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Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest


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I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.








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Let's hear it for The Campfire Headphase, the most unfairly bullied, arbitrarily shat on album in IDMz history. As in how could you "meh" that album and not this one?

Agree. It's actually quite interesting how polarizing both TCH and TH are. I think TCH is by far the superior album, but it has less initial "wow" factor. Will be interesting to see how TH ages with the fans.



So you are or are not a fan?


I guess I can gather that you are kind of a fan.


TCH is nowhere near as engaging as TH, this is fact. You admit that it has more wow, but yet you still hate on it?


I would say you are trolling, but I know you and you have never pulled this before, that I know of.


Definitely a good chance to troll with the amount of cult-like fan worship BoC have.





You are a mystery Lumpster.


Stay mysterious and see you next semester.



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I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.










I'll be giving those delightful mofos my money next time (or I'll just drive 20 minutes and buy on release day).

Edited by baph
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I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.



That's what I expect. The lawyer part of me likes to make an early email trail, though.



Yeah it's pretty annoying that they handle stuff like that. Is it just me or are a LOT of packages from bleep lost in the mail?


Out of 46 orders I've placed with them, there have been 9 lost in the mail. Seems like a high percentage...





I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.











Norman records is going to be my new go-to place. =)


do you work for them or something? lol you're always reppin' it.

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I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.

That's what I expect. The lawyer part of me likes to make an early email trail, though.

Yeah it's pretty annoying that they handle stuff like that. Is it just me or are a LOT of packages from bleep lost in the mail?


Out of 46 orders I've placed with them, there have been 9 lost in the mail. Seems like a high percentage...





I've had to email bleep customer support, since (a) my shipping confirmation email (sent June 10) only mentions the T-Shirt and not the LP and (b) the tracking information suggests that the package made it to Michigan on the 7th and then disappeared from the USPS tracking system-- which unfortunately seems to happen pretty frequently with USPS and typically indicates that they "lost" the package.


That part's most likely not bleep's fault, but I'm pretty nervous about how they'll handle it.


They're going to tell you to wait up to 28 days. Then after that time elapses and you email them again they will send a replacement.


Because.. fuck bleep.








Norman records is going to be my new go-to place. =)


do you work for them or something? lol you're always reppin' it.

Haha, nah man. I just buy from them a lot, and think they deserve more customers given how well they treat them.
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ive found this forum a fascinating insight into a mindset i completely cannot understand, which is album mentality. i literally do not care, i feel each tune as a seperate tune. maybe its something to do with being a dj, but some of my favourite albums are 5 tunes i dote over, and 7 tunes i hate, but its still a great album. there is essentially no album i enjoy as a whole. not that i have any objection to you guys loving albums a whole, but i just dont see it. the closest i get to this is loving a classical sonata as a whole, but that is also rare. maybe im just weird.

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My main problem with TCH is that Tears and Farewell Fire, in sequence if not individually, are a fucking un-compelling drag. I get the idea, thematically, but I don't want to listen.


Edit: Not that it's much of a hassle to stop play through after STBD, which is wonderful.

Agreed on Farewell Fire, although Marcus has mentioned more than once, proudly, how he came up with the melody in a one hour evening jam or something, and fans have rabidly dissected it and turned up the volume on the last minutes of the track, I don't find it to be a very interesting one. I like Tears. If it had flowed from Tears into Macquarrie Ridge, with maybe Farwell Fire as an interlude, would have been much stronger I agree. But I always just skip to the start after Farewell Fire, and it works lushly and nothing is lost...


TCH is a great album, dunno what they were thinking putting Davyan on the Trans Canada ep again though and that remix :/ i always leave those 2 off.

yeah that was the most commercial move they've ever made, it devalued that ep a little bit for me. They had a proud tradition of making ep's that stood on their own as unique artistic testaments, no idea why they "sold out" in this case.

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ive found this forum a fascinating insight into a mindset i completely cannot understand, which is album mentality. i literally do not care, i feel each tune as a seperate tune. maybe its something to do with being a dj, but some of my favourite albums are 5 tunes i dote over, and 7 tunes i hate, but its still a great album. there is essentially no album i enjoy as a whole. not that i have any objection to you guys loving albums a whole, but i just dont see it. the closest i get to this is loving a classical sonata as a whole, but that is also rare. maybe im just weird.

I'm the opposite. I prefer listening to albums to one off tracks.


different strokes.

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Let's hear it for The Campfire Headphase, the most unfairly bullied, arbitrarily shat on album in IDMz history. As in how could you "meh" that album and not this one?

Agree. It's actually quite interesting how polarizing both TCH and TH are. I think TCH is by far the superior album, but it has less initial "wow" factor. Will be interesting to see how TH ages with the fans.



So you are or are not a fan?


I guess I can gather that you are kind of a fan.


TCH is nowhere near as engaging as TH, this is fact. You admit that it has more wow, but yet you still hate on it?


I would say you are trolling, but I know you and you have never pulled this before, that I know of.


Definitely a good chance to troll with the amount of cult-like fan worship BoC have.





You are a mystery Lumpster.


Stay mysterious and see you next semester.




lol, I always love how easily mellow hippie types can get enraged, once you scratch the surface.


:flower: Atop, you nutter


ok, so "engaging" and "wow factor" are different things. Engaging sounds unequivocally positive, but what I meant by "wow factor" is it gives a strong initial impression, punch. For example, you make a drumroll accompanied by some swelling syths - any listener will feel a heightened sense of anticipation. Arpeggios build tension, and this album is full of them. Listen to Gemini, it's basically the aural equivalent of someone waving their arms around and going "Bwaaaaaa, listen to this big epic sound, you won't believe what we have in store for you!" These big epic flourishes can be ok if the album delivers (think, arguably, Pink Floyd's The Wall, which certainly seems to contain delusions of grandeur, but may almost live up to them). I don't think this album quite does, it's like an hour-long cocktease. Good, but not great - again, only imo. Main complaints are: lacking melodies, a bit dull, some tracks are cut short and need more development.


TCH, on the other hand, starts with a mellow little warpy synth intro, and then goes in to possibly the most off-putting track on the album Chromakey Dreamcoat (though I happen to love it). The guitars on that track are like new-listener poison, they're very sick sounding and they repeat over, and over, and over. Ok, Dayvan Cowboy trends suspiciously close to pop music, but I think the rest of the album feels quite personal and uniquely weird, in that Boards way. It's subtle, but deeply felt (at least, it seems that way to me). Apart from Dayvan, it doesn't seem to be trying to impress you, but rather to beguile you. And even Dayvan, despite being very poppy, represents a new experiment for the Boards, in the context of the rest of their discography - it seems like the first time they have tried to do an unabashedly epic pop track (I suppose you could include 1969, but I don't think that was nearly as radio friendly, with the weird speech and Waco references). So from the point of view of the band, it's still a fresh idea (I happen to still enjoy it). And TCH contains one of their longest and most stubbornly cold and autistic tracks, Slow This Bird Down. All in all, I feel the album is both very subtle (the gradual swelling in SAI, the gentle overlaps at the end of Peacock Tail, the mellow mosaic of sounds in OSTRE being just a few examples), and also quite experimental, from the point of view of the rest of their discography. It doesn't insist on itself, it just is. I personally love it when the Boards make music that doesn't seem to be trying to be anything. I think that's the big failing of Geogaddi, there is still something within the music that makes me think "I can tell they're trying to be hard and epic with this one" (I feel the same "failing" with Confield, incidentally, though I recognize both are seminal albums, I just don't listen to them as often as others).


Back to the point - yes I consider myself a huge fan, and in the case of TH, I feel it's a bit "all sizzle but no steak." Impressive presentation, but lacking content. This impression is subject to change of course.

Edited by lumpenprol
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the autechre effect is full on in the boc sub forum. this is when all of a sudden, the previous unliked album is propelled to god status because the new one isn't like the old stuff. and the cycle repeats...

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the autechre effect is full on in the boc sub forum. this is when all of a sudden, the previous unliked album is propelled to god status because the new one isn't like the old stuff. and the cycle repeats...





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This is very different from the Autechre effect, because from the get go I knew TCH was really, really good. I started listening to BoC around 2007, and always saw the albums as a trilogy of really good stuff.


Tomorrow's Harvest doesn't sound nearly as developed. I enjoy quite a bit of it, but I'm just being honest with myself and I I think this one sounds so much more sparse and unrealized than TCH. It's just this go-to talking point for reviewers. "derp, derp, Campfire Heaphase is trying to be MHTRTC again but failing, derp. derp" when if you actually listen to it it's a very clear progression of their sound and aesthetic. The new one is a regression, absolutely. I guarantee you if the release dates were reversed you would have a very different reaction from fans. Nobody wants to hear it, but shit man.

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Guest fsdapfad

Basically, my question is for those who think Tomorrow's Harvest is better than The Campfire Headphase: Why?


I like both albums, neither as much as the first two but I think they're pretty good. I expect the poppiness of TCH puts some people off; the guitars verge on the cheesy at some points, and it's perhaps a bit over-mellow. This has the opposite problem; it's quite harsh and not melodically interesting, but it has a really cool, dense sound. I think they're both good albums, but MHRTC and Geogaddi struck the right blend between atmosphere and playful melody and that's why they remain the essential boards.

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I'm kinda saddened by all of the non-enjoyment of this superb music. We are all getting old. I think we all need to remember that it has been 8 years since we've heard anything new. BOC has made a lot of music in that time (I hope). I think without seeing the progression or evolution to this new sound we have missed out. At least I hope these tracks aren't 6 years old. They have been promising a new release for about that time. I would argue that this is not the "cream of the crop" of their last 6 years of production. These tracks fit together to represent what BOC want us to hear at this time and what ideas they want to reflect with this specific release.

This is the problem with record labels and fans expectations. If BOC had their own Bandcamp page and released music whenever they liked we would hear a lot more music and they would get more money. As a musician my goal is to connect with the audience. To have someone appreciate the ideas I try to convey and experience the passage of time utilizing my music. I don't understand "professional musicians" not wanting to release music, tour, or only releasing new music on cd in the digital age under different artist names (ahem Rephlex). There are posters on here claiming not to be "fanboys" and then bitching about vinyl weight, 24 bit downloads and t-shirts. You are posting on a website that was "built" for (or on) these artists. Take a look at yourselves!

BOC is a music group. We put them on a pedestal because we are on a website devoted to talking about their music. Their music is beautiful but depressing and dark. Is the darkness why we think it is good? Or important? Another poster already said that this is not 1998. MHTRTC was 15 years ago! I think this album is beautiful. Is it as good as Geogaddi? Nope, but then again, it's not 2001. I've heard a lot of new mind blowing artists and music in that gap. Looking back 5 years from now I will be reminiscent of this time. When my daughter is 18 months old, and daddy is playing some new Boards of Canada and watching her try to dance to it. And it is amazing. The album sounds amazing. I've never liked all of BOC's output and for me their perfect album is one I would create from snips of their entire discography (which really only includes 5 LPs and only a couple of notable EPs)..... anyways......This is my last post in this topic. I look forward to the individual track forum topics as we all digest this wonderful feast (Clark reference) that has been laid out before us. lots more to talk about and enjoy! Happy BOCing

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