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I'm fed up with everything so lately I've been watching Guruguru Medaman on YouTube when I want to chill out. It's a 70s Japanese kids show about ghosts and such. Very spoopy. Stronk.


I can't explain why this clicked so hard, I guess I am a manchild at heart.

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10 hours ago, ooqpoo said:

first season of Severance was interesting, can't believe Ben Stiller directed lol

Not finished yet is it?

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On 3/16/2022 at 9:07 AM, Enthusiast said:

That Taboo series on NF with Tom Hardy is quite good. It's from 5 years ago, had never heard of it.

I watched this when it came out. I agree it's pretty cool. Didn't appreciate them flirting with another season, but never committing.

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On 3/17/2022 at 3:04 AM, ooqpoo said:

Aye, looks like there's at least another season in the works https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11280740/episodes/?ref_=tt_ov_epl

I mean season 1 isn't finished yet - there's a new episode out today, with 3 more in the queue to wrap up S.1.

Ben Stiller has directed a lot of interesting projects - not all of them great, but some notable standouts include "Reality Bites", "Tropic Thunder", "Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "The Cable Guy", "Heat Vision & Jack" and of course, "Zoolander".

I think Aoife McArdle as the other director has to be given a lot of credit - "The You You Are (S.1E.4)" is a tremendous piece of film making. I haven't seen anything else she's done, but she's made three of the best episodes of the series so far.

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11 hours ago, chenGOD said:

I mean season 1 isn't finished yet - there's a new episode out today, with 3 more in the queue to wrap up S.1.

Ben Stiller has directed a lot of interesting projects - not all of them great, but some notable standouts include "Reality Bites", "Tropic Thunder", "Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "The Cable Guy", "Heat Vision & Jack" and of course, "Zoolander".

I think Aoife McArdle as the other director has to be given a lot of credit - "The You You Are (S.1E.4)" is a tremendous piece of film making. I haven't seen anything else she's done, but she's made three of the best episodes of the series so far.

Dam, so there is! nice )

Yeah Ben Stiller's good for sure, but it's hard to trace his influence (as we know it) in Severance. Maybe his dark side is on full show here, which makes me hope he'll let that side out more often in the future. On closer inspection though, imdb only lists him as executive producer on the season 1 episodes, so yeah maybe it's mainly the work of this Aoife McArdie/Dan Erickson.

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4 hours ago, ooqpoo said:

On closer inspection though, imdb only lists him as executive producer on the season 1 episodes

I thought he directed like the first four or something? 
Show is getting weird as fuck now, it’s balancing on either being great or being “lost”

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Doom Patrol - First season is bonkers, and bonkers good. A truly weird, fun, emotional and bizarro show that legit made me lol multiple times (and that almost never happens). Alan Tuydyk friggin owns in the first season. 

2nd season was a bit truncated (presumably due to pandemic), in middle of third season now. 

Sometimes pacing feels.. well, ok, pacing feels like the show is meant to be watched episodically with a week break in between and I've been binging it. Over reliance on flashback a little off putting, but WAY more awesomeness here than not.

7 Cliff "fuck yous" / 64 different personalities each with their own superpower

Recommendation: watch the first two episodes (and don't skip the recap in the 2nd) and you'll know if this is for you or not

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On 3/19/2022 at 1:55 PM, chenGOD said:

I thought he directed like the first four or something? 
Show is getting weird as fuck now, it’s balancing on either being great or being “lost”

Yeah I'm enjoying it, haven't seen Lost though. Think I'll wait with watching more till the whole thing's released then binge it up. 

Started watching Mare Of Easttown which is pretty good too, mainly the gritty, autumny small town American atmosphere and Kate Winslet who's rocking it as a surly cop who likes to vape. 

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Gave up with Season 1 of The Wire. I was sat there (like a potato) thinking ‘do I really care about these crack heads in their depressing Baltimore housing project and their homeboy drug dealers?’ Answer? A resounding No

Not so fast wise guy! I will however take Lord Farr’s advice and try Season 3 and 4 because I liked the cops, especially McNulty, Cedric and Lester. 


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had never heard of this church before but- see this guy next to the biebs? he's a pastor. and he ab-so-lute-ly doesn't want to bang a bunch of random babes. except this documentary is about exactly that. shocking huh?

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3 hours ago, beerwolf said:

Gave up with Season 1 of The Wire. I was sat there (like a potato) thinking ‘do I really care about these crack heads in their depressing Baltimore housing project and their homeboy drug dealers?’ Answer? A resounding No

Not so fast wise guy! I will however take Lord Farr’s advice and try Season 3 and 4 because I liked the cops, especially McNulty, Cedric and Lester. 


my experience with season 1 was similar. IIRC it took until maybe ep 6 before I started figuring out what is going on the 1st time I saw it. like with most David Simon shows, there are just soooo many characters, and it always takes me a minute to remember names and figure out who they are talking about. I re-watched seasons 1-4 last year for the 1st time since seeing it originally back in the mid 00's, and it was much easier to get on 2nd viewing, as I remembered who's who pretty quickly, understood character motivations, etc.

season 2 gets a lot of hate, but I never thought it was that bad. yes it puts the Barksdale/Stringer Bell stuff on the back burner to focus more on the dock workers, but it is still super high quality TV. S2 also works as almost a stand alone season that you don't really need to be familiar with the entire police/drug dealing back story to make sense of it. but I wouldn't recommend starting there, as the police vs. dealers thing is of course the highlight of this show. not that I'm some expert on the Bmore streets, but the dialogue/slang used in the Wire is just so real, you forget that you are watching actors.  

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9 hours ago, zero said:

my experience with season 1 was similar. IIRC it took until maybe ep 6 before I started figuring out what is going on the 1st time I saw it. like with most David Simon shows, there are just soooo many characters, and it always takes me a minute to remember names and figure out who they are talking about. I re-watched seasons 1-4 last year for the 1st time since seeing it originally back in the mid 00's, and it was much easier to get on 2nd viewing, as I remembered who's who pretty quickly, understood character motivations, etc.

season 2 gets a lot of hate, but I never thought it was that bad. yes it puts the Barksdale/Stringer Bell stuff on the back burner to focus more on the dock workers, but it is still super high quality TV. S2 also works as almost a stand alone season that you don't really need to be familiar with the entire police/drug dealing back story to make sense of it. but I wouldn't recommend starting there, as the police vs. dealers thing is of course the highlight of this show. not that I'm some expert on the Bmore streets, but the dialogue/slang used in the Wire is just so real, you forget that you are watching actors.  

Great write up zero!

I’d admit, unlike sitting with music, sitting in front of the tv I don’t have much patience. If a show isn’t ticking all the right boxes I get restless and itchy feet. And think my time would be better spent elsewhere. I may stick with it.


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Season 3 of Atlanta has begun and proves that it is the best fucking show. What I love about this series is that every scene is captivating and you have no idea where any of it is going.

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HALO - take the worst bits of Mandalorian, Battlestar Galactica, and Starship Troopers and you have this. Some bad green screen work, terrible dialogue and dinner theater acting. We turned the sound off and just watched it with subtitles and put on some music, much better.

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On 3/25/2022 at 9:28 AM, beerwolf said:


Thanks for the reminder, I started watching Brassic this week (just one ep so far) and spotted him in there. Made me wonder, is he American or English? Let's find out...he's English! I had no clue, always assumed he was American based on The Wire. Not sure I've seen him in much else.

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2 hours ago, sidewinder said:

Thanks for the reminder, I started watching Brassic this week (just one ep so far) and spotted him in there. Made me wonder, is he American or English? Let's find out...he's English! I had no clue, always assumed he was American based on The Wire. Not sure I've seen him in much else.



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10 hours ago, sidewinder said:

Thanks for the reminder, I started watching Brassic this week (just one ep so far) and spotted him in there. Made me wonder, is he American or English? Let's find out...he's English! I had no clue, always assumed he was American based on The Wire. Not sure I've seen him in much else.

Yeah he’s the doctor in Brassic. And he’s in one of the funniest sketches. Had me (almost) rolling on the floor. First season of that was 10/10 brilliant. Second season didn’t do much for me.

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On 3/27/2022 at 2:22 AM, beerwolf said:

Yeah he’s the doctor in Brassic. And he’s in one of the funniest sketches. Had me (almost) rolling on the floor. First season of that was 10/10 brilliant. Second season didn’t do much for me.

Seems alright but I got mega Lock Stock & Trainspotting rip-off vibes. Will continue to watch though, as I like that stuff.

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On 3/25/2022 at 11:56 PM, gnarlybog said:

Season 3 of Atlanta has begun and proves that it is the best fucking show. What I love about this series is that every scene is captivating and you have no idea where any of it is going.

That opening scene in the premiere was incredible. Such great dialogue and atmosphere, disorienting and mesmerizing.

Loved both episodes. So glad this show is back. There's nothing else quite like it.

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Believes it is a new the expanse, but is unfortunately the new manure.

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On 3/28/2022 at 8:50 PM, Boxus said:

That opening scene in the premiere was incredible. Such great dialogue and atmosphere, disorienting and mesmerizing.

Loved both episodes. So glad this show is back. There's nothing else quite like it.

I like that every season takes a different tone, S1 "keepin it real", S2 absurdism and existentialism, S3 I'm not sure yet, fish out of water for sure. Glover definitely takes the approach that less is more, but sometimes he leaves gaps that are just too ambiguous. Is Paper Boi still coasting off that one single from 2016? That's highly unlikely in a genre as fast moving as hip hop. Did he ever produce an album after his mixtape, does he have a record label? Touring Europe, even if it's a small crew, isn't cheap. Also does he even have a DJ, or do some rap artists just laptop it now? who knows. 

it does seem to rely a little heavily on what kind of weirdo is around the next corner, like a David Lynch film.

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