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So, I've been hooked on Australian reality tv for years.  In a recent episode of "The Block" they used both an Aphex Twin & a Boards of Canada track for background music.  And I wasn't surprised because because I hear good music on these shows constantly.  Most surprisingly, I hear a lot of Led Zeppelin, whom I thought were a pain in the ass to get rights to for tv/movies. 

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Binged the second season of American Vandal, quite possibly the best show out there rn, a tad overlooked. Doesn't take itself too seriously, doesn't try to be more than it is, no bs, perfectly executed and engaging plot that makes you want to watch it and hit next and you won't stop until you finish it. The second season also answers the main question (unlike the first one, it was a little vague) so you get full closure, and also gives remarkable social commentary. Couldn't ask for more.


I wish all shows were like this. But no, you get 40 minutes of meandering and no suspense no resolution, nothing. Just supposed "atmosphere" and "character development" (me being angry at Better Call Saul)

Second season, more dicks?

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Sshh, don't burst in like your breaking exclusive news. It's called a sleeper hit, so you just watch it, accept everyone is aware of it, then shut up.

Until you burst in here like a WWE wrestlemania announcer stating the obvious

thanks for that,

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Sshh, don't burst in like your breaking exclusive news. It's called a sleeper hit, so you just watch it, accept everyone is aware of it, then shut up.

Until you burst in here like a WWE wrestlemania announcer stating the obvious

thanks for that,


the ending&the color grading was kind of shite though..

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I watched the first season of the good place while cleaning 8 kilos of mushrooms that I foraged. It was an ok distraction.


No, not psilocybin.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is way better than I expected. Pretty much like the original 90s show in name only. None of the bullshit overload of indie rock background music and it's dark as fuck visually. I went in expecting MOR supernatural binge watching and it's totally exceeded those expectations.


No snarky self-deprecating cat though.

Edited by joshuatx
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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is way better than I expected. Pretty much like the original 90s show in name only. None of the bullshit overload of indie rock background music and it's dark as fuck visually. I went in expecting MOR supernatural binge watching and it's totally exceeded those expectations.


No snarky self-deprecating cat though.

Salem not speaking is my only real complaint with the show so far (besides Miranda Otto and Lucy Davis’ wildly different accents for sisters), but the rest of it is so bugfuck ridiculous that it’s easy to overlook.



So much happens in each episode that even though they explained the entire Cain/Abel grave plot like 20 minutes prior, I still lost my shit when Sabrina slit Agatha’s throat without any hesitation whatsoever.


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i'm and have been completely in love with sarah michelle gellar since the first time i saw her in 'cruel intentions' (pretty much the nadir of her beauty imo) but this series is a close second. she's pretty much this spoiled, rich girl who spends most of the time planning house parties and dealing with drama from her girlfriends and boy relationships while trying to convince her mom their innocent social gatherings but instead are just excuses to have boys around.


oh lord how i wish i was invited to one of those parties

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i'm and have been completely in love with sarah michelle gellar since the first time i saw her in 'cruel intentions' (pretty much the nadir of her beauty imo) but this series is a close second. she's pretty much this spoiled, rich girl who spends most of the time planning house parties and dealing with drama from her girlfriends and boy relationships while trying to convince her mom their innocent social gatherings but instead are just excuses to have boys around.


oh lord how i wish i was invited to one of those parties


i agree but i think you mean apotheosis not nadir.

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