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10 mins in when his wife pulls up her kecks in the back of the car. Worth persevering?

Yes! Keep going. Even if it doesn't wow you, you won't be able to deny that it's one of the most batshit insane things you've ever seen. Some of the individual scenes, even out of context, are phenomenal. 

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I was ready to tune out ten minutes in as well. Luckily i didn't. The wailing has a rambling almost incoherent intensity that is definitely cumulative and leads to one of the better climactic scenes in a horror movie.

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I was ready to tune out ten minutes in as well. Luckily i didn't. The wailing has a rambling almost incoherent intensity that is definitely cumulative and leads to one of the better climactic scenes in a horror movie.


Haha, that describes The Wailing pretty well

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i loved chaser and yellow sea, but this one i dunno..too many loose ends..the zombie-thingy, the female ghost, the priest...all embedded in some interfaith ambiguity..but after 2h36min i can wholeheartedly say:




..which might even be the point.


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Just saw Silence. A bit lost for words, a lot to take in and it could be interpreted in many different ways. All I can say there's nothing quite like it, it was right up my alley, and very very good. It felt more like an old Bergman or Tarkovsky film than a modern Hollywood production. Very unexpected masterpiece from Scorsese.

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Logan - really solid in tone and performances, lite on plot and some backstory details. Nice ending.


Split - loved the twist but had to fast forward several times to keep my interest.


Hellraiser Revelations - an abomination to a once great franchise.

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The hellraiser films are all pretty terrible in hindsight. The first one is borderline OKish and the second one is fun for it's cheesy 80s gore and style, but other than that they're pure trash innit.

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mos def, love a bit o trash


srsly though, after Bloodlines they're beyond terrible. A lot of them are standard sub z-movie low budget horror scripts that the studio has shoehorned cenobites into.


Then you get to Revelations....





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The first Hellraiser is in fact good horror. The second is tolerable, mostly just because how weird it gets makes the rest worth it. After that they're pure trash.

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I'm watching Robocop for the first time since I was like 6-7 years old. I love Paul Verhoeven. I love Total Recall. I love Starship Troopers. Hell, I love Hollow Man.

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I got a lot of time for Hellraiser 3, it's really fun when Pinhead crashes the night club and that bloke shoots CD's from his head. The worst thing a horror film can be is boring.

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Sicario - unexpectedly decent, if a bit slow and meandering at times. Unusual ending. Great score by Johannsson!

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