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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Oscillik knows something, I can tell.


all I know is that the album is coming, and the past few releases have been a month early, so I'm really just guessing. in any case, throwing a hissyfit over the album not coming out before its due date is a bit childish.


it'll be awesome if it comes out early, no doubt. but at least we have the piece of mind knowing that this isn't a My Bloody Valentine or Boards of Canada release.

Edited by oscillik
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Why does everyone namecheck / love Sean more than Rob?

Because Sean mentioned WATMM in some interview or something.

- "watmm, what's watmm"

- "we are the music makers"

- "ohh, that thing"

- "yeah, that thing"

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Best Autechre release yet. That's all I'm saying.

that's objectively impossible, their back catalog is just too strong. I'm busting you both for wanton hyperbole.

Edited by lumpenprol
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Why does everyone namecheck / love Sean more than Rob?because he's dreamy.

They're both handsome mofos.


Sean has definitely been the more active one in interviews, lately. When they're both participating, Sean usually interrupts Rob, anyway. Rob kind of sits back a bit as spokesman. But Rob has complete mastery over lushness and he is entitled to zone out.

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