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15 minutes into this film and i realized that not only did i not give a shit about what was happening, but i was also angry. it's so over-the-top about everything- the overly materialized sets and production design, the wardrobe, the editing, the shallow yet overly materialistic characters and the sometimes too computer generated visuals.


it actually makes sense why the person that made this also thought it was a good idea to soundtrack the film with a mixture of rap music and dubstep crap. nothing about anything about this film is good.

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I second this. One thing I find confusing though, who is the main character in this film?

one thing is for sure, the main character, or any developed character, is most definitely not a woman. cormac mccarthy can't write a woman if his life depended on it. considering his popularity, it's a pathetic weakness imo.

It's something many male writers struggle with, and similarly a great deal of male directors can't direct females either. This is why Steve McQueen is so unique (see Shame for reference) and very much on my "ones to watch list".

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even though von trier gets the "misogynist" label, i actually totally agree with you dpek. i think he's one of the few directors who focuses on the emotional or existential experience of women. he's basically the opposite of a misogynist.

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The Purge - okay this piece of was unbelievable, where we suppose to root for the fucking kid? my blood has never boiled this much, this kid not only had a punchable face but also his fucking bullshit morals ruined the movie for me, this movie would have been better if it was just about home invaders (i was okay with this movie being a Strangers rip-off). The rest of the cast were okay, everything was very predictable.


Go watch The Strangers and pretend you are watching The Purge/10




And when the kids puts on those glasses, holy shit i almost punched the tv, what a smug.


look at him with his morals, what a liberal prick. This is the worst kid in a movie ever, can we stop having kids on movies, they are for the most part annoying little pricks.



Edited by Deer
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I also watched Uli Seidl's Import/Export which I highly, highly, highly recommend.




It's reminiscent of Michael Haneke's ultra-realistic style, perhaps even more realistic than his films (given that Seidl uses non-actors to shoot his films with, so a lot of it isn't even acting) - The film consists of two alternating storylines, one about a girl from the Ukraine who moves to Austria and finds herself in one horrible situation after the other (Import) and one about two guys from Austria who travel Eastern European countries doing some sleazy business (Export).

This film was very harsh and emotional without being cheesy or sentimental. I'd even say it's flawless. Watch this if you like Haneke.


Great fucking film. Saw it in the cinema when it was released.

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VHS 2 -


First segment - Average cheap thrills ghosts thing - 6/10


Second segment - zombie POV well done, pretty cool - 8/10


Third Segment -Genuinely creepy, got a bit silly in the end but very fun - 9.5/10


Fourth Segment - I'm a sucker for alien abductions so this is a 10/10


Main segment - funny ending - 7/10

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There's a sequel? Oh man that's great news! I don't expect much but I love found footage & the concept of several segments and would love to contribute a(n actual scary) segment of my own to a compilation like this some day, looking forward to yet another fun Halloween movie! :emotawesomepm9:

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world war z - 5/10 - the whole film feels like a collection functional scenes for a zombie apocalypse film without anything broader tying them up in some way, even contagion did better than this. there are some decent action scenes and bread pit is watchable but it's big "meh" otherwise.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

MacGruber - a few laughs but not much else 4/5





edit: hold out 4/5 is a great score... RIGHT

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I'm actually glad they found a way to continue with Jackass, despite the death of Dunn.


why couldn't they just carry on as they were?

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I'm actually glad they found a way to continue with Jackass, despite the death of Dunn.


why couldn't they just carry on as they were?



I personally think it wouldn't be the same.

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MacGruber - a few laughs but not much else 4/5






when i first saw it i did not like it at all, but i've seen it about 5-6 times sine and I truly think it is probably the best comedy of the decade. I really can't think of another movie filled with so many good laughs and disgusting unlikable characters.


"I will suck your fucking dick"

"jesus Macgruber!"

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I was looking for a half-decent space-movie and stumbled upon "Europa Report".




A group of scientists go on a manned mission to the Jupiter-moon Europa (which in reality is debated to have liquid water underneath its ice surface) - that was enough to make me want to watch it, and to my surprise, it was actually one of the better sci-fi-films I've seen! It has a charming low-budget feel to it and it's actually a bit more scientifically correct and realistic than most sci-fi-films, which I liked, being a bit of an astronomy-nerd.

Oh yeah and this is yet another found footage film, but it's not really noticeable after a while as it's not degraded low-rez-images but HD camera footage (as would be the case on a space mission these days) and it feels like watching a film with a traditional movie camera most of the time. It's clearly inspired by Danny Boyle's Sunshine and the usual suspects when it comes to space, but it pulls it off nicely. Recommended!



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15 minutes into this film and i realized that not only did i not give a shit about what was happening, but i was also angry. it's so over-the-top about everything- the overly materialized sets and production design, the wardrobe, the editing, the shallow yet overly materialistic characters and the sometimes too computer generated visuals.


it actually makes sense why the person that made this also thought it was a good idea to soundtrack the film with a mixture of rap music and dubstep crap. nothing about anything about this film is good.


His films are like that, so regarding the sets and look I didn't mind. It's a lot worse than his previous movies though.


That soundtrack was pretty terrible at parts. Well really just the Jay Z song but fuck it tainted everything else.









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I really enjoyed two of the films in V/H/S 2,


'Safe Haven'




'Alien Abduction Slumber Party'.


The director of 'Safe Haven' also did a short for the mostly terrible film collection 'The ABC's of Death', called 'L is for Libido'.


here is an interview with him: http://collider.com/timo-tjahjanto-the-abcs-of-death-interview/


This guy fucked my world with both of these films and up until the very last shot of Safe Haven, I think it is the best short film I have ever seen. The most shocking and terrifying by a long shot but the rhythm to the story is perfect and the events that take place are so well timed and perfectly ascend in intensity. Some crummy cgi work and clunky make-up lessen the quality of the final product but the ideas, acting, and writing outweigh any failings in these areas.


L is for Libido is very disturbing as well but so well shot and acted that it becomes more like a combination of Salo, Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange mixed with A Serbian Film. If you want to be totally freaked out, watch these two films. I look forward to more work from him.


He wrote the screenplay for 'Raid: Redemption' but I have yet to see it and have been told it is nothing like the two short films.


This is one insane Indonesian man that we will be hearing more about in the future. A full length horror film from this guy will destroy the minds and lives of ordinary people. Bring it on!


Jason Eisner, director of 'Treevenge' and 'Hobo with A Shotgun', made the short film, 'Alien Abduction Slumber Party' with a minimal budget and practical everything and knocked it out of the park. Such great use of sound, light and costumes to cause fear. The greys really freaked me out in this. I loved how everything was so surreal when they were abducting the kids. It hit a chord that will stick with me for a long time. Alien abduction shit usually freaks me out unless the film is really horrible. He also has another film in the ABC's of Death that I need to see but skipped over last time b/c that film is filled with horrible shorts, except F is for Fart which I found to be very entertaining, not scary at all and Japanese as fuck.


so remember the name Timo Tjahjanto, if you can pronounce it.


Wear a diaper while watching because you could shit yourself.


Maybe a towel for the vomit as well.


Sick shit here folks, high quality sick shit.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I rewatched the godfather part 1 again. this time I was bothered by the speed at which Michael changes, it isn't very subtle or slow, to say its a 3 hour film. he goes from "god look how young he is" to Al Pacino very quickly

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the east - very disappointing, all the familiar tropes of the genre with a bit of current hip and shallow politics thrown in but with none of deep character study and interactions that made "sound of my voice" so good.

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world war z - 5/10 - the whole film feels like a collection functional scenes for a zombie apocalypse film without anything broader tying them up in some way, even contagion did better than this. there are some decent action scenes and bread pit is watchable but it's big "meh" otherwise.

have you read the book?
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

the east - very disappointing, all the familiar tropes of the genre with a bit of current hip and shallow politics thrown in but with none of deep character study and interactions that made "sound of my voice" so good.


sadly true. I felt like they over stretched their skill on this one.

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