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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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marijuana is the worst drug ever - it makes you fucking stupid but doesn't completely kill you for the benefit of society, at least harder drugs do that.


agreed. unfortunately the potheads are trying to legalize it here in the united states. in fact i live in a place where it's legal and i'll tell you firsthand that most marijuana smokers i've encountered are lazy as fuck. they're entitled idiots who spend hundreds of dollars a month on dope but complain about the rising cost of rent, lack of public transit, unemployment... uh maybe if you didn't spend all day being high and melting into the sofa, you could get a job, pay your rent, and drive a car?? apparently that never entered their minds... not that it could, since the weed has shriveled their brains up. no, they'd rather vote socialists into office so the gov can fix all their problems for them while they waste away on pot :) the worst is when they say it's for a "medical condition"... yeah, so are all those painkillers :rolleyes: these scumbags just want to get high and leech off the rest of us.


smh what is society becoming :facepalm:

Marijuana's effects can be used for more than just melting into the couch, you know that right? I use it when running, it helps me lose myself and run harder while also focusing on my leg form and I usually end up running faster and longer than I usually would. Many athletes, including ultra distance runners and triathletes use it for this same purpose. Not just as a painkiller, but as a mind-refocuser. I'd say marijuana has affected my life in a very positive way, I've been exercising more, and for longer than I ever was before. It has also helped me focus harder and increased my creativity in creative endeavors. It's about what you bring to the table. If you have the maturity of mind to sit down and say, "Yes, I'm going to enjoy this, but I am also determined to use it as a tool," then I would venture to say that you're going to probably be very positively affected by it, whether you're using it to experience greater empathy for people, to use it to get a leverage point on your creativity, to get rid of physical pain, or to use it as a tool to help you get focused. There are many uses, and they shouldn't be overlooked because of "losers" who flock to the drug to get "fucked up"; who already have addictive and destructive personalities. If you think that pot is only used by losers, go and look at the long list of successful, smart, interesting people who not only used marijuana, but other psychedelic drugs. I'm not saying that weed will make you successful or unsuccessful, I'm saying that if you have the toolkit for success, wisdom, maturity, you can take a very positive influence form pot in your life. My father works in tech and was/is/always has been a pothead, smokes very regularly, and shit, he makes 75,000 a year, has a wife, two dogs, nice house, and is incredibly good at what he does, "despite" being an almost daily pot smoker. There hare hundreds of thousands of cases just like this, so don't tell me it doesn't exist. The only reason I can think of for many pot smokers being losers would be that because of its stigmatization in society, many successful people veer away from it for fear that their life will fall apart. Yet, many of these people consume alcohol on a regular basis. :rolleyes:

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I don't even smoke pot but I will 1up drukqs personal account, becawse i have witnessed firsthand people who like, hone their shit, their skillz on the weed. Me i hone my skillz on amphetamines and benzos but i seen other folks like glide into their element once they a bit stoned. Real shit thjough. Some people is wetwired already to be bosses, the ganja only uplifts them to new levels of own-age. consider. real-eyes realize real lies. yo. lol. okay for real i really think a good 5th/3rd of pot smokers get an edge-up from their stonage.

(not me lol I just return to the ur-self-hatred-cube and focus all my brains/p/s on how I could die and end this horrid jester's court-game. lol)

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haha, you must smoke pot, right? classic reaction, i must be joking because you can't handle the facts.


please educate yourself before it's too late: http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/how-does-marijuana-use-affect-your-brain-body


From that link -

The very first sentence:


Substantial evidence from animal research and a growing number of studies in humans indicate that marijuana exposure during development can cause long-term or possibly permanent adverse changes in the brain.


I've just highlighted a couple of words that I think hold great significance.



Then the first sentence of the last paragraph:

The ability to draw definitive conclusions about marijuana’s long-term impact on the human brain from past studies is often limited by the fact that study participants use multiple substances, and there is often limited data about the participants’ health or mental functioning prior to the study.


So there is nothing really definitive about that particular article.

Since I'm fortunate enough to be attending grad school, I thought I might as well take advantage of the library facilities. I grabbed the first two very recent studies that came up from your LMGTFY link, they both come from peer-reviewed journals. I'm not a neuroscientist, but fortunately one of my friends is, with a specialty in pharmacology (he got into the field cause he was curious about what effects, if any, all the drugs we took from between 15-20 - and we took a lot - had on his brain). I'll attach the two articles here, and get back to this thread with his comments on them. I think the major problems with them is that the sample size is quite small (n of 20 and 59, respectively) and that neither of the studies are particularly longitudinal. They also don't seem to control for other drug abuse, although one of them does provide regression analysis for drinking and smoking tobacco.


I will just point out that, even though anecdotes aren't data, this very post references two people who took a large quantity of drugs (my friend and myself), and he has PhD and teaches at a university, and I will soon have an MA and currently work at a think tank (not very spectacular I know, but I think it does put the claim that smoking marijuana makes you stupid to the test).


Edit: if you're being facetious, well done. I have to say I was a bit surprised, given your posting history, but hey you never know, people change.

Marijuana Study 1.full.pdf

Marijuana Study 2.full.pdf

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She's being facetious.


I'm trying to figure out who is more of a dick. You for ruining this thread, or me for standing by and watching it happen.

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I gonna smoke some weed and sit around doing fuck all day. Well apart from eating endless bowls of cereal. I will also be scared of the little birdies in the garden (I'm sure to conjuror up sort of problem with them, possibly down to the fact they chirp and flutter with such gaiety and freedom yet I'm just sort of stuck to the floor in a miserable fucking mess) and after some time have a wank. Then go to bed. Hating myself. While I lay down with a pair of sticky pants stuck to my sack and reeling off loads and loads of negative scenarios in my own head. Going round and round and round, whirling round faster and faster.


Or I could go do some exercise on my bike, out in the fresh air, pump those lungs, the blood pulsing faster and faster. Feel the wind on my face, the dappled winter sun projecting blue skies across my eyes. Once a nice thirst has been achieved and I'm all flush and hydrated with H2o, I'm gonna have a few beers. And punch the sky with glory.


Yeah that's why I'm called Beerwolf not Weedwolf. Stick that in your grimy pipe and smoke it lol.


That's just my personal perspective on it, I know plenty of people who stay away from alcohol and prefer a toke. Each to their own. Different horses for different courses.

Edited by beerwolf
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I was a habitual smoker for a couple of years when I was 17-19 but in retrospect it wasn't my thing. For me the whole experience of being stoned is dominated by the feeling of being incapacitated, which is fine when you're alone or with a few close friends but all too often it ended up making me anxious in more public places. It's the same sort of thing I have with mushrooms which to me are a serious psychedelic yet buddies of mine will eat them and just think everything is "funny" and go to a bar or some shit.


Alcohol for instance incapacitates you too but when I'm drunk I'm not as acutely aware of that. It's probably ravaging my internal organs but at least I'm having fun, right? I'm already semi-anxious sober so I prefer something that loosens me up. Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


Chronic smoking also blunted my emotions, ever since quitting I really enjoy being emotional, whereas before I just took that for granted.


P.S. lol at the beginning of that last sentence.

Edited by manmower
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She's being facetious.


I'm trying to figure out who is more of a dick. You for ruining this thread, or me for standing by and watching it happen.



Probably you. The real criminal is who let you learn how to type.



She's being facetious.







Edited by Braintree
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Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


wasn't fun at all for me unfortunately, I've learnt to avoid this combo like the plague. the only time I have ever suddenly thrown up in the middle of a drinking session was after a joint.

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She's being facetious.


I'm trying to figure out who is more of a dick. You for ruining this thread, or me for standing by and watching it happen.



Probably you. The real criminal is who let you learn how to type.




now now let's keep it funny.

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