the entire game (sans all the Master Trainers). Playing 2-player co-op made the game really, really easy but that was obviously meant for parent-child playthroughs, etc.


Overall, the Switch is a great system and we're liking it so far - have Mario Odyssey on the way, with Smash Ultimate pre ordered with the season pass.


Welcome to the Switcheroo! You're in for a treat with Mario Odyssey, play it together with them kids and you'll all have a blast.


They beat Let's Go already?! :psyduck: That's some dedication. I snagged a decent Black Friday deal on it (Pikachu version, thanks for the voucher Amazon Germany). Fancied a comfy game to chill with, but mostly to balance out all the wild west murderin' over in Red Dead... :catsuicide:


Yeah, took around 25 hours roughly - It was real nostalgic for my son (aged 24) to re-play and remember what is basically a remastered (and slightly changed) version of Red and Blue which he played on his Game Boy back in 1998.


The game is really well done, and as mentioned while none of the Pokemon games were overtly hard, this one is geared towards younger kids playing with their parents. The Pokeball controller that was included is a bit pricey on it's own at 50 USD, but is neat (has LED lighting, an analogue thumbstick, and makes sounds).


The real grind is defeating all the Master Trainers (153 of them!) in what is essentially new game +.

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I am happy to report we are now a Switch-owning family.


Son and daughter marathoned through Pokemon Let's Go Evee Fri-Sat-Sun, beating the entire game (sans all the Master Trainers). Playing 2-player co-op made the game really, really easy but that was obviously meant for parent-child playthroughs, etc.


Overall, the Switch is a great system and we're liking it so far - have Mario Odyssey on the way, with Smash Ultimate pre ordered with the season pass.


Welcome to the Switcheroo! You're in for a treat with Mario Odyssey, play it together with them kids and you'll all have a blast.


They beat Let's Go already?! :psyduck: That's some dedication. I snagged a decent Black Friday deal on it (Pikachu version, thanks for the voucher Amazon Germany). Fancied a comfy game to chill with, but mostly to balance out all the wild west murderin' over in Red Dead... :catsuicide:



Switch FTW! Mario Odyssey is totally a blast and also nicely kid-friendly. Makes you remember that Nintendo masters of game design. JR: If you haven't already, get Nintendo Online. It's, like, 20 bucks for the year and you get 20+ OG Nintendo games w/ more added each month. Worth it purely for that - particularly when you think about your kids playing games that you probably played ~ the same age (but with wired controllers and 0 ability to save a game).  


Cracked/caved and got Red Dead. . . slightly worried that it'll turn into a soulless slog like GTAV, but the prologue has done a lot to dissuade that  

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I am happy to report we are now a Switch-owning family.


Son and daughter marathoned through Pokemon Let's Go Evee Fri-Sat-Sun, beating the entire game (sans all the Master Trainers). Playing 2-player co-op made the game really, really easy but that was obviously meant for parent-child playthroughs, etc.


Overall, the Switch is a great system and we're liking it so far - have Mario Odyssey on the way, with Smash Ultimate pre ordered with the season pass.


Welcome to the Switcheroo! You're in for a treat with Mario Odyssey, play it together with them kids and you'll all have a blast.


They beat Let's Go already?! :psyduck: That's some dedication. I snagged a decent Black Friday deal on it (Pikachu version, thanks for the voucher Amazon Germany). Fancied a comfy game to chill with, but mostly to balance out all the wild west murderin' over in Red Dead... :catsuicide:



Switch FTW! Mario Odyssey is totally a blast and also nicely kid-friendly. Makes you remember that Nintendo masters of game design. JR: If you haven't already, get Nintendo Online. It's, like, 20 bucks for the year and you get 20+ OG Nintendo games w/ more added each month. Worth it purely for that - particularly when you think about your kids playing games that you probably played ~ the same age (but with wired controllers and 0 ability to save a game).  


Cracked/caved and got Red Dead. . . slightly worried that it'll turn into a soulless slog like GTAV, but the prologue has done a lot to dissuade that  


Yep, already did that - I had a chance to fire up Gradius last night after they beat Let's Go and was a nice trip down memory lane. Some great games they have on offer there too; Nintendo is certainly back with Switch!

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M2 recently announced they are bringing ESP Ra.De. - an absolute shmup grail by CAVE which never saw a single port in 20 years from the original arcade release - to their SHOT TRIGGERS series (which has mostly seen releases on PS4 with a couple on Xbox One). They have been experimenting with the Switch, so there's some rumblings that good things might happen there, but honestly I'll wager this one will be on PS4 first. Long thought to be lost in licensing hell, it's nothing short of a minor miracle it's getting a home console release. Can't wait.


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100%'d Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I really enjoyed it. Probably the weakest in the series, but didn't get long in the tooth like Rise. 


I'm going to work on the DLC soon. 

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M2 recently announced they are bringing ESP Ra.De. - an absolute shmup grail by CAVE which never saw a single port in 20 years from the original arcade release - to their SHOT TRIGGERS series (which has mostly seen releases on PS4 with a couple on Xbox One). They have been experimenting with the Switch, so there's some rumblings that good things might happen there, but honestly I'll wager this one will be on PS4 first. Long thought to be lost in licensing hell, it's nothing short of a minor miracle it's getting a home console release. Can't wait.


That's awesome - that kind of TATE screen orientation just begs for a Switch release (and hardware-wise, I think the Switch could handle it) - which reminds me... IKARUGA is on Switch...

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