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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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And just to satisfy my curiosity : could somebody explain very quickly to me how this SC profile was found and how you knew it was AFX pls ? :flower:


The account that posted all these tracks posted to the Aphex official soundcloud with a weird comment saying they would be releasing tracks and then the aphex official count replied to it. People checked it out, and it turned out to most likely be aphex dumping a bunch of tracks.



Thanks for the explanations mate !

My brain's melting.


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Been downloading all day, finally listening before sleeping and everything is awesome... And more are coming out! This is incredible, thanks everyone, it's great to be here with you all




Feeling the same warm fuzzies here. Just upgraded my account, I'm ashamed to admit. This has been a hell of a day.

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so what chick sings in "***fresher and cleaner and very smooth and not at all dry***" (JT1) track? i really really love that one, but i still dont quite get it

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Just realised this about Soundcloud, for the most part it seems really difficult to find stuff from small, new artists anywhere. When you click on a tag it starts you the most popular stuff that's got a few hundered thousand plays, then you scroll down to artists with slightly less few thousand plays, is there anywhere decent on this website to find new stuff?

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Techno Trousers anyone? no one else saw that about an hour ago? I am listening to it a few times now, 2:57 wonder if it was mis labeled/re-uploaded? I haven't heard all the tracks yet tho so I have no idea yet. Just curious

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on soundcloud : i was ony my phone and after one of these tunes it BLARED OUT SOME SHIT. i had to scrabble to find the off switch. nearly deafened me

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I have to sleep, but cant stop refreshing soundcloud. Momentous. Such a talent and so very generous to share these tracks, I'm sure there is great personal value in lots of these tracks for him, which makes it all the more generous for.him to put them out there. Gush over. Cheers rich :) :)

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and you can have some kudos too, Pitchfork!

this had to be the thread watmm and pitchfork reunited for a noble cause :)

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Did anyone get that track called Sleep Till Noon on https://soundcloud.com/user487363530?- it went before I nabbed it.

that wasn't afx, the old username has been claimed by someone else


So the new user knew that Richard had had it before and posted similar styled music? I recon it is is him again as

sounds related to some of the power pill stuff - I could be wrong though.
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what if richard has just discovered a way or generating music that sounds like him in his 20's, and is just uploading them as they finish rendering?

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what if richard has just discovered a way or generating music that sounds like him in his 20's, and is just uploading them as they finish rendering?


entirely possibleish

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Techno Trousers anyone? no one else saw that about an hour ago? I am listening to it a few times now, 2:57 wonder if it was mis labeled/re-uploaded? I haven't heard all the tracks yet tho so I have no idea yet. Just curious


Doesn't sound like aphex at all to me really. That bass is horrid compared to aphex twin's style.

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Just realised this about Soundcloud, for the most part it seems really difficult to find stuff from small, new artists anywhere. When you click on a tag it starts you the most popular stuff that's got a few hundered thousand plays, then you scroll down to artists with slightly less few thousand plays, is there anywhere decent on this website to find new stuff?


Same old hierarchy bullshit isn't it.

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Did anyone get that track called Sleep Till Noon on https://soundcloud.com/user487363530?- it went before I nabbed it.

that wasn't afx, the old username has been claimed by someone else


So the new user knew that Richard had had it before and posted similar styled music? I recon it is is him again as

sounds related to some of the power pill stuff - I could be wrong though.



ah that's where I was seeing it, I was just confused. God damn all these tracks are great so far, I haven't even listened to them all yet. Exciting times

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Just realised this about Soundcloud, for the most part it seems really difficult to find stuff from small, new artists anywhere. When you click on a tag it starts you the most popular stuff that's got a few hundered thousand plays, then you scroll down to artists with slightly less few thousand plays, is there anywhere decent on this website to find new stuff?


Same old hierarchy bullshit isn't it.


at least, do it like lastfm - where you get tracks that others have, or friends of friends tracks etc

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When this is over, who's gonna make a separate thread with a .zip of all the tracks so I don't have to sift through this thread that will inevitably be 500 pages long?




*goes back to catatonic listening*


edit: Haven't gotten a damn thing done today. I ain't even mad.

Edited by danke
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