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someone mentioned possession to me the other day as 'the best sam neil movie besides mouth of madness' so i was curious about it, didn't know lynch was involved.


i'd add event horizon to this list as well.

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someone mentioned possession to me the other day as 'the best sam neil movie besides mouth of madness' so i was curious about it, didn't know lynch was involved.


i'd add event horizon to this list as well.



More sample spotting, this one's in Event Horizon:



I think that sample may be used somewhere else though, any ideas?

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Exit Through the Giftshop: Really enjoyed it. Although it's a film about the french filmmaker, i was actually more interested in Banksy and the other street artists. I was surprised by how much they shat on the filmmaker's art show (even though his art was basically an Andy Warhol rip off). Curious on how the filmmaker reacted to the criticism of his peers, they kinda left that out. Went into the film already liking graffiti and street art, and came out of it even more interested than before.

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Prometheus - Again ... saw it in cinema last year, was already disappointed then, but only this time round I realized how incredibly bad this film really is. I must have suppressed most negative thoughts while in cinema as my expectations were so high, I didn't WANT to be disappointed, but seeing it now, for a second time, more objectively ... it's really almost unwatchably bad. Like, REALLY horribly bad. The writing, the acting, almost every line is a cringeworthy slasher movie cliché, fuck ... and that godawful US Army soundtrack. What was he thinking, shitting all over his own creation like that?!!


Only plus is super-cute main-charcter-girl. But then again, that shouldn't be a factor in a serious sci-fi movie. Good lord, this film ... I mean, how did it happen.

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The Wicker Man 10/10 - That scene where shes trying to seduce him woah. This movie was amazing.


The Town Who Dreaded Sundown 8/10 - bit of an old school slasher horror, i thought it was good and creepy.

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Finally got to see this, in IMAX 3D and all, there's a lot of 'cool' thing about this film, but I really wasn't prepared for it to be so cheesy - pretty clunky dialogue and extreme exposition at times, but I think what made it all the worse was the over-powering score - dear lordie, it's comical at times, if they had peared it back and given it more of a minimal sound track i'd say it would have been the better film. The images and lighting alone conveyed so much atmosphere that the score just simply needed to support it, rather than turn up to 11.

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haha I agree pretty much. I thought the sound at the start was great, with the silence working really well. However it was pretty silly when George says something like "the thing I'm gonna miss the most, is the silence"... and there's a full orchestral score thundering along in the background.

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Guest Mirezzi

I just read 25 pages of this thread to catch up on the last three months of WATMM film reviews. 3/10 - highly unrecommend.


GRAVITYS by Cameron - mega lol


The Shining is overrated? Kubrick didn't understand generic horror?


Before Midnight - stunning, did not see that coming. Great year for Linklater between this and Bernie.

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Before Midnight - stunning, did not see that coming. Great year for Linklater between this and Bernie.

bored me shitless, i couldn't get past its half. i guess it's just really attuned to particular age group and status.

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welcome to the punch - andrea riseborough and james mcavoy would do well as siblings. i was thinking of this the other day and then i put the film on and there we r. i'm hoping for the two of them to turn up together in something a bit better then this film however. the film is not necessarily a bad film, but it did not really excite me more then 6/10


disconnect - the kids these days 5/10


the east - good concept, poorly executed 5/10

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yes, I think that covers it nicely.



Thor: The Dark World - just as good as the first one, if you enjoyed it, best Marvel Studios franchise imo. 7.5/10

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12 Years A Slave - 9/10

The narrative is solely from the POV of the slave Solomen Northup....a gentleman and a talented musician who is ruthlessly drugged and kidnapped and taken away from his life and brought into the slave trade. There are some vicious bastards in the form of Paul Dano and Michael Fassbender, animalistic beasts who some might question how they became as vicious as they did. We're left to assume they are simply a product of their time. Cumberbatch, (one of only two white men with a shred of humanity) buys Northup at auction near the start of the film before moving him on due to Northup's fighting nature. Cumberbatch's character is a lone figure, he can see the wrongs but is scared shitless of doing anything about it and afraid of the callous nature/backlash of his contemporaries. Perhaps most directors would have gone for a voiceover due to the non linear structure but it works well the way it is, with the swelling music fading in and out. The performances of the cast (the long uninterupted takes) plus the amazing production design are pretty mind blowing. They've done a magnificent job of bring this era to life, it just looks real.

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