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two eps into stranger things. is there an original idea anywhere in this show? so far it seems to be on autopilot, although it is pleasant enough in its 80s/spielberg/king nostalgia. i just don't see what the big deal is.

I'm also two episodes in and about ready to quit. I don't get it.




what don't you get? the show relies pretty heavily on 80s spielberg nostalgia and tangerine dream-like synthmusic, which obviously doesn't appeal to you. for me it would be a lesser show if you took away those elements. the actual plot etc isn't exactly original.


it's mostly style over substance, and im completely fine with that (though i did like most of the characters and the writing as well).


Lot of the sci-fi horror plot seems heavily influenced by anime / Japanese VG but transplanted into a Twin Peaks/Donnie Darko/[insert small forested American town here]-esque setting. I fucking love it.



Stranger things has a neat soundtrack.




btw: started watching this last night. it's pretty good but not as great as i thought considering the rave reviews it has been getting. it's kinda like a mixture of ET, amazing stories, tales from the darkside and goonies.


i think the casting of the cops is probably the biggest letdown- the parents and kids all sell the story, but the cops kinda don't fit who they're supposed to be. neither do the scientist/conspiracy people.


production design is really good and i like the d&d gaming (although i noticed, for jr high kids, they have only posters of films and none of saturday morning cartoons or atari?)



Nice cassette j-card art.


I like how you found one gripe about them not having some other staples of a kid of that that year. But holy fuck huge kudos to the production and prop crew. EVERYTHING looks like it's from 1983. They even toned down the color editing to make it look like a HD 80s film and not some modern tv or film show with too much orange/blue color saturation (like Hot Tub Time Machine) and didn't go the rout of loud lazy, stereotypical props from the era. Every piece of furniture, every car, and every single item of clothing looks very accurate. It actually reminded me a lot of my grandparents house when I was a kid in the very early 90s - they hadn't bought anything new so it looked exactly as it did 10 years before that.


Just started watching this with my daughter - totally agree about nailing the 80's vibe and aesthetic. Fantastic show, too. Up to Chapter 5 so far...


Here's SURVIVE's BandCamp and SoundCloud page: https://survive.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/s-u-r-v-i-v-e


They have an LP coming out in September, and are from Austin, Texas!

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Loved Stranger Things, and the soundtrack has got me in the mood to make arpeggios all day.


Gonna crack open Bojack season 3 tonight :emotawesomepm9:

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BoJack is on top form as expected in season 3 so far. Loved the underwater episode, music was very lush, reminded me a lot of Tycho. Seems a fourth season is confirmed too, not that there was much doubt.

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stranger things: guess i'm one of the haters. ultimately i felt it was just a saccharine, paint by numbers affair with nothing original about it. i grew up on those movies and am a huge tangerine dream fan so when i see this kind of thing there is some kind of gut feeling drawing me to it but in the end i just feel like it's hollow pastiche, just copy/pasting from the 80s and using what's been proven to work before. lots of music out there does this same thing.


also some really weird decision making and some absurd writing at times. e.g., why go through all the trouble to meticulously craft a period piece like that and then use cg for the monster? totally ruined the vibe. couple of nit-picky things: flol @ playing tangerine dream's "exit" during a heated teenage fight scene. wtf kind of choice was that? also lol that the bully brought out a knife, held a kid hostage with threats to slice his mouth apart and then demanded the other kid leap off a cliff where just days before his friend was found dead. that's kinda...upping the stakes there. these kids are like 12 years old. lucas was utterly hilarious, constantly yelling and absurdly incredulous and hostile. that moment when he yells at mike telling him that eleven was using them to get food and shelter by helping them just enough to get what she wants but always short of giving them what they want and that mike is blind to this bc unlike the girls at school she pays attention to him and did he ever think that they've been spending all this time looking for a monster and maybe she's the real monster! again, these kids are 12 years old, wtf kid has ever said anything like that?


i suppose at the end of the day i didn't mind watching it after dinner, relaxing with Lady Alco so maybe i can't say i'm a complete hater. but ultimately it didn't do much for me.

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these kids are like 12 years old. lucas was utterly hilarious, constantly yelling and absurdly incredulous and hostile. that moment when he yells at mike telling him that eleven was using them to get food and shelter by helping them just enough to get what she wants but always short of giving them what they want and that mike is blind to this bc unlike the girls at school she pays attention to him and did he ever think that they've been spending all this time looking for a monster and maybe she's the real monster! again, these kids are 12 years old, wtf kid has ever said anything like that?



yes. that also bothered me. i think i also mentioned earlier how i find it slightly 'unrealistic' how they only have posters of films and no cartoon posters or kids shows?



one redeeming part for me though was when that kid with no front teeth calls the teacher on saturday night at 10pm and says "sir, what do you know about sensory deprivation tanks...specifically, how to make one?


and yes, going amazing production design but cgi monster with a venus flytrap mouth was extremely disappointing


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these kids are like 12 years old. lucas was utterly hilarious, constantly yelling and absurdly incredulous and hostile. that moment when he yells at mike telling him that eleven was using them to get food and shelter by helping them just enough to get what she wants but always short of giving them what they want and that mike is blind to this bc unlike the girls at school she pays attention to him and did he ever think that they've been spending all this time looking for a monster and maybe she's the real monster! again, these kids are 12 years old, wtf kid has ever said anything like that?


yes. that also bothered me. i think i also mentioned earlier how i find it slightly 'unrealistic' how they only have posters of films and no cartoon posters or kids shows?



one redeeming part for me though was when that kid with no front teeth calls the teacher on saturday night at 10pm and says "sir, what do you know about sensory deprivation tanks...specifically, how to make one?


and yes, going amazing production design but cgi monster with a venus flytrap mouth was extremely disappointing

yeah everything w the teacher was pretty funny.

the night of continues to impress

I really want to check this out Edited by Alcofribas
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You just have to ride with the callowness of MR. Robot sometimes. I think it generally overcomes its most eye-rolling moments.





Does anyone else think it's Tyrell behind the hack on Scott Knowles (current CTO of Evil Corp)?




Not sure what to think. The fantasy/reality lines are pretty blurred. Enjoyed last nights episode. Fun pill-popping montage. Also liked the design touch of the spinning dryer & the reflection in Elliot's pupils. Damn mac death wheel.



Yeah the spinning wheel of death recreation was excellent. Nice touch.


Still don't know whether or not Elliot is in prison. Leaning toward yes. Still have no idea where this season is headed in the post-revolution denouement. But I like the uncertainty, the show runners/producers create this weird "who the fuck knows what's going to happen next" vibe really well.


And you gotta think the dark army is going to be involved in Craig Robinson's bitcoin deal.

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Hannibal really touches perfection by season 2. There's much less of what bogged down the first season and the psychological suspense is excellent.

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Preacher continues to be a pretentious, boring mess.



yeh... still watching tho because of the few worthwhile bits.. although the silly stuff just seems like a bag of hot air tbqh.. all the characters seem quite played out by now.


The Night Of tho.

Watched the 3 available episodes last night, really good, recommended for everyone.

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Yeah, preacher is slowly losing its appeal for me. Still glad they're getting a second season, hopefully it gets its act together. I started reading the comics and enjoy them but I kinda hate the art style :/

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Hannibal really touches perfection by season 2. There's much less of what bogged down the first season and the psychological suspense is excellent.

weird, I have thought the exact opposite, first season was incredible and season 2 was like a bad joke.

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Yes very impressed by "the Nigh Of" so far. If they can keep this up it will be an excellent season.


Mr. Robot EP4 - the music at the start when Eliot is becoming Mr. Robot was such an awesome homage to star wars. Can't wait to see how this next hack plays out. Nice touch with the PuTTy client.

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Yes very impressed by "the Nigh Of" so far. If they can keep this up it will be an excellent season.


Mr. Robot EP4 - the music at the start when Eliot is becoming Mr. Robot was such an awesome homage to star wars. Can't wait to see how this next hack plays out. Nice touch with the PuTTy client.


Star Wars?



Williams definitely borrowed from this, as did many other films (Alien as well).

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