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Autechre - Exai


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I don't know if you guys heard, but Oscillik knows Sean Booth.


Yeah, he's kind of a big deal.


wow, man. Way to blow out a comment way out of proportion. that was not what I was implying at all.


so now I'm not allowed to comment on music I've heard by an artist without it having some ulterior undertone?


I think we both need a break from WATMM....you're reading way too much into something, and I'm obviously unintentionally coming off as more of a prick than I usually do.

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I don't think this relationship is working out for me anymore


I can come home, make the tea for when you get back home, I'll vacuum the crumbs out of the TV remote.


don't hit me again :(

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I don't know if you guys heard, but Oscillik knows Sean Booth.


Yeah, he's kind of a big deal.


wow, man. Way to blow out a comment way out of proportion. that was not what I was implying at all.


so now I'm not allowed to comment on music I've heard by an artist without it having some ulterior undertone?


I think we both need a break from WATMM....you're reading way too much into something, and I'm obviously unintentionally coming off as more of a prick than I usually do.


Savage bite! Obel got you hook, line and sinker mate. Happy days.

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My mom is actually Rob Brown and she tells me this album is going to be a savage fart in the face of convention and also please son would you come home next christmas I will make pie miss you hun

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at Dalglish's birthday gig Sean put a microphone in a blender, he ended up electrocuting himself and going unconscious. At the moment people are pretty concerned since now both Sean and Rob aren't fully functional, both in a comatose state. But yeah if the new AE album is anything like what Sean played at that gig, short of the almost dying part...it's gonna be good

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totally agree, robbie. actually, last night i was over at aleister's birthday and sean played a fucking wicked LP by autechre that no one has ever heard (not even rob, according to him). i was smoking a drug cigar with robert browne and sean walked by with his synthesizers and set them up in the bedroom. my mom was sleeping (who the fuck invited her? bitch) anyway, sean told her to get out.


but really, he played some sick shit, it was full of lush mixtures, beats with complexity in their arranging, melodies which can only be described as "emotional" for lack of a better word, as well as other components that made me cry and that made me feel nostalgic for another reality.


rob seemed kind of pissed that sean hadn't let him know about any of this btw.

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I remember last summer when Autechre dj'd at that boat party i went to in Miami. Man, their set was so dope. David Morales was up next and he had to wrestle them off the decks they were on fire. Most of the bitches on the boat couldnt handle their set it was too complex for them they had to jump overboard. And yes literally they were on fire - the captain through rob and sean overboard to douse the flames and the boat sailed off into the sunset.

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if the new material is anything like what Sean played at Hanal's birthday gig, it's gonna be good.


any recordings of this?


Yes, but you have to sacrafice an ardvark to Satan first!!

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I don't think Oversteps & Move of Ten are any kind of drop in quality for the group, it's just the tools they limit themselves to each time they make an album that determines how it sounds. They've said before that this is how they go about making a new album.

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I don't think Oversteps & Move of Ten are any kind of drop in quality for the group, it's just the tools they limit themselves to each time they make an album that determines how it sounds. They've said before that this is how they go about making a new album.


completely agree, but since Oversteps has 'melodies' and evokes some aspects of Amber i think people sort of overlooked how one-note and unadventurous both the album and the EP are as a whole. Quaristice is a little rough around the edges, but it packs the creative punch of 10 Oversteps easily



edit: whoops i just realized he said 'don't' , lol so in reality i don't agree

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Really? I guess with Autechre people always have different views on their stuff but I don’t think Oversteps is unadventurous, lots of stuff on that album that I never expected from autechre (Know(1), d-sho qub etc)


I almost think the opposite that people think its unadventurous because they didn’t get pummelled by crazy beats, but in actual fact Oversteps was Autechre trying some new stuff and expanding their sound.


Mayhap agree to a certain extent on MOT though, think that’s mostly them kicking back and having fun rather that trying something new but its still good (and actually I think much the same with quaristice)


Anyhow Guess that’s Autechre for you, think everyone has a different opinion about all their albums and am sure the next one when it comes out will be the same, and I wouldn’t want it any other way! The day we all agree on an autechre album is the day they have stopped being truly creative!

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I don't think Oversteps & Move of Ten are any kind of drop in quality for the group, it's just the tools they limit themselves to each time they make an album that determines how it sounds. They've said before that this is how they go about making a new album.


completely agree, but since Oversteps has 'melodies' and evokes some aspects of Amber i think people sort of overlooked how one-note and unadventurous both the album and the EP are as a whole. Quaristice is a little rough around the edges, but it packs the creative punch of 10 Oversteps easily


I'm sorry I have to do this but I'm revoking your Autechre license. You can apply to get it back in three months from today.

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