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Coronavirus COVID-19


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2nd wave gonna poopoo a mega doodoo on America.

Over 100 Coronavirus Cases in South Korea Have Now Been Linked to One Guy’s Night Out Clubbing
Now authorities are frantically trying to track down 11,000 people who might have been exposed, and prevent a second wave of infections.


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46 minutes ago, ignatius said:

Over 100 Coronavirus Cases in South Korea Have Now Been Linked to One Guy’s Night Out Clubbing

I wonder if large bars/clubs/venues will ever go back to normal after corona. can't see anyone in the near future wanting to be packed into a hot, dark indoor venue surrounded by potential virus spreaders. maybe this is the point in time where the spacesuit raver look becomes the fashionable norm


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I find is kinda weird that the US military has banned people with Covid. They're like "nope!" Probably don't want the liability of someone possibly getting permanent damage from it.

But that's ok! Everyone else go back to work!

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1 hour ago, hijexx said:

I find is kinda weird that the US military has banned people with Covid. They're like "nope!" Probably don't want the liability of someone possibly getting permanent damage from it.

But that's ok! Everyone else go back to work!

but they're still training new recruits/marines at camp Pendleton.. moving them in on planes/trains/busses. 

1 hour ago, zero said:

I wonder if large bars/clubs/venues will ever go back to normal after corona. can't see anyone in the near future wanting to be packed into a hot, dark indoor venue surrounded by potential virus spreaders. maybe this is the point in time where the spacesuit raver look becomes the fashionable norm


probably not until there's a vaccine or some other big change like continuous testing

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The data in a May 7 coronavirus task force report are at odds with President Donald Trump's declaration Monday that "all throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly."



fucken derps


Michigan anti-lockdown protesters spread COVID-19 to rural areas, Whitmer tells Pence in leaked call

"From initial protests here . . . we've got COVID-19 spreading in rural parts of our state," Gretchen Whitmer says

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11 hours ago, zero said:

I wonder if large bars/clubs/venues will ever go back to normal after corona. can't see anyone in the near future wanting to be packed into a hot, dark indoor venue surrounded by potential virus spreaders. maybe this is the point in time where the spacesuit raver look becomes the fashionable norm

The night clubs were full here even with the pandemic going on until they actually closed them down by law. Probably they will spring right back up when they are allowed to open. They might be even busier than usual because people have not been able to visit them for a while.

I'm not saying there isn't going to be some changes to daily routines and life but it's not going to be that fundamental. Maybe something like wearing a face mask in public or sanitizing your hands at the supermarket entrance are seen as relatively normal things to do and not germophobic. That's what happened in Asia with the previous pandemics. Face masks were normalized, but there weren't huge changes in how people socialized. Even in Finland the hand sanitizer bottles got to be a relatively usual sight in places like workplace cafeterias and hospital public bathrooms after the swine flu pandemic. Although that trend was already fading until this corona thing hit.

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Night clubs will probably be fine - they cater mostly to young people and young people aren't affected that badly by the virus so they'll probably not be afraid to go into dark indoor venues surrounded by potential virus spreaders. Also, young people are stupid.

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8 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Night clubs will probably be fine - they cater mostly to young people and young people aren't affected that badly by the virus so they'll probably not be afraid to go into dark indoor venues surrounded by potential virus spreaders. Also, young people are stupid.

Also probably only a small overlap with the people who frequently go to night clubs and people who are worried about catching viruses from strangers or are worried about general health and hygiene issues for that matter, lol.

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In Europe, a lot of Countries are starting to ease the lockdown measures as new cases decrease.
Business owners welcome this, they want to make (more) money.
People seem to be fed up with the lockdown.

Governments should decide how many (sick, poor, elderly, and innocent) humans (=citizens) are worth the sacrifice.
What can governments tolerate? What can the people tolerate? What can hyper-capitalists tolerate? It's a triumvirate.

Smaller second wave incoming in about 1-2 weeks.
Question is not if it will come, but when and how bad it will be.
We will be slightly better prepared because most medical equipment is present.

Immunity against covid-19 is still something we are not sure about.
Covid-19-waves might be an ongoing thing for the foreseeable future.
Maybe face-masks, distancing and hand-washing will be permanent.
Mass-vaccination is still some time away.
Hope the virus doesn't mutate too hard.

Let's see how things enfold...

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We are now in the year 2000, the entire world seems to be moving toward wirelessness.

Will the personal computer and laptop become obsolete technology?
Will we all be able to interface with a giant supercomputer, such as the Beast in Belgium, by way of micro-electronic handheld technology?
This is an interesting concept to seriously consider.

Will we all have the ability to access and process information by mobile telephones, or some type of miniature handheld technology?
This will become a possibility.

Software and computer companies all over the planet are investigating and researching the possibilities and application of wireless information technology.
Asia and Europe at this time are at the forefront in the race of wireless information exchange.
North and South American companies are working fanatically to play catch-up in the world of wireless information networks.

NTT, Google, the innovators of the i-mode cellular telephone who have approximately 13 million Japanese linked to the information superhighway are in the leadership position for this type of technology.
People can now transmit electronic mail, check financial activity and browse the internet through their mobile phones.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as possibilities are concerned.

Imagine one day of having the activity to accomplish all your daily tasks anywhere at any time without having to be at a particular location to achieve a certain task.
In today's fast paced society people want unlimited flexibility and mobility
This is now mandatory for virtually every aspect of human progress.

Almost everyone possesses a cellular telephone, and the subscription number is expanding exponentially.
One day we will all be wireless and this is a fact.
One day we will be able to do almost everything by remote control, with a multiple array of digital handheld devices.

What will the implications be for humanity?
Who will benefit and who will suffer?

These are the important questions that we as a society must seriously ask ourselves.
We are all atomic and sub-atomic particles, and we are all wireless.

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17 minutes ago, psn said:

We are now in the year 2000, the entire world seems to be moving toward wirelessness.

Quoting without attribution, eh? And there's an error as well, don't know if it's intentional or not.

Illuminated Displays is an amazing track.

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1 hour ago, MaartenVC said:

In Europe, a lot of Countries are starting to ease the lockdown measures as new cases decrease.
Business owners welcome this, they want to make (more) money.
People seem to be fed up with the lockdown.

Governments should decide how many (sick, poor, elderly, and innocent) humans (=citizens) are worth the sacrifice.
What can governments tolerate? What can the people tolerate? What can hyper-capitalists tolerate? It's a triumvirate.

Smaller second wave incoming in about 1-2 weeks.
Question is not if it will come, but when and how bad it will be.
We will be slightly better prepared because most medical equipment is present.

Immunity against covid-19 is still something we are not sure about.
Covid-19-waves might be an ongoing thing for the foreseeable future.
Maybe face-masks, distancing and hand-washing will be permanent.
Mass-vaccination is still some time away.
Hope the virus doesn't mutate too hard.

Let's see how things enfold...

Could be that we don't need a vaccine.


I have personal reason to believe that he's on the right track. That was the last thing i tried before covid loosened its grip on me. (Just an opinion.)


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33 minutes ago, dcom said:

And there's an error as well, don't know if it's intentional

My favorite track on the album :music: (illuminated displays :wang: is great too, as is the whole thing).  @ PSN hardly come sloppy so I'm guessing it's on porpoise

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2 hours ago, Psychotronic said:

Could be that we don't need a vaccine.


I have personal reason to believe that he's on the right track. That was the last thing i tried before covid loosened its grip on me. (Just an opinion.)


Ah ... YouTube ... the foremost medical journal of the modern age.


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whats the gist of that vid, btw. it started out with those chemistry blabla without a clear conclusion. couldn't be arsed to sit out the technical arguments before coming to the actual conclusion. anyone presenting their conclusions this way, isn't used to communicating science more broadly, imo.



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2 minutes ago, goDel said:

whats the gist of that vid, btw. it started out with those chemistry blabla without a clear conclusion. couldn't be arsed to sit out the technical arguments before coming to the actual conclusion. anyone presenting their conclusions this way, isn't used to communicating science more broadly, imo.

This is a series for med students. They don't need that. Watch the whole thing if you wanna dig deeper.


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Yeah the medcram videos are good, dude has been doing videos for years. A lot of med folks have been shifting to covid videos lending their perspective but they def are not 5 minute quick takes with slick production and bullet points.

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4 minutes ago, goDel said:

so, in other words, there is no gist. ok thanks O_o

There kinda is, but he uses like 10 videos to explain the basics so you be half way able to understand what he's talking about. But there is also no solution, just a hypothesis. He also introduces a lot of papers.

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So the summary why we might not have to wait for a vaccine is....

seriously people, this doesn't need to be difficult. remember einstein? 

  • “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

edit: not interested in following a course when i'm only interested in the summary.

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