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Disney's A Christmas Carol (Jim Carrey) - 9/10 man, this was fucked up. I've read the novel numerous times and seen plenty of different versions, but this was by far the most disturbing, especially for a Disney movie at Xmas. I could tell Carrey was playing against himself as the Ghost of Christmas Present, but I was surprised to see he played all 3 ghosts. Gary Oldman as well played multiple roles, and it took me a few minutes to realize he was Bob, the eyes really give it away with motion capture. the FX were great as you would expect from Zemeckis, but it was so bleak and frightening (for a child IMO), I can't imagine taking a kid younger than a teen to this. Still, it was a great production, and my 2nd favorite version next to the George C. Scott TV movie, which has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.

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Disney's A Christmas Carol (Jim Carrey) - 9/10 man, this was fucked up. I've read the novel numerous times and seen plenty of different versions, but this was by far the most disturbing, especially for a Disney movie at Xmas. I could tell Carrey was playing against himself as the Ghost of Christmas Present, but I was surprised to see he played all 3 ghosts. Gary Oldman as well played multiple roles, and it took me a few minutes to realize he was Bob, the eyes really give it away with motion capture. the FX were great as you would expect from Zemeckis, but it was so bleak and frightening (for a child IMO), I can't imagine taking a kid younger than a teen to this. Still, it was a great production, and my 2nd favorite version next to the George C. Scott TV movie, which has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.


I'm a fan of the Muppets Christmas Carol with Michael Caine, myself. Top notch xmas caroling

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Disney's A Christmas Carol (Jim Carrey) - 9/10 man, this was fucked up. I've read the novel numerous times and seen plenty of different versions, but this was by far the most disturbing, especially for a Disney movie at Xmas. I could tell Carrey was playing against himself as the Ghost of Christmas Present, but I was surprised to see he played all 3 ghosts. Gary Oldman as well played multiple roles, and it took me a few minutes to realize he was Bob, the eyes really give it away with motion capture. the FX were great as you would expect from Zemeckis, but it was so bleak and frightening (for a child IMO), I can't imagine taking a kid younger than a teen to this. Still, it was a great production, and my 2nd favorite version next to the George C. Scott TV movie, which has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.


I'm a fan of the Muppets Christmas Carol with Michael Caine, myself. Top notch xmas caroling


I forgot to mention Scrooged, I like that one as well. you can't go wrong with 80s Bill Murray.

taken - this film would be very average without neeson...he played a very convincing badass and if you overlook a lot of the dumb stuff it's actually quite fun

funny bits i noticed...



- they're following U2 around? seriously? this would only make sense for a teenager in the 80's, U2 are like the most dad rock band ever in 2008

- wouldn't the airport staff notice peter and his fellow mob members hanging out around the airport constantly getting in cabs with people? are they all corrupt?

- how annoying would it be to be holly valance's character and get asked what it's like to be a singer right when you're about to go on? she had every right to be like 'hey would you piss off? didn't you hear the guy running the show? it's go time mofo!' and neeson would just have to eat it

- how did he get out of paris when he was basically a felon leaving an epic trail of bodies? they were already onto him but somehow they just let him go because he was just trying to save his daughter?



yeah but how does he end up in the same improbable situation 3 times?? durr

plus he didn't punch any wolves in those flicks lol

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so you like Taken AND Radiohead, Mr Meshy?


dayum son,,,,,, this is like baptizing yerself with pre-emptive dementia and the lacking of sparked out wolves was, as mentioned above, where you have to draw the line


and if a wolf aint getting the Neeson hammer-time treatment, i'm simply not watching


ps: dont be "frightened", its just an opinion

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is that a question or yet more hyperbole?


as a question i'd reply that i'm not ruining anything here mate, maybe you could take a valium or take the dog round the block if yer a pet-owner, the latter usually works for me.


the flick with the wolves is actually almost digestible on some strange level, for a forgettable money-making scheme, but it might frighten you, what with the swearing n all.


or you could go into the Chatroom and talk behind my back again, like a real super-hero with back-bone.


lastly & in summary, i could care less if you piss off or not, your over-emotional responses will find expression & outlets, whether i piss off or not.


fuckin Taken........what a laugh


cue Squee (sp?) or Del...., watmm's resident Nazi caretakers to take the piss yet again.

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lollll only one who needs a valium is you buddy :emb:


and i didn't even go into chatmm...evidently they figured out for themselves how much of a prick you were being. but your paranoia is flattering though, glad you're thinking with a level head there, mate. also if you read the forum you'll notice 99% of people have the decency to not sink to your level of slagging off other people's personal taste in the pathetic manner in which you do. maybe that says something? who knows?


now, could we please stfu and get back to talking about movies? good. thanks.



its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down.

You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue.


hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating.


But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort?


you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices?


its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe.


Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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lollll only one who needs a valium is you buddy :emb:


and i didn't even go into chatmm...evidently they figured out for themselves how much of a prick you were being. but your paranoia is flattering though, glad you're thinking with a level head there, mate. also if you read the forum you'll notice 99% of people have the decency to not sink to your level of slagging off other people's personal taste in the pathetic manner in which you do. maybe that says something? who knows?


now, could we please stfu and get back to talking about movies? good. thanks.



its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down.

You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue.


hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating.


But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort?


you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices?


its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe.


Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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mate,,,,,,if thats a god damn cat paw, rather than a lovely dovely doggy paw, the voices are...... the voices are gonna...............



lollll only one who needs a valium is you buddy :emb:


and i didn't even go into chatmm...evidently they figured out for themselves how much of a prick you were being. but your paranoia is flattering though, glad you're thinking with a level head there, mate. also if you read the forum you'll notice 99% of people have the decency to not sink to your level of slagging off other people's personal taste in the pathetic manner in which you do. maybe that says something? who knows?


now, could we please stfu and get back to talking about movies? good. thanks.



its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down.

You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue.


hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating.


But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort?


you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices?


its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe.


Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,






its ok fellow hive-mind member, i dont take it personally, you crack on any way you want, but something tells me yer a long way from being a Dr. Of anything.


1 thing i guarantee is that if i get banned for whatever, you various hive-mind pack animals drinking at the trough of self-righteousness with your own hysterical bs will be ignored by the powers that be and continue spouting shit at anyone who contradicts you or who expresses contrasting opinions.


There is such a thing as shit art. Whether you ever get close to understanding that, well i wouldnt bet on it.....

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well, this was one of the most fucked up things i've ever seen. it starts off as your usual run of the mill "father molesting daughters" story before degenerating into serious incest issues from the siblings, even more serious psychological problems and murder. this family makes the wild and wonderful whites look like full house.


brain damage out of ten

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the roman catholic church has done its fair share, but the blurb around Just Melvin is staggering


i was an alter boy in an extremely warped rc diocese as a kid, but when its family & relations... those seem the hardest cases of all to recover from


its more common than people want to know

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Off topic ranting and/or baiting will be removed henceforth



- You're Going To Miss Me

- Derailroaded


Two documentaries on two legends, Wild Man Fischer and Roky Erickson. Nothing feel good about it (on the contrary) but definitely worth a watch.


- Berberian Sound Studio

Not what I expected, in a good way. Suprising/10

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yea! for the Fargo thing alone, haven't seen such concept in any other film

but dunno, may not be for everyone, for lots of people this might be a very boring/longwinded film in which nothing really happens.


it is also a bit campy and i can see how someone might get an allergic reaction towards the slightly heavy-handed drama/tragic

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Kumiko Treasure Hunter


excellent premise, turned out good fun/tragic, gotta see more by the Zellner bros




Couldn't make it to the end of this. Obviously there was some big moment coming but I couldn't be bothered spending any more time with Kumiko, just wanted her to get hit by a train or something. Loved Bunzo though. Hah, that little scamp.

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Solomon Kane - 8/10 I really enjoyed this, having just started reading the stories. James Purefoy was an excellent choice, and the cinematography captured the gothic mood very well. Shooting on location in castles and cathedrals helped the mid-budget immensely in authenticity, and only in the last 10 minutes did they blow it with a cheesy CG battle. I can see this character's influence in things like The Witcher books, and Bloodborne.

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Just revisited It Follows. Shot so well, with a refreshing brevity in the cutting. Production design was sharp, and combined with the suburban setting made the movie feel like an 80's throwback. Some decent vfx to boot for having been done on a budget. Oh- and the score! Recommended to all; can't wait to see what the director does next.

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It Follows - the scene in the swimming pool was like that Medal of Honour game where you stormed the beach, all your comrades dying from bullets in the water. Seems to be a thing now to have moody synth work in your film. Starry Eyes was another.

Titicut follies
Bloody hell. Harrowing. 9/10 don't watch it.


Just grabbed this, will watch it tonight, cheers. Went to IDFA in Amsterdam last week, saw maybe 30+ documentaries. Wiseman lets the footage speak for itself.

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Just revisited It Follows. Shot so well, with a refreshing brevity in the cutting. Production design was sharp, and combined with the suburban setting made the movie feel like an 80's throwback. Some decent vfx to boot for having been done on a budget. Oh- and the score! Recommended to all; can't wait to see what the director does next.



daddy wants blue velvet

*slap bitch where's my bourbon?

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