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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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Not that everyone should be a raging pot-head, but it'd be really nice to see alcohol abuse slow down in some people. My dad got back into smoking weed after I graduated high school and upon doing so he lessened his alcohol intake and has become much more relaxed when he smokes a few nights a week. 

Same, it's a more recent development for mine but he is noticeably more chill lately.

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I think I started liking it when I had some CBD stuff the last time I went to Oregon. Helps me sleep and also helps me drink less. THC heavy weed keeps me up and cracked out all night, though.

With that said, I still don't smoke often.

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I'm feeling like Guest_drukqs_ was Law Enforcement attempting to infiltrate the obvious international dank operation that is watmm. only to find the dank was memes and the MM doesnt stand for "marijuana makers"

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managed to push my walking range from a range of about 10mins 2 years ago to 90mins now after a life-changing RTA/reconstructive surgeries from the pelvis down, with a little help from the precioussssses flower friends


as an alternative for chronic (no pun intended) pain and heavy opiates like Morphine (granted which is v nice in small doses), or Oxy, physiotherapy would've been nigh on impossible


when that deep deep orthopedic grind starts to rise in my pelvis & leg joints, 1 or 2 vape hits push that extreme threshold of irritation (mental as well as physical) away to the point that it slowly subsides into manageable proportions


i'd rather this than hundreds of hardcore opiates, month in month out, slowly building up completely unnecessary addictions


a ridiculous situation compounded by seeing a nation that invented the War On Drugs slowly seeing sense way way b4 your own cuntry's lingering sense of institutional denial has even come close to being addressed at home


good luck, merka

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^that is absolutely incredible man, good on you


My dad was quite similar when both his hips started going really bad at the same time (and i mean bad, i saw the x-rays). He's always been fine with smoking weed but i think it wasnt til then that he fully realized the benefits of such an application. Of course it's not medicinal here in FL quite yet, but it would have been a textbook example of when it helps with these matters

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