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I'm kind of pissed they released it so far ahead of the album because now I listened to it too much and it's going to mess up the flow of the album for me.

That's what happened with Problem Areas in R+7, but it actually created a pretty good effect. The way Along builds up to Problem Areas gets me excited every time! It's just unfortunate that they're separated in the vinyl version of the album.

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can someone explaing this to me pls ?


r+7 interview


How did you make the album?

DL: The album was made in my apartment, mostly on a computer. Not a lot of hardware. A lot of mapping out, utilising non-musical information or flows to then create some general MIDI points that I then chromatically altered.

So how did you choose which ones you would useDL: A lot of the time they choose themselves, because we would have a ton of these scripts that we created, read back and then chromatically spread across four octaves. So if there’s a pre-existing melody we could apply that sampler instrument to the MIDI that was pre-existing


Sounds like he used some sort of numerical data (that's not necessarily musical data) that then is fed through an application to generate midi note information that then gets tuned to a specific scale. Something like this -



wow thx never seen this stuff before the guy has nice tutorials

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I'd be surprised if he doesn't, considering how important this place is in IDM and Warp business in general. (I know it's difficult to seriously read about WATMM being imporant, but in the context of Aphex and friends, it actually is to some extent.)

Edited by drillkicker
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Guest cult fiction

everybody knows about watmm but nobody wants to admit it


if a non tiestoish electronic musician pretends not to know about it they're just trying to act cool


daniel came here at the very least for the AAA if nothing else i'd wager

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I've been following the OPN threads for a few years here. And I have to say I'm completely disappointed just like with r+7. This sounds like completely pretentious shithop. I'm really confused as to what you all are hearing, I can't hear any redeeming qualities.


I'm not trying to be a POS fucktard. I legitimately can't hear what you guys are hearing. This is the most neckbeardy, pretentious marketing approach to setting the reason matrix sequencer on random that I've ever seen...=/

This is complete non-music.


Edit: sorry, not "non music". Just "music" with a new set of parameters. lol

Edited by StephenG
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Guest bitroast

This is pretentious drivel. I can't see how all of you intelligent people are drawn to it...


hey everybody. lets point our fingers at the troll and laugh.


I wonder if Daniel knows about watmm


80% chance of yes imo.



dooooooooooooooes daniel lopatin post on watmm ??



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Let's point our fingers at the dozens that are pretending this is some sort of "new parameter" and laugh. This is embarrassing.

Wow I set an arpeggiator to random and played some wildlife noises over it, I'm fucking beethoven all the sudden.







I've really tried over the last few years to figure out the appeal to this guy and I simply don't understand. It's not for me, I suppose.

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I wonder if Daniel knows about watmm


There have been a few instances where I thought it was pretty obvious that he does, wish I could remember more specifically what they were. :cerious:



i mentioned watmm on the OPN facebook page once and the comment got deleted... twice


probably hardly proof tho but really, as if you need it


i'd be fairly confident guessing daniel's probably got an account here tho


hi dan!

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I've been following the OPN threads for a few years here. And I have to say I'm completely disappointed just like with r+7. This sounds like completely pretentious shithop. I'm really confused as to what you all are hearing, I can't hear any redeeming qualities.


I'm not trying to be a POS fucktard. I legitimately can't hear what you guys are hearing. This is the most neckbeardy, pretentious marketing approach to setting the reason matrix sequencer on random that I've ever seen...=/

This is complete non-music.


Edit: sorry, not "non music". Just "music" with a new set of parameters. lol

funny this is what a lot of people are saying about ae

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Let's point our fingers at the dozens that are pretending this is some sort of "new parameter" and laugh. This is embarrassing.

Wow I set an arpeggiator to random and played some wildlife noises over it, I'm fucking beethoven all the sudden.







I've really tried over the last few years to figure out the appeal to this guy and I simply don't understand. It's not for me, I suppose.

To me Daniels music reminds me abit of FSOL (more specifically r+7) in regards to the unusual application of samples in the given context of the song.

Dead cities (most of it atleast) and r+7 sit in the same sort of space for me, abstract but in a way that a child would view society not having been given the context of growing up within that society. Mind you that's not the only reason I like it but that's probably one of the more tangible reasons.

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Let's point our fingers at the dozens that are pretending this is some sort of "new parameter" and laugh. This is embarrassing.

Wow I set an arpeggiator to random and played some wildlife noises over it, I'm fucking beethoven all the sudden.







I've really tried over the last few years to figure out the appeal to this guy and I simply don't understand. It's not for me, I suppose.

To me Daniels music reminds me abit of FSOL (more specifically r+7) in regards to the unusual application of samples in the given context of the song.

Dead cities (most of it atleast) and r+7 sit in the same sort of space for me, abstract but in a way that a child would view society not having been given the context of growing up within that society. Mind you that's not the only reason I like it but that's probably one of the more tangible reasons.


This, the album sounds like it was made by a child, and that's a compliment. The album is very energetic, free flowing, open to new ideas, idk, its like all the best aspects of childhood translated into an album. Such a refreshing outlook

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Let's point our fingers at the dozens that are pretending this is some sort of "new parameter" and laugh. This is embarrassing.

Wow I set an arpeggiator to random and played some wildlife noises over it, I'm fucking beethoven all the sudden.







I've really tried over the last few years to figure out the appeal to this guy and I simply don't understand. It's not for me, I suppose.


Who is Beethoven?

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