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On 1/26/2022 at 1:53 AM, Satans Little Helper said:

I think this video does a pretty good job on explaining where we are now.

Some explanations about various mutations. Plus a bunch of comparisons between them. Some explanation about the current variants of Omikron that are out there. Some arguments on whether or not we should be worried. And to what extent.

His comparison with what is basically a family tree is also helpful in this regard, imo. It makes the idea of all these different variants out there a bit more relatable, if that makes sense. ? 

My take away:

- omikron spreads so fast, there's nothing to do against. we'll all be exposed to it one way or another

- thankfully, covid is way more mild than the earlier variants. in many countries where there's an explosion of omikron cases, the amount of people actually ending up in ICU is declining. (eg. denmark, uk, south africa) (US tends to be a bit different because of the quality of the healthcare system and social/cultural aspects like the prevalence of obese people, for instance and the accessibility of unhealthy nutrition )

- after omikron, your immune system is as best equipped as possible to be able to deal with other more severe variants like delta

Of course, for people with some immuno deficiency it's a different story.

Most of this, if not all, is covered in the video below. And as always, it's a talking head on youtube, so remain vigilant. ? But I'm willing to go with this one.



Turns out this guy is a retired nurse, not a Medical Doctor and still uses the Dr. title because he has a PHD and while making bunches of health recommendations (and making big youtube money off it) to thousands of people misleading them into trusting him... If thats not a big ass red flag. Extremely unethical thing to do.

Just a warning for anyone trusting this guy.

He may comes off as respectable but if he has no problem to pretend to be a Medical Doctor on a youtube channel i would never trust the fella in a million year.

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3 hours ago, thefxbip said:

Turns out this guy is a retired nurse, not a Medical Doctor and still uses the Dr. title because he has a PHD and while making bunches of health recommendations (and making big youtube money off it) to thousands of people misleading them into trusting him... If thats not a big ass red flag. Extremely unethical thing to do.

Just a warning for anyone trusting this guy.

He may comes off as respectable but if he has no problem to pretend to be a Medical Doctor on a youtube channel i would never trust the fella in a million year.

I'm sorry but let me start with saying you've wasted your time on this post.

For the rest of your post, there's nothing "turns out" about this whatsoever. He didn't pretend. He never said he was a medical doctor. His "about" section is pretty clear. Also note his educational videos from way before the lockdown. He's been doing educational video's on youtube since 2007. 

Is there anything specifically he said was false? Perhaps you want to comment on that instead?

In other news, in Europe countries are still opening up. Despite huge numbers of cases. Interestingly, a part of the population very much against opening up societies. Which I don't want to put here as some form of judgment, btw. It's just a sober observation that in the event government decide societies to open up, there's going to be a part of the population very much against opening up. Even a tiny minority arguing to do the complete opposite (more strict lockdown).

I mention this because - obviously - there's always going to be a variety of opinions. And it is good to know this can also happen in a scenario where it's actually good to open up. Even in that scenario, there's going to be a bunch of people pretty much against it. So regardless of where you or others are on opening up societies, please note that the scenario where everyone agrees on the decisions being made on a national level does not exist. It's always going to look like a shit show. No nuance. Just woke BS from both extremes. And as always with the nonsense claims about reality.

Have to admit this wokism BS is really getting on my nerves.

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8 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I'm sorry but let me start with saying you've wasted your time on this post.

For the rest of your post, there's nothing "turns out" about this whatsoever. He didn't pretend. He never said he was a medical doctor. His "about" section is pretty clear. Also note his educational videos from way before the lockdown. He's been doing educational video's on youtube since 2007. 

Is there anything specifically he said was false? Perhaps you want to comment on that instead?

In other news, in Europe countries are still opening up. Despite huge numbers of cases. Interestingly, a part of the population very much against opening up societies. Which I don't want to put here as some form of judgment, btw. It's just a sober observation that in the event government decide societies to open up, there's going to be a part of the population very much against opening up. Even a tiny minority arguing to do the complete opposite (more strict lockdown).

I mention this because - obviously - there's always going to be a variety of opinions. And it is good to know this can also happen in a scenario where it's actually good to open up. Even in that scenario, there's going to be a bunch of people pretty much against it. So regardless of where you or others are on opening up societies, please note that the scenario where everyone agrees on the decisions being made on a national level does not exist. It's always going to look like a shit show. No nuance. Just woke BS from both extremes. And as always with the nonsense claims about reality.

Have to admit this wokism BS is really getting on my nerves.

Never said he was a medical doctor lol

All his videos all called ''DR John Campbell talk about X issue'' 

If you're a nurse with a PHD, not a medical doctor and you still use DR for your title while talking about pandemic issue you are knowingly misleading people.

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32 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

All? Can you help me? I can't find a single one. Not one.



Its in his damn channel name. Every time a video is recommended with him it says Dr John Campbell.

Fair enough, its not in the title,but its in every signature. So let me rephrase it for you: '' X issue'' - Dr John Campbell in the channel name. I get recommendations now and you clearly see the Dr John Campbell every time because ITS.THE.DAMN.CHANNEL.NAME.

You think thats just fine?

By the way im pissed at you for sharing this BS and i did watch some video believing he was a doctor, this guy abuse the public trust. He is straight up abusing the Doctor title.

So fuck off.

He is not a doctor. Abusing the public pretending you're a doctor is a fucking disgusting thing to do and dangerous in pandemic times. Unacceptable by all means at all times. And this aint no ''take a tylenol advices if you have a headache'' he is giving. He spits BS about ivermectin.

I dont know how it is in the UK but here anyone presenting themselves when talking about health as ''Doctor'' when they are not is thought as a despicable and irresponsible thing to do.


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1 hour ago, thefxbip said:

Its in his damn channel name. Every time a video is recommended with him it says Dr John Campbell.

Fair enough, its not in the title,but its in every signature. So let me rephrase it for you: '' X issue'' - Dr John Campbell in the channel name. I get recommendations now and you clearly see the Dr John Campbell every time because ITS.THE.DAMN.CHANNEL.NAME.

You think thats just fine?

By the way im pissed at you for sharing this BS and i did watch some video believing he was a doctor, this guy abuse the public trust. He is straight up abusing the Doctor title.

So fuck off.

He is not a doctor. Abusing the public pretending you're a doctor is a fucking disgusting thing to do and dangerous in pandemic times. Unacceptable by all means at all times. And this aint no ''take a tylenol advices if you have a headache'' he is giving. He spits BS about ivermectin.

I dont know how it is in the UK but here anyone presenting themselves when talking about health as ''Doctor'' when they are not is thought as a despicable and irresponsible thing to do.




Doctor is an academic title that originates from the Latin word of the same spelling and meaning.[1] The word is originally an agentive noun of the Latin verb docēre [dɔˈkeːrɛ] 'to teach'. It has been used as an academic title in Europe since the 13th century, when the first doctorates were awarded at the University of Bologna and the University of Paris.

Having become established in European universities, this usage spread around the world. Contracted "Dr" or "Dr.", it is used as a designation for a person who has obtained a doctorate (notably PhD). In many parts of the world it is also used by medical practitioners, regardless of whether they hold a doctoral-level degree.

edit: I mean, fuck off yourself too, sir. 

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On 2/13/2022 at 7:42 PM, chenGOD said:


1,300 and climbing, and even if they're sent home relatively quickly, that's still a massive surge the hospitals have to deal with, and obviously you don't want to bring in people who have pre-existing conditions to wards full of people with a highly contagious variant of COVID...maybe they should build a COVID only hospital?


From the State's Serum Insitute^

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Alongside the dictionary definitions of what "doctor" really means, you have to consider how the majority of the public will perceive it and if its usage is intended to influence that perception.  Like the never-ending argument of how some users of Tesla's "autopilot" autonomous driving system sometimes mistakenly think that they can fall asleep at the wheel or watch movies while the car is driving because, hey, it's on autopilot!  Meanwhile Tesla defenders are quick to point out that in airplanes, autopilot is not a strictly autonomous system and often requires input from the pilots, but does the majority of the public really know that?  And do you think Tesla considered the responsibility they may bear by calling their system "autopilot" while neglecting to have any robust driver monitoring systems vs. the marketing and sales cache that the term "autopilot" imparts?

FWIW I am a Dr. (of Chemical Engineering) and I never introduce myself as Dr. or have people call me that because they invariably think that I'm a medical doctor.

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All those mask mandates being lifted all this self congratulatory ''covid pandemic is over, people are done with it'' What about vulnerable people? kids bringing back the virus home? long covid?

People died by the thousands everyday in the USA because of Omicron...Wearing a mask is a very small annoyance and it helps saving lives.

My heart really goes to everyone immunocompromised.



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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

Alongside the dictionary definitions of what "doctor" really means, you have to consider how the majority of the public will perceive it and if its usage is intended to influence that perception. 

The majority of the public in Europe have a different reaction to someone using Dr.

From the same wiki:


In the European Union, the title of doctor refers primarily to holders of post-graduate research doctorates, such as the PhD. In many European languages the term doctor is distinct from a medical practitioner, which can be referred to as e.g. läkare in Swedish, Arzt in German, dokter or arts in Dutch, or lääkäri in Finnish.

Standardisation of degrees into the three cycles of bachelor's–master's–doctorate across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is being carried out through the Bologna process, although not all EHEA member states have fully conformed to the 1999 Bologna declaration in favour of their own historic customs. With respect to the title "doctor", the Bologna process makes no prescriptions regarding the names of degrees nor the titles they may confer. However, under the Lisbon Recognition Convention, recognition of a foreign degree allows "the use of an academic title, subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which recognition is sought".[136] According to the Explanatory report, this means that: "The competent authorities of the Parties may grant the right to use the title in the exact form in which it was awarded in the Party concerned or in any other form. They may alternatively grant the right to use the corresponding title of the country in which recognition is sought."[137]

Feel free to keep on having this discussion. I'll pass from now on.

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3 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

The majority of the public in Europe have a different reaction to someone using Dr.

That's exactly my point, everyone has different expectations of what that term means, and that can vary from region to region. I didn't say I was on one side or the other, but you seemed to take my comments as being on one side.

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''With just 7,100 beds, pooled from public hospitals and isolation facilities at AsiaWorld-Expo and Penny’s Bay, set aside for Covid-19 patients, thousands of new daily cases have quickly pushed the public health care system to its limit.
Based on the latest official data, the Post estimates about 11,000 infected people are still waiting in the community to be admitted to hospitals or isolation facilities.
With the standing practice of sending every positive case to government-run isolation facilities, confusion over instructions for suspected cases was widespread.

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Lots of European people with doctorates in any field prefer to be called doctors instead of Mr or Mrs or whatever just as a sign of respect.

(Funny sidenote: I think once Lufthansa asked me to define my "gender" as Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Dr)

Anyway, in Italy basically any university degree earns you the right to be called a doctor: "In Italy anyone who has a university degree in any subject can be addressed with the title of dottore; so someone who is called dottore is not necessarily a medical doctor." 

So yeah, I guess cultural differences etc.


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2 hours ago, zkom said:

Lots of European people with doctorates in any field prefer to be called doctors instead of Mr or Mrs or whatever just as a sign of respect.

(Funny sidenote: I think once Lufthansa asked me to define my "gender" as Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Dr)

Anyway, in Italy basically any university degree earns you the right to be called a doctor: "In Italy anyone who has a university degree in any subject can be addressed with the title of dottore; so someone who is called dottore is not necessarily a medical doctor." 

So yeah, I guess cultural differences etc.


"Thank god we have a doctor on the flight manifest"

"Hello I am a doctor of media studies"

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3 hours ago, zkom said:

Lots of European people with doctorates in any field prefer to be called doctors instead of Mr or Mrs or whatever just as a sign of respect.

(Funny sidenote: I think once Lufthansa asked me to define my "gender" as Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Dr)

Anyway, in Italy basically any university degree earns you the right to be called a doctor: "In Italy anyone who has a university degree in any subject can be addressed with the title of dottore; so someone who is called dottore is not necessarily a medical doctor." 

So yeah, I guess cultural differences etc.


we have a similar thing in the US where anyone who went to a 6 month program can call themselves a Sound Designer

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On 2/21/2022 at 7:26 AM, zkom said:

Lots of European people with doctorates in any field prefer to be called doctors instead of Mr or Mrs or whatever just as a sign of respect.

(Funny sidenote: I think once Lufthansa asked me to define my "gender" as Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Dr)

Anyway, in Italy basically any university degree earns you the right to be called a doctor: "In Italy anyone who has a university degree in any subject can be addressed with the title of dottore; so someone who is called dottore is not necessarily a medical doctor." 

So yeah, I guess cultural differences etc.


Do they all have a  youtube channel giving tips about Covid tho? I dont think they would mention their title if talking about health issues.

Its not the fact he is calling himself doctor, its the fact he is calling himself doctor AND is giving covid misinformation. The context here, is quite important.

What if a doctor in medieval literature would just go to you and say ''im a doctor, X medecine is good for you''? You would probably assume he's a MD.

imho its fucked up.

This fella's Doctorate (quoting wiki): ''The doctorate was awarded in 2013 for work on developing teaching methods using digital media such as online videos.''

Not the same as MD. He is obviously feeding his channel off this confusion. One does not simply call oneself Dr, have a channel about covid and act like nothing is wrong with that.

Of course people will think you're a MD.


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On 2/21/2022 at 5:35 PM, cwmbrancity said:

Dr John Campbell reacts to PhD accreditation slurs while outlining NHS career pathways possibly dropping a factual bollock or 2 along way.


Sam Allardyce, no less.

"Now pass the gravy." The upcoming biopic on Big Sam - myth, marvel, and legend.

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