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The Internship


Apart from the hellish google propagandic nature of it, this is an excellent film. Some of the jokes are insanely funny... if you can tolerate Owen Wilson.

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The East


Straight up rofl'd at the spoon/dinner sequence. Too profound for my blood, Freegans.


that scene made me shiver with embarrassment

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creatures with one eye (from outer space) crash land on earth and start taking people over (zombie style) in order to buy time whilst they fix their space-ship. protagonist does a serious 'fight club' worthy speech when his main dame is "taken over" by the aliens. 100% sci-fi right here yo!

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Guest Ron Manager

Ed Wood - 6/10. I was a little underwhelmed, but it was OK. I'm a big fan of Plan 9, but I've never seen any of his other movies. This biopic had its moments, but it wasn't as great as I'd been led to believe.


A Scanner Darkly - 6/10. Never read the book, but this was enjoyable. Can't help but think I would have much preferred it without the animation - it didn't add much of anything IMO.


This Is The End - 7.5/10. You either like the humour of Rogan et al. or not I guess - I laughed my ass off. The Pineapple Express 2 trailer was brilliant.

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Prisoners: 7/10

In Prisoners, Donnie Darko reprises his role from Zodiac as Weird-Faced-Cop-Solves-Serial-Killer-Case-By-Looking-At-Clues-Drawn-On-Walls - a role which is is well typecast for.

Wolverine also stars as a bum who ditches his family to drink a non-existent brand of whisky and pretend he is squatting even though his dad owns the building.

The boy from There Will Be Blood has weirdly regressed to even younger than he was pretending to be in that film, is now ten years old and has taken to driving his meth lab around with a weirdo child molesting posse.

Henceforth, it is no spoiler to tell you that the weirdo child molesting types did it.

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Pandoria - low budget fun. the sc-fi geek in me kinda made me forgive the ropey cinimatography and hammy acting however the concept was original, the sound design worked. The sharp editing made it watchable. 6.5/10


The Bling Ring - unrealistic concept with a boarderline satire on the state of shallow youth culture but just ended up making Spring Breakers look even better. 3.5/10

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The Bling Ring - unrealistic concept with a boarderline satire on the state of shallow youth culture but just ended up making Spring Breakers look even better. 3.5/10



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Guest bitroast

Royal Space Force - 3.333/4




1989 anime set in this weird fictional setting, about sending the first astronaut into space using dodgy garage style engineering.

There was quite a lot going on in this movie as far as story and themes are concerned, and the mood of the film was pretty rich and unique that I'm not even sure what you could compare it to ?

(Maybe I just haven't seen enough late 80s films??)


Worth watching at least for the awesome Ryuichi Sakamoto soundtrack^^

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Silver Linings Playbook 7/10


i didn't enjoy this film as much as i hoped i would, mainly because i felt the main character lacked pathos and i'm not a fan of bradley cooper.

i really liked jennifer lawrence and bobby de niro in their roles, and this for me was the highlight of the film. the dancing thing was a bit cheese also.

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Silver Linings Playbook 7/10


i didn't enjoy this film as much as i hoped i would, mainly because i felt the main character lacked pathos and i'm not a fan of bradley cooper.

i really liked jennifer lawrence and bobby de niro in their roles, and this for me was the highlight of the film. the dancing thing was a bit cheese also.

the book is great, much better than the film.

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Guest HokusPoker

Just came home from watching Rush.

Unfortunately the director decided to replace actual racing footage or just neutral scenes that would SHOW what the commentator says with the usual shaky cam action and squeaking wheels nonsense, but it's about Formula 1 and made for the masses so what did I expect…


I also watched Last Tango in Paris with Marlon Brando the other day.

Thank god I'm not a woman or gay or I'd have to build this sexy guy a shrine. Fantastic actor, too.

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Prisoners: 7/10

In Prisoners, Donnie Darko reprises his role from Zodiac as Weird-Faced-Cop-Solves-Serial-Killer-Case-By-Looking-At-Clues-Drawn-On-Walls - a role which is is well typecast for.

Wolverine also stars as a bum who ditches his family to drink a non-existent brand of whisky and pretend he is squatting even though his dad owns the building.

The boy from There Will Be Blood has weirdly regressed to even younger than he was pretending to be in that film, is now ten years old and has taken to driving his meth lab around with a weirdo child molesting posse.

Henceforth, it is no spoiler to tell you that the weirdo child molesting types did it.



Jake G wasn't a cop in Zodiac though, he was just a socially-retarded civilian obsessed with the case. tmyk.jpg

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Guest HokusPoker

Eraserhead 8.5/10

Room 237 6/10

The Shining 10/10

2001: A Space Odyssey 7/10

Europa Report 8/10

The Bay 7/10


Yeah, see, that's why people always say to you: “No, you're wrong”.

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Eraserhead 8.5/10

Room 237 6/10

The Shining 10/10

2001: A Space Odyssey 7/10

Europa Report 8/10

The Bay 7/10


Yeah, see, that's why people always say to you: “No, you're wrong”.


Yeah that's great, you're right and I'm wrong. You can pat yourself on the back now.



Fucking lol, the Bay is as good as 2001?



no sir



I do not agree


Yeah I enjoyed The Bay way more than I enjoyed 2001: A Space Odyssey.


It was the first time I'd ever seen 2001, so needless to say I had great expectations. Probably too great, as I felt somewhat disappointed afterwards (though admittedly the last section of the film was pretty good) besides, 7/10 is not a bad score. I can wee the films merits, I just didn't enjoy it that much.


The Bay however, was a film I had downloaded a while ago and subsequently forgotten about. I had no expectations at all and just popped it on out of boredom really. It was surprisingly good, original and genuinely creepy. Hence the 7/10 score.


Expectations or lack therof can really mess with the "proper" opinion of a film.

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The Act of Killing - holy shit, i didn't expect this one to be as effecting as it was. Lasting mental trauma for days after viewing this film. If anyone has seen Man Bites Dog here, imagine if Man Bites Dog was not a mockumentary but instead of one guy the film crew follows around a retired Indonesian death squad that killed thousands of innocent people while they happily re-enact the killings in costumes and makeup for the crew. They joke around just as much as Benoit in Man Bites Dog, they seem to have absolutely no emotion but are also very charismatic and gregarious folks. It's one of the strangest movies I've ever seen. It also happens to be beautifully shot in many awesome Indonesian locations. (its a documentary in case anyone missed that) 9/10

I've never felt this way after any movie in my life. I feel like I could write reams of reactions and analysis but I won't. Anwar Congo's last scene was literally seconds ago so all I can say is that every WATMMer owes it to themselves to watch this documentary.



yeah this was very very good, it gets up in your head. haunting

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Guest HokusPoker



Eraserhead 8.5/10

Room 237 6/10

The Shining 10/10

2001: A Space Odyssey 7/10

Europa Report 8/10

The Bay 7/10


Yeah, see, that's why people always say to you: “No, you're wrong”.


Yeah that's great, you're right and I'm wrong. You can pat yourself on the back now.


One would think it was obvious that my remark was not serious.

Anyway, if you're interested in Kubrick and haven't seen it yet: watch A Clockwork Orange.

I saw it two weeks ago for the second time and I was a bit worried that my expectations from the first time I'd seen it (which was at least 4 years ago) were going to be too high because I'd always kept it at the back of my head as a brilliant film and one of his best, but it was even better than I had remembered it, 10/10.

You may not be disappointed with this one.

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