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three billboards was astonishingly stupid. god i'm getting frustrated thinking about. every character is remarkably unlikable. completely uneven tone since they tried to make this some kind of black comedy? except all the jokes were telegraphed and awful. nothing in this movie was remotely believable. everything was stupid.




Three Billboards - it deals with the subject of grief intermittently well, Rockwell's arc was decent, but then it meandered all over the gaff. W/out Frances whatsherface, it would've sunk more quickly. John Wyles is usually well cast & shines in most things seen so far with him in, but he barely gets a look in. 6.5/10

no. it's way worse than this.

saw this just now and i agree. i really don't get the point of this kind of film-making/script-writing, mixing rape-burn-murder-abusive-husbands with the kind of constant wisecrackery of the latest thor film (is this how mcdonagh imagines people dealing with grief?) and heap of cheap contrivances to produce irony. felt kinda like fargo reenvisioned by an idiot with no taste and no inspiration.

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three billboards was astonishingly stupid. god i'm getting frustrated thinking about. every character is remarkably unlikable. completely uneven tone since they tried to make this some kind of black comedy? except all the jokes were telegraphed and awful. nothing in this movie was remotely believable. everything was stupid.




Three Billboards - it deals with the subject of grief intermittently well, Rockwell's arc was decent, but then it meandered all over the gaff. W/out Frances whatsherface, it would've sunk more quickly. John Wyles is usually well cast & shines in most things seen so far with him in, but he barely gets a look in. 6.5/10

no. it's way worse than this.

saw this just now and i agree. i really don't get the point of this kind of film-making/script-writing, mixing rape-burn-murder-abusive-husbands with the kind of constant wisecrackery of the latest thor film (is this how mcdonagh imagines people dealing with grief?) and heap of cheap contrivances to produce irony. felt kinda like fargo reenvisioned by an idiot with no taste and no inspiration.



yeah. totally infuriating to sit through


the fact that they're trying to push rockwell for some kind of oscar is hilarious. i feel like if you went up to some complete rando on the street and said "do your best impression of a drunk racist" you'd get something 10x as good as his drivel

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three billboards was astonishingly stupid. god i'm getting frustrated thinking about. every character is remarkably unlikable. completely uneven tone since they tried to make this some kind of black comedy? except all the jokes were telegraphed and awful. nothing in this movie was remotely believable. everything was stupid.


Three Billboards - it deals with the subject of grief intermittently well, Rockwell's arc was decent, but then it meandered all over the gaff. W/out Frances whatsherface, it would've sunk more quickly. John Wyles is usually well cast & shines in most things seen so far with him in, but he barely gets a look in. 6.5/10

no. it's way worse than this.
saw this just now and i agree. i really don't get the point of this kind of film-making/script-writing, mixing rape-burn-murder-abusive-husbands with the kind of constant wisecrackery of the latest thor film (is this how mcdonagh imagines people dealing with grief?) and heap of cheap contrivances to produce irony. felt kinda like fargo reenvisioned by an idiot with no taste and no inspiration.

I'm not sure film is the art form for you, you seem to hate everything.

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Yeah, so it's an unbelievable movie, with no obvious good guys, that's set in a soap opera-like dream universe where people escape what would be obvious real-world consequences of their actions a lot of the time. None of that bothered me though, I think the insane improbability of the sympathies the characters have for one another is kind of the point of the movie.

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three billboards was astonishingly stupid. god i'm getting frustrated thinking about. every character is remarkably unlikable. completely uneven tone since they tried to make this some kind of black comedy? except all the jokes were telegraphed and awful. nothing in this movie was remotely believable. everything was stupid.

Three Billboards - it deals with the subject of grief intermittently well, Rockwell's arc was decent, but then it meandered all over the gaff. W/out Frances whatsherface, it would've sunk more quickly. John Wyles is usually well cast & shines in most things seen so far with him in, but he barely gets a look in. 6.5/10

no. it's way worse than this.
saw this just now and i agree. i really don't get the point of this kind of film-making/script-writing, mixing rape-burn-murder-abusive-husbands with the kind of constant wisecrackery of the latest thor film (is this how mcdonagh imagines people dealing with grief?) and heap of cheap contrivances to produce irony. felt kinda like fargo reenvisioned by an idiot with no taste and no inspiration.

I'm not sure film is the art form for you, you seem to hate everything.


i'll do my best effort to like "the square" which i'm planning to see today.

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lolz, eugene really liked Starlet iirc...



and the rocky movie but for drummers, where the kid bleeds from playing like an animal...


apart from what he likes or not, it's always an entertaining read :thumbsup:

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lolz, eugene really liked Starlet iirc...



and the rocky movie but for drummers, where the kid bleeds from playing like an animal...


apart from what he likes or not, it's always an entertaining read :thumbsup:

and his recent one, the florida project, was nice as well. he has a knack for digging up humanity and kindness from piles of garbage. but i can't stand kids and that obviously severely impacted my enjoyment because their chatter is pretty much a constant background of the film, (which in itself is an interesting move).

la la land - i torrented it, but then i thought "what the fuck was i thinking, why would i watch a musical?" and deleted it after i came to this realization.

i also watched loveless, it's the doom metal of cinema. it's massive, heavy, bleak and kinda repetitive when it comes to ideas it sets to explore. it's basically an improvisation on on pretty simple theme - "modern russia is a depressing and hopeless place". there are some extremely moving scenes in it, and the cinematography is absolutely stunning.

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oh, good. I thought this was a gothic reboot of the little mermaid.


Watched the Cloverfield Paradox, that was some bullshit. I don't understand how someone read that script and decided it was a good idea to turn it into a movie. 2/10

Edited by Gocab
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