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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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9 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

 and btw it's johns hopkins, not john hopkins lol.

Dude don't u know I saw this youtube vid saying John Hopkins was the most influential of all the Johns Hopkins he didn't sell out to big pharma so u should totally trust that graph.

Edited by randomsummer
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9 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

the figures in the video are completely bogus, vastly inflated. there are far fewer deaths in reality.

notice the difference? 

Uhm yeah when you compare daily and weekly numbers it's normal for the latter to look "inflated"... by a factor of about 7. :cisfor:

Don't take it personally, but this is something that's frustrated me throughout this pandemic. Smart people getting carried away and sloppy when arguing with people who are so obviously wrong about all the important stuff. It's not doing any good.



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35 minutes ago, manmower said:

Uhm yeah when you compare daily and weekly numbers it's normal for the latter to look "inflated"... by a factor of about 7. :cisfor:

Don't take it personally, but this is something that's frustrated me throughout this pandemic. Smart people getting carried away and sloppy when arguing with people who are so obviously wrong about all the important stuff. It's not doing any good.



hahaha i didn't even notice that. thanks for correcting me. in my defense, i posted this while in bed, very late in the evening. but yeah, my bad. :facepalm:  

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I'm currently in Malta and travelers need a full vaccination series to get here. I hope this becomes the norm in EU. Although I guess there's not much hope that the covid documents would be very effectively checked on the borders inside EU. But when I was arriving to Malta they were very strict. I came here by a ferry and the temporary address in Malta was missing from my Passenger Locator Form so they made me fill it and resubmit the form before letting me in the country.

On the other hand in Italy I just waltzed through the Milan airport without anyone asking for any kind of documents or IDs. I didn't need them even for the check-in because I did it online before the flight.

Also a few weeks ago I did bit of a whoopsie when I just walked into Switzerland not realizing I should've filled some kind of form with my itinerary and failing to submit that form was punishable with a 100CHF fine, but they never caught me.. :shuriken: I learned about the damn form the next day when I got an automated SMS.

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The 2nd confirmed case of Omicron in the US was a person who had not left the country, which is a pretty good indicator it has been spreading here for a while. Their positive test was also before the variant was announced by South Africa, later confirmed to be Omicron.


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7 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

I wont continue the discusion here. I hope I havent offended anyone. I realize that the sheep video was not of good taste even if the video still showed the changing narrative towards the efficacy of vaccine to protect against transmission rendering this whole mandate vaccine insane. Actually, I'm ok with the vaccine, just not with the mandates and I have the right to my opinion and others to theirs. 

see you guys over at the music forums 

The problem is that because of the severity and transmission of COVID, people infected who aren't vaccinated take up significant resources in the hospitals and other healthcare facilities that could be put to better use. We know that the vaccines don't prevent transmission 100%, but they reduce it significantly, and we also know that the vaccines reduce severity of symptoms.

Vaccine hesitancy has a significant impact on the general health and safety of the Canadian public, and since resources (doctors, nurses, paramedics) are already understaffed, it makes much more sense to mandate vaccination to increase protection of the public. Since protecting the health and safety of Canadians is the mandate of the Minister of Public Safety and Minister of Health, and because of the aforementioned strain on medical resources, those ministers are going to choose the option that is most viable to protect Canadians.

Will we ever achieve herd immunity? Who knows - but vaccine hesitancy will definitely delay any chance we have at returning to a new normal.


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15 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

the figures in the video are completely bogus, vastly inflated. there are far fewer deaths in reality. and the supposed correlation between the increasing number of deaths and vaccination is completely bogus too. 

here's the 1st graph: 


compare this with the real figures:



notice the difference? 

now 2nd graph: 




same shit. 

i'm not gonna waste any more time on this, you get the idea. and btw it's johns hopkins, not john hopkins lol.

im not sure where you disagree tbh.

I mean, its quite clear, since the vaccination program, not one location have seen a drastic reduction in death. Why dont you adress this issue? 

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4 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

i suggest that the people who liked my post unlike it, since my post is basically garbage. 

i like everyone's posts though so... 

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

The problem is that because of the severity and transmission of COVID, people infected who aren't vaccinated take up significant resources in the hospitals and other healthcare facilities that could be put to better use. We know that the vaccines don't prevent transmission 100%, but they reduce it significantly, and we also know that the vaccines reduce severity of symptoms.

Vaccine hesitancy has a significant impact on the general health and safety of the Canadian public, and since resources (doctors, nurses, paramedics) are already understaffed, it makes much more sense to mandate vaccination to increase protection of the public. Since protecting the health and safety of Canadians is the mandate of the Minister of Public Safety and Minister of Health, and because of the aforementioned strain on medical resources, those ministers are going to choose the option that is most viable to protect Canadians.

Will we ever achieve herd immunity? Who knows - but vaccine hesitancy will definitely delay any chance we have at returning to a new normal.


in canada, at least here in quebec, the hospitals are not even close nor were not even close at the peak of the pandemy of being overwhlemed by covid patients. iirc, one can track the hospitalisation in USA per groups. would be interesting to know as in today the real numbers of covid case that require hospitalisation. at the end of this winter, irrc the numers showed about 1% of the ICU having covid patients, probably now its more.

Lancet journal just today publiched yet another article that show that vaccination doesnt reduce transmission. 

if you think that in order to beat this virus, the only solution is vaccinate the entire planet every 6 months, well its over. Society will never restore. You have at least 20% (im pretty sure more and more people wont accept the boosters) that will never take the vaccine. 

yep, herd immunity. long time the media havent talked about it. 


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52 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

the graph you showed were estimates. Can you not see that? The stats on the youtube video were all verified.

the graphs on the video are not estimates but the real data.

try again?

from what i've seen, the vaccination programs in any given country didn't start at the time that's shown in the video, hence the chronology of vaccination i posted. tbh i only checked for afghanistan and albania, couldn't be bothered watching the rest of the video (that's right, i only watched that vid for about 3 seconds lol). 

mods pls ban my ass. 

source: anthony hopkins university

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8 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

from what i've seen, the vaccination programs in any given country didn't start at the time that's shown in the video, hence the chronology of vaccination i posted. tbh i only checked for afghanistan and albania, couldn't be bothered watching the rest of the video (that's right, i only watched that vid for about 3 seconds lol). 

mods pls ban my ass. 

source: anthony hopkins university

brian while posting  


brian the next day




5 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

i suggest that the people who liked my post unlike it, since my post is basically garbage. 


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26 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

in canada, at least here in quebec, the hospitals are not even close nor were not even close at the peak of the pandemy of being overwhlemed by covid patients. iirc, one can track the hospitalisation in USA per groups. would be interesting to know as in today the real numbers of covid case that require hospitalisation. at the end of this winter, irrc the numers showed about 1% of the ICU having covid patients, probably now its more.

Lancet journal just today publiched yet another article that show that vaccination doesnt reduce transmission. 

if you think that in order to beat this virus, the only solution is vaccinate the entire planet every 6 months, well its over. Society will never restore. You have at least 20% (im pretty sure more and more people wont accept the boosters) that will never take the vaccine. 

yep, herd immunity. long time the media havent talked about it. 


The article I linked to about herd immunity was from like a month or two ago, not long at all. And hardly the only one.

Link to the lancet research article? This one shows that while vaccinated individuals with the delta variant still transmit, they likely have a faster viral load decline, and thus vaccination combined with quarantine is a useful approach in slowing the spread. As well, vaccination reduces the risk of severe infections: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext#seccestitle70


Quebec was definitely worried about running out of critical care beds. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/hospitals-capacity-issues-struggle-covid-1.5868570


And we know that ICU beds are limited resources in Canada.

You've said you're ok with the vaccine, and I've explained to you the mandate of the two ministries most responsible for protecting Canadians, so why do you continue to argue against it? Wouldn't you rather not have to deal with severe COVID infections, or the chance of dealing with them, sooner rather than later?


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29 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

The article I linked to about herd immunity was from like a month or two ago, not long at all. And hardly the only one.

Link to the lancet research article? This one shows that while vaccinated individuals with the delta variant still transmit, they likely have a faster viral load decline, and thus vaccination combined with quarantine is a useful approach in slowing the spread. As well, vaccination reduces the risk of severe infections: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext#seccestitle70


Quebec was definitely worried about running out of critical care beds. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/hospitals-capacity-issues-struggle-covid-1.5868570


And we know that ICU beds are limited resources in Canada.

You've said you're ok with the vaccine, and I've explained to you the mandate of the two ministries most responsible for protecting Canadians, so why do you continue to argue against it? Wouldn't you rather not have to deal with severe COVID infections, or the chance of dealing with them, sooner rather than later?


what MSM says and the reality are two different realities. Again, I invite you too look at the real ICU covid numbers.

Here in canada, even during the peak, or even before covid, covid patient never overcrowded hospitals or the icu.

the lack of hospitals place have been a issue since we are kids. the health system is in a crisis since the early 2000's

MSM has announed its plan to force booster every year. thats all I need to know. I wont accept a vaccination program every year. I rather lose my career, get in the woods and connect back to reality.

since Rage Against the Machine was my first cd I bought in the 90's, "fuck you I wont do what you told me" is ingrain in me. and a general motus operandi, good or bad

And the more I know about BIG pharma, the less I trust them.

Actually this is the big culprit here (big pharma): a new mrna vaccine with no long term track record, combined with a virus that is less fatal then the flu, and you have some profound non sense going on in the media. and thats without mentioning all the media lies. remember: ivermectin is a horse dewormer. Again, ill ask you, why trust a Vaccine that has NO data vs Ivermectin that has a track record of over 4 billion dose administred along its quite proven efficacy in many parts of the globe.  as a very promising prophylatic and actual covid treatment.

just this week a USA judge ruled for the use of ivermectin in a dying covid patient. Ivermectin definitely helped saved the life of this old men this week. the fact that Ivermectin is not used widly in the ICU for intubated patients is incredulous. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2021/november/praise-the-lord-on-brink-of-death-elderly-man-fully-recovers-after-judge-orders-hospital-to-allow-ivermectin

As in Today, Autrichia, germany and Italy have announed that unvaxed cannot even buy food I think in shops...

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@Ayya Khema i got an idea for you: every time you make a new claim from now on, back it up with robust evidence. like, peer-reviewed scientific articles for example. otherwise, what you're doing at this point is the equivalent of claiming to a skeptical audience that santa exists.

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27 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

what MSM says and the reality are two different realities. Again, I invite you too look at the real ICU covid numbers.

Here in canada, even during the peak, or even before covid, covid patient never overcrowded hospitals or the icu.

I provided you with non-MSM links, not that that matters, as the CBC and Global source their reporting.

Here in Ontario, critical care resources were definitely strained and overwhelmed



Key Message

From March 20, 2020 to October 31, 2021, 9,096 Ontarians have been admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) with COVID-19 related critical illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has strained Ontario’s critical care system. At the peak of wave 3, the number of patients on ventilators was over 180% of pre-pandemic historical averages. 

The critical care system was able to accommodate this influx of patients by deferring surgeries and procedures, funding new ICU beds, identifying temporary surge space, team-based care models utilizing redeployed staff, and transferring patients between hospitals. This required effective collaboration and coordination across critical care system. 

The critical care system does not currently have capacity to accommodate a surge as it did during waves 2 and 3 due to worsening staffing shortages, healthcare worker burnout, and health system recovery efforts. Public health measures to mitigate influxes of critically ill patients are needed. 

Here is your premier admitting that the healthcare system is strained because of the nursing shortage:


In Canada, even before the COVID19 outbreak, ICU beds were at 90% capacity(PDF)


A total of 3170 ICU beds were estimated capable of invasive ventilation across Canada [15]. Before the outbreak of
COVID-19, the hospital bed occupancy was around 90% [14].

In Canada, we had 3,170 ICU beds.

Since the start of the pandemic, approximately 16,975 people have been admitted to ICU as a result of COVID-induced hospitalization.

So ignoring the 90% occupancy rate before COVID, the pandemic has definitely overwhelmed our hospital and critical care infrastructure.

In Quebec, yes it may be true you left old people to drop like flies in nursing homes and long-term care facilities at the start, but hospitals are running out of room, as illustrated by the articles above.

1 hour ago, Ayya Khema said:

the lack of hospitals place have been a issue since we are kids. the health system is in a crisis since the early 2000's

So we have a lack of hospitals, a global pandemic of a virus with high communicability, and poor measures at the onset to address the problem, and you can't add those three up to see that hospitals will obviously be strained?



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Omicron seems to be blowing up in Norway. Virus evolve attack! The vaccine is super ineffective!

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On 12/1/2021 at 9:14 PM, Ayya Khema said:

iirc, the data is still clear today, the influenza death rate for under 70 years old is much higher then it is for covid (that is pre-covid since the flu is basically gone in 2019-2020). Its for people over 70 years old, that covid is slightly more fatal. its established data. The fact remains that at your age, you have 0.005% (not sure of the exact numbers as of today) of dying. Influenza is much more deadly for people your age.

so my question, is pre-covid, were you so afraid of influenza? if not, why? 

Do you mean 0.005% case mortality or like general population death rate? Where did you find this clear data?

Are you really a paramedic? 


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18 hours ago, cwmbrancity said:

John’s Hopkins, Ruth’s Chris.

Wrong again. Jon Hopkins. I thought this was a music forum ffs. Bunch of fact-free goddamn hippies. 

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50 minutes ago, user said:

Do you mean 0.005% case mortality or like general population death rate? Where did you find this clear data?

Are you really a paramedic? 


yeah, I think the last stats for people under 50 who dies of covid is something between 0.02% to 0.05% fatalities.

and stats surrounding covid death are quite telling. over 80% of people who dies of covid have over 2.5 factors of co-morbidities. something like 50% are Vitamin D deficient, ect.

the influenza was by many factors more dangerous for people under 70. Covid is more dangerous then influenza for people over 70 years old

As if im really a paramedic, I was a year ago and I hope ill be able to come back: the way it looks though is that it might not be possible.. I'm not a paramedic as in today for multiple reasons. I have many paramedic friends obviously

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