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^ everyone's playing Warframe instead of Destiny

Is it worth playing? 


warframe I mean


edit: srry maybe you were joking, I'm not familiar with WF

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Warframe is very grind heavy and a lot of the mechanics are unexplained, keep the wiki open in your browser so you know what stuff does or where to get certain materials and the like. I'd recommend against story mission spoilers though as there are some cool moments.

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a shade over the 10 year anniversary for Bioshock, I'm playing the remaster and loving it. what a game still. one of my favourite environments ever.

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I started dark souls 2. it's cool.


Man, I love Dark Souls 1 and 3 and Bloodborne, but I absolutely hated 2... didn't bother finishing.

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a shade over the 10 year anniversary for Bioshock, I'm playing the remaster and loving it. what a game still. one of my favourite environments ever.

I tried the remaster in late 2016 I think, but the controls were broken at the time, so I uninstalled it. But then I just now read that it got a major fix just last month. So I may have to give it a second chance.


Still playing Dusk right now though. I'm well into Episode 2 and it keeps getting weirder, but in a good way. Also, turns out that there's a power-up that gives you a timed "Super Hot" effect. It does exactly what you'd expect.

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Played through Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC recently, had a blast -- then during the Baba Yaga DLC encountered some CTD bug, restarted, and my save was gone! fffuuuuu


For now, enjoying the heck outta Dead Cells. Nice change of pace from all the big budget 3rd person story-rich murder sprees :cat:

Edited by luke viia
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Oh man. Sorry to hear that. The Baba Yaga DLC is awesome.


I just beat SOMA. A little overrated, I think, but well done. Just started on Wolfenstein: The New Order. It's pretty fun so far. Haven't played a proper shooter in ages.

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Doom on the Switch.


Played it on the PS4 previously, so knew the hard times it would put me through a second time. Sadist.


The graphics are somewhat more bleary, but meh, it feels like the same nightmare raping which is all that matters.


It’s so much nicer playing on the Switch pro controller than the horrible PS4 controller!

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Oh man. Sorry to hear that. The Baba Yaga DLC is awesome.


I just beat SOMA. A little overrated, I think, but well done. Just started on Wolfenstein: The New Order. It's pretty fun so far. Haven't played a proper shooter in ages.


Ha, I just finished that (Wolfenstein new order). It was great.

Last time I played TNO was right before the sequel came out last October. For some reason GeForce Experience won't update it though for optimal performance on my PC, which was a bit frustrating. TBH I think it had more going for it story-wise than The New Colossus - not to say it wasn't worthwhile also. To be fair though, we get more insight into BJ's upbringing in the second game.

Edited by ambermonk
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Had fun playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. 


Decided to play through the entire Legend of Zelda series. 

So starting with the first one. 





Girlfriend bought a new laptop.

We're playing Divinity: Original Sin (first one) together in co-op split-screen. 

Deep and funny role-playing tactical game. It's awesome! 




If we finish this game, we'll play the second one. 

After that we'll play Neverwinter Nights 1 in co-op, and then the second one. 

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I started dark souls 2. it's cool.


Man, I love Dark Souls 1 and 3 and Bloodborne, but I absolutely hated 2... didn't bother finishing.


I'm liking it so far. a bit too many poison areas so far and I don't like how human NPCs don't always seem to follow the game's own "rules". but outside of that, it's surprisingly fun. good music too.

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Horizon zero dawn - God this reminds the witcher way too much. I like the theme of the game though, decline of human civilisation and the cycle of things. Maybe one day iPhones will be dug up and called 'ancient pocket vanity mirror' haha

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got me dragonball fighter Z and played 4 hours straight with my mouth open, then got my ass kicked by my friends who never played it and just mashed the buttons, uughg

it looks and plays fucking amazing and i can't wait to learn the mechanics, go online and get that sweet fighting game rushh

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Dived (hahaaaaaa) back in to Subnautica now that it's finally released. Performance and pop-in issues are much better now, not perfect but a lot more playable. And nice to have the experience a bit more coherent now eg no more stand-in items and fleshed out design. Looking forward to actually completing it although I keep getting sidetracked with my base building.

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Any thoughts on this upcoming EA/bioware game "Anthem"?


I caught my first sight of it recently and wasn't sure what to think. Apparently the same guy behind it as the Mass Effect trilogy and Knights of the Old Republic?

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Any thoughts on this upcoming EA/bioware game "Anthem"?


I caught my first sight of it recently and wasn't sure what to think. Apparently the same guy behind it as the Mass Effect trilogy and Knights of the Old Republic?


Well, it's definitely not by the "the doctors" (Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka) since they're not working at BioWare anymore. The latest rumors were that they're rushing to finish it up for a Q1 2019 release. Here's a quote or two...



Over the past few months, BioWare has essentially transformed into a single-game studio as it harnesses its teams to work on the ambitious multiplayer action game Anthem, sources say. There are still small teams maintaining Star Wars: The Old Republic and piecing together the next Dragon Age, which was recently rebooted, but the bulk of BioWare’s staff in both Edmonton and Austin are now on Anthem. And there’s a sense among BioWare employees that the company’s future is inextricably tied to this game.

Anthem, which was announced at E3 2017, is now scheduled for release in early 2019, according to three people familiar with the project. The “fall 2018” window mentioned during that E3 announcement was “never realistic,” one source said. Exact dates remain in flux—and Anthem’s developers must also plan for a beta release, an EA Access launch, and an ongoing schedule of patches and updates—but it appears unlikely to developers that publisher EA will allow BioWare to delay the game any further than March 2019, when the company’s 2019 fiscal year comes to an end. (EA, like most publicly traded companies, uses the fiscal calendar as a basis for all of its decisions, as those dates determine how investors will behave.)


It’s not unusual for BioWare to pull staff from other projects as it enters the final year of production on a game. In recent years, BioWare has done the same for both Mass Effect: Andromeda and Dragon Age: Inquisition. But Anthem, the studio’s first new franchise in eight years and EA’s first big stab at a Destiny-style persistent online world, feels different. To BioWare staff, the stakes feel higher than they ever have. As one developer told me, there’s a belief that if Anthem doesn’t live up to EA’s expectations, BioWare will look very different in the future, especially after the disappointment of Mass Effect Andromeda led to EA absorbing BioWare Montreal into the studio EA Motive.

Now, with a year left in development and a climate that’s grown more turbulent thanks to controversies over EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II and Activision’s Destiny 2, pressure is mounting for Anthem to be great. In the past few weeks I’ve spoken to more than half a dozen people close to the project, all of whom spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to talk about the game, and they’ve described feeling both optimistic and anxious—optimistic that they can make something good, but anxious at the number of forces that appear to be pushing against them.


Read more here...



I remember reading about ME: Andromeda's development how horrible that was. They also used the Frostbite engine and apparently it's terrible for third person games.


So not only that but I hate how every single game is now turning into loot based shooters ala Destiny.

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Any thoughts on this upcoming EA/bioware game "Anthem"?


I caught my first sight of it recently and wasn't sure what to think. Apparently the same guy behind it as the Mass Effect trilogy and Knights of the Old Republic?


Well, it's definitely not by the "the doctors" (Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka) since they're not working at BioWare anymore. The latest rumors were that they're rushing to finish it up for a Q1 2019 release. Here's a quote or two...



Over the past few months, BioWare has essentially transformed into a single-game studio as it harnesses its teams to work on the ambitious multiplayer action game Anthem, sources say. There are still small teams maintaining Star Wars: The Old Republic and piecing together the next Dragon Age, which was recently rebooted, but the bulk of BioWare’s staff in both Edmonton and Austin are now on Anthem. And there’s a sense among BioWare employees that the company’s future is inextricably tied to this game.

Anthem, which was announced at E3 2017, is now scheduled for release in early 2019, according to three people familiar with the project. The “fall 2018” window mentioned during that E3 announcement was “never realistic,” one source said. Exact dates remain in flux—and Anthem’s developers must also plan for a beta release, an EA Access launch, and an ongoing schedule of patches and updates—but it appears unlikely to developers that publisher EA will allow BioWare to delay the game any further than March 2019, when the company’s 2019 fiscal year comes to an end. (EA, like most publicly traded companies, uses the fiscal calendar as a basis for all of its decisions, as those dates determine how investors will behave.)


It’s not unusual for BioWare to pull staff from other projects as it enters the final year of production on a game. In recent years, BioWare has done the same for both Mass Effect: Andromeda and Dragon Age: Inquisition. But Anthem, the studio’s first new franchise in eight years and EA’s first big stab at a Destiny-style persistent online world, feels different. To BioWare staff, the stakes feel higher than they ever have. As one developer told me, there’s a belief that if Anthem doesn’t live up to EA’s expectations, BioWare will look very different in the future, especially after the disappointment of Mass Effect Andromeda led to EA absorbing BioWare Montreal into the studio EA Motive.

Now, with a year left in development and a climate that’s grown more turbulent thanks to controversies over EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II and Activision’s Destiny 2, pressure is mounting for Anthem to be great. In the past few weeks I’ve spoken to more than half a dozen people close to the project, all of whom spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to talk about the game, and they’ve described feeling both optimistic and anxious—optimistic that they can make something good, but anxious at the number of forces that appear to be pushing against them.


Read more here...



I remember reading about ME: Andromeda's development how horrible that was. They also used the Frostbite engine and apparently it's terrible for third person games.


So not only that but I hate how every single game is now turning into loot based shooters ala Destiny.


No no, this guy - Drew Karpyshyn.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew_Karpyshyn#Mass_Effect


Also I think he wrote Neverwinter Nights and Baldurs Gate, Jade Empire etc? I'm hoping if his name is attached to it like all those great games, it turns out decent at least. I'm not seeing a game that he's written that I didn't like tbh.


Yeah I didn't even play ME Andromeda, everything about it looked terrible. 


Interesting article, thx! I don't know much about the frostbite engine. Reading up now.


I guess it's 2019 now.  :catsuicide:

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Anyone playing Monster Hunter on PS4?

Might be the first MH game that finally breaks through in the West

nah but there's a ton of guys in the tekken discord that have started playing like crazy.


just started a new ffix play on ps4. it's nice with the speed boost cheat to cut through the monotony of stealing/grinding/running around the world map.

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Anyone playing Monster Hunter on PS4?

Might be the first MH game that finally breaks through in the West


Yeah, dove in over the weekend, most of the clan I played Destiny with has migrated over to this game... First MH game for me, but I LOVE it so far. So much deeper than the beta let on, but that's absolutely a good thing, I'm enjoying the curve of learning the complexities of the deeper mechanics.


Gonna take on the Ajanath tonight and still trying to find the damn Grimalkynes in the Forest area...



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