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1 hour ago, MaartenVC said:

Don't buy it on the original PS4 or Xbox One.

Holy shit, is this with patch 1.04? That really sucks balls. I have PS4 Pro and I was hoping it would be good after some patching. So I'm gonna wait for 1.05 which is supposed to be out in a week.

I didn't grab the stadia deal which I sorta regret now lol

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Overall it's been performing well for me on PC, with occasional bugs. CDPR probably shouldn't have bothered porting it to 7-year-old consoles in the first place, especially since the release of PS5 and XBOX Series X a month ago. But I understand those are hard to come by rn.

I'm still having quite a bit of fun with it tho. Gameplay-wise things didn't turn out the way I originally expected, but in a good way. You get a hacking & stealth tutorial at the beginning of the game, but nearly 20 hours in I've come to realize that they're pretty much optional in combat. And I was thinking with the abundance of guns that I'd be engaged in a lot of firefights, but ended up falling in love with the katana. So I'm basically a street samurai now lol

Edited by ambermonke
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The Epic Games Store is giving away 1 Free Game every day for the next 14 days. (that's 14 free games)
(today is Cities Skylines, the open-ended city-building simulation game)
(also get the free  $10 Epic Coupon, eligible to use on any game of $14.99 or above, expires on 07-01-2021)

Also Trials Rising, the physics-based motorcycle obstacle-racing game, is free on Ubisoft Uplay.

Edited by MaartenVC
added cities skylines and trials rising
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1 hour ago, dr lopez said:

they took cyberpunk off the ps store lol. thats wild

I heard. CDPR senior management must be shitting bricks over this, on top of the backlash the game already received over buggy console ports.

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How could they have missed this though? If anything you'd think they postponed the release multiple times for these problems. Trying to hit those Xmas sales was a bad move holy hell 

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Also their stock is falling rapidly because of this shaky release.
(dropped from PLN 443 per share on December 4 to PLN 251 at the time of writing)
(not that I have any stocks)

I kinda feel bad for the devs.

However imo they should've delayed the game to 2021 despite all the previous delays and despite all the pressure from investors, the sales department and other external forces.
I just can't believe the devs and the QA-department were OK with releasing the game in its current state.

Contradictory to all this, after just 1 day after release the studio already managed to earn back all the development and marketing costs and more.

Still, I believe Cyberpunk 2077 has the potential to be an amazing game.

But it needs a lot of work:
 • bug-fixes
 • optimization
 • some rebalancing
 • and imo even a number of gameplay-changes:
      • more responsive driving-mechanics
      • more complex everyday-routine NPC AI
      • more meaningful weapon-drops affecting play-style greatly
      • more advanced combat NPC AI
      • more character customization, also in the world, and ability to see yourself more often
      • able to fast-travel from your car, not just from travel-point to travel-point
      • unique gameplay-altering life-path abilities / powers / skills, making for at least 3 very different play-throughs
      • more interesting sneaking and hacking
      • more exciting police chases
      • more random things to do casually (role-play)
      • able to change between first-person and third-person anytime anywhere
They'll never change this but I actually think they should've made combat more like Mass Effect 2:
 • able to slow-down time to activate an ability / power / skill
 • awesome gameplay-altering abilities / powers / skills / class
 • able to give commands to a summon / sidekick / companion
 • over-the-shoulder-view
 • cover-mechanics

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20 minutes ago, MaartenVC said:

But it needs a lot of work:
 • bug-fixes
 • optimization
 • some rebalancing
 • and imo even a number of gameplay-changes:
      • more responsive driving-mechanics
      • more complex everyday-routine NPC AI
      • more meaningful weapon-drops affecting play-style greatly
      • more advanced combat NPC AI
      • more character customization, also in the world, and ability to see yourself more often
      • able to fast-travel from your car, not just from travel-point to travel-point
      • unique gameplay-altering life-path abilities / powers / skills, making for at least 3 very different play-throughs
      • more interesting sneaking and hacking
      • able to change between first-person and third-person anytime anywhere
They'll never change this but I actually think they should've made combat more like Mass Effect 2:
 • able to slow-down time to activate an ability / power / skill
 • awesome gameplay-altering abilities / powers / skills / class
 • able to give commands to a summon / sidekick / companion
 • over-the-shoulder-view
 • cover-mechanics

uhh this sounds like years of work lol

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Yet another complication; CDPR pulls Taiwanese indie horror game Devotion from GOG due to unhappy Winnie the Pooh: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2020/dec/17/taiwanese-horror-game-pulled-from-sale-again-after-backlash-in-china

Truly a shame with all the hot water they're in right now, because I genuinely enjoy Cyberpunk. I hope they can recover from all of this somehow, because it would be a tragedy for a project that underwent 8 years of development to go down the drain.

EDIT: Apparently Devotion is no longer on Steam either. I guess major companies are obliged to appease the insecure CCP at every turn.

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So... I finally managed to score a PS5 from Costco, a bundle (ugh) and the disc version to boot which I really didn't want.

Haven't opened it yet, as I am holding out hope I can get a digital one and save myself 240 bucks and just return the Costco one (yes, I have thought of selling it) or if the shortages/demand continue (my friend just got a digital off Walmart yesterday that won't arrive until 12 January), I may end up just keeping it and convince myself to buy a UHD BD movie to watch in full uncompressed glory.

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5 hours ago, MaartenVC said:

However imo they should've delayed the game to 2021 despite all the previous delays and despite all the pressure from investors, the sales department and other external forces.
I just can't believe the devs and the QA-department were OK with releasing the game in its current state.

As someone who's worked in video games/software, I can tell you the developers & QA probably weren't okay with it. Investors and shareholders often pressure devs to release and patch later to maintain/increase share price or maximize ROI. In the past, I've had the head of engineering basically tell my team not to do thorough work because we need to speed up production for investors.

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10 minutes ago, Braintree said:

As someone who's worked in video games/software, I can tell you the developers & QA probably weren't okay with it. Investors and shareholders often pressure devs to release and patch later to maintain/increase share price or maximize ROI. In the past, I've had the head of engineering basically tell my team not to do thorough work because we need to speed up production for investors.

Then it sounds like CDPR is getting what (the investors) deserved... a plummeting stock price due to shoddy work caused by investor pressures. Too bad the devs will ultimately suffer with layoffs and furloughs.

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On 12/18/2020 at 3:49 PM, dr lopez said:

uhh this sounds like years of work lol

2077 is the year when it all will be finally fixed

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