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Maps To The Stars.


edit: speaking of which, Julianne Moore might be ruined forever for me now


Weird, for me it done quite the opposite.



they skanked/botox'd her up a bit for the role, don't you think?

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier


The movie that made me ask if I hate fun. No more Marvel flix for me, man.

Poor show, old chap. This is in one of the top 10 films of the year. Cap rocks

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π (Pi)


Cool movie, the cyberpunk stuff I love, but I found it a bit, just a bit weak and, like, really easy to understand (I mean, no complex stuff to actually think about it other than the maths, religion, typical stuff).



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Guest bitroast

Captain America: The Winter Soldier


The movie that made me ask if I hate fun. No more Marvel flix for me, man.

oh wow . I haven't seen it but was considering it.

pretty much every recent Hollywood flick has pissed me off recently as being soulless and boring. like, some exceptions come through with a sick director or whatever but for the most part the films are cluttered overly long messes. was considering watching this though just for kicks but ... lol, this doesn't convince me too much tbh. I will be watching Guardians of the galaxy soon tho so we'll see:)


Mad Max 2 - 10/10

Great film, can't believe it took me this long to see it. Great mix of FUN + gritty.. actually, PERFECT mix of fun and gritty. Good action sequences, good characters. Man, they do NOT make films like this any more.. :dadjoke:


Dead Poets Society - good/10

Good film. Weird kind of film. It's like, the overly strict school never really imposes any purpose other than being an overly strict school, and for the most part comes across as an exciting and flourishing place for the students to learn and grow and participate in extra-curricular activities. the only real conflict in the film comes from the military driven dad imposing his desires on the kid? weird film, but nice to watch I guess. was particularly nice seeing robin Williams in the role model role.

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if you liked goodfellas and the departed but havent seen whitey or playing for the mob, you may want to check those out. they're on nfi in the us. playing for the mob is about points shaving done by some boston college basketball players at the behest of henry hill (who ray liota played in goodfellas). whitey is about whitey bulger, who jack nicholson's character in the departed was based on. decent documentaries, playing for the mob is probably better, it had interviews with hill himself, and the players

Edited by very honest
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story about margaret keane by tim burton. thought it was going to be really good but ended up just being good (mostly because of waltz & amy adams). i think it tried a little too hard to be "weird" and "interesting" when it was just.... normal


btw: real life margaret keane was @ the screening with amy adams but as you'd expect it was a back and forth banter about how both admired one another and how they're "proud" of the film.

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Mad Max 2 - 10/10

Great film, can't believe it took me this long to see it. Great mix of FUN + gritty.. actually, PERFECT mix of fun and gritty. Good action sequences, good characters. Man, they do NOT make films like this any more.. :dadjoke:



Got me excited for a rewatch. Just finished it up and I agree with everything said here. Just enough pathos to get involved in the characters/outcome, not enough to cause eyerolling (no plot to end the apocalypse with a magic earth-healing McGuffin, no giant speech about holding onto humanity by Max at the end of a character arc, etc). And like you said, lots of fun despite the gritty imagery. Here's hoping the forthcoming MM film holds up.



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Prometheus - no/10


Finally got around to watching this. I didn't want to dig out the old thread to give watmmers grim flashbacks. Made it through the first hour - hour & a half.

Ridley Scott needs to be wheeled off to his house in the country & stick to home movies. (Throw in Lindelof with him). his time has long passed. From what I watched it was utter shit. Stupid characters doing completely ridiculous things that no person with only a modicum of intelligence would do. Terrible pacing. Shit acting. Taking your helmets off! seriously. I could give a fuck about special effects in regards to all things stated prior. A whiney bitch scientist who has to drink himself stupid because the engineers weren't alive when he found them. Listen asshole, you just found an alien race on a far away moon, they built structures & murals & housed casks of something & are terraforming a moon. You find they were running away from something & are all mostly dead. Not even the least bit interested? a little...No sense of mystery even gives you a little rise? I'm going to drink & cry, kick my feet like a five year old, take it out on an android & just complain I want to go home. Fuck off dude. Seriously fuck off. I'm not going to bother with the 2 dumbfuck scientist/geologists dicking around in the dome.


Garbage so far, I'll probably finish it just to have closure if nothing else.

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I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your review. I love the "big" reveal in that movie. Sooooooo fucking terrible.

I feel like watching it again actually.


I watched Frank a couple of days ago. I liked it. That fucking head...





I watched Predator last night. Wasn't as good as I remembered. But still pretty great.



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I feel like watching it again actually.


no. Unless you actually like it I guess.


Probably down with your predator score. I always preferred the first 2/3 to the final act. Still pretty much awesome for the village shootout/forest decimation alone. Feels for that.

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Contagion. a quietly underrated movie.


Hell yea. Rewatched this a few months ago when the ebola scare was flaring up. Excellent film all-around.


I think Soderbergh is pretty underrated. You almost never hear his name in talks about quality filmmakers, yet just about everything I've seen from him is consistently entertaining & well-constructed.





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