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Ended up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 after Pieces. Or actually, I started watching Just Before Dawn, but it was too slow. It’s been one hell of a night!

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I haven’t seen anything as visually stunning as this movie’s climax since the star gate sequence from 2001. Holy shit. Too bad the studio ripped it away from all international theaters except US and China. Very heady stuff, can’t stop thinking about it. 10/10

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star wars 8 - the whole rey and ren convo and her exploration of the asshole of the dark force was probably the most interesting and original thing in the whole star wars franchise. that sequence with the mirrors and shit and her suddenly switching to narrating her own experience as if in some kind of altered state but which turned out to be a dialogue with ren was unexpectedly brilliant, it was like some actual thought and inspiration was involved in that. besides that it's all complete tedium and checking the "things that have to be in the star wars film to optimize profits" checklist. it's like the only sensible tactic the resistance can come up with is suicide, so we get to experience pretty much 3 identical climaxes just with 3 different settings, and that's probably like half of the film alone. the awful cgi camel stampede, benicio del torro, laura dern, the ethnic diversity chick - all awful, miscast and pointless.

Edited by eugene
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star wars 8 - the whole rey and ren convo and her exploration of the asshole of the dark force was probably the most interesting and original thing in the whole star wars franchise. that sequence with the mirrors and shit and her suddenly switching to narrating her own experience as if in some kind of altered state but which turned out to be a dialogue with ren was unexpectedly brilliant, it was like some actual thought and inspiration was involved in that. besides that it's all complete tedium and checking the "things that have to be in the star wars film to optimize profits" checklist. it's like the only sensible tactic the resistance can come up with is suicide, so we get to experience pretty much 3 identical climaxes just with 3 different settings, and that's probably like half of the film alone. the awful cgi camel stampede, benicio del torro, laura dern, the ethnic diversity chick - all awful, miscast and pointless.

You knew you were going to hate it before you even pressed play, why did you bother? Did you sit there throughout trying to find what you could come on here and whine about? What kind of a prick are you?

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It's definitely more positive than I expected. Eugene can be brutal, but it's mostly justified, sometimes. We need a counterweight to keep us grounded innit.

Edited by Gocab
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I enjoy reading this thread and have a vague idea of what regular posters like and dislike. I can compare their tastes to my own and this has enabled me to watch decent films I may not have known about or otherwise seen. But Eugene shits on every film he's ever watched, it's utterly insane that he hasn't found a better use of his time.

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Killing of a Sacred Deer was just like Lorganassthermos doing a parody of Lorganasstits which is itself is a parody of Lorganautistictoast and falling out of his own ass. 

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Had a serious hankering to watch The Fisher King when I got home from someone's Birthday drink at 2am this morning. By the time it finished dloading I knew I wasn't gonna be conscious much longer so I watched it today over midday hungover breakfast.


Was amazed at how much of it I still have floating around in my brain as references. I just wasn't aware they were references to this film. I think I used to watch it repeatedly on video when I was a teen.


Pretty depressing film for Hollywood standards too. Though it's Gilliam so I dunno if that counts as Hollywood.

Edited by hello spiral
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star wars 8 - the whole rey and ren convo and her exploration of the asshole of the dark force was probably the most interesting and original thing in the whole star wars franchise. that sequence with the mirrors and shit and her suddenly switching to narrating her own experience as if in some kind of altered state but which turned out to be a dialogue with ren was unexpectedly brilliant, it was like some actual thought and inspiration was involved in that. besides that it's all complete tedium and checking the "things that have to be in the star wars film to optimize profits" checklist. it's like the only sensible tactic the resistance can come up with is suicide, so we get to experience pretty much 3 identical climaxes just with 3 different settings, and that's probably like half of the film alone. the awful cgi camel stampede, benicio del torro, laura dern, the ethnic diversity chick - all awful, miscast and pointless.

You knew you were going to hate it before you even pressed play, why did you bother? Did you sit there throughout trying to find what you could come on here and whine about? What kind of a prick are you?


although I generally don't share points of view as bitter as those shared by eugene, i gotta hand him this one, the movie rips almost everything from the 1st franchise, hardly bringing something new to the fans... rey's training was as much of a cliche as it was shallow, apart from the lynchian scenes that eugene already mentioned, actually borrowing a lot from one of the darkest scenes of the entire franchise, the one where luke's going into the cave and meet his father's "ghost"... the rest of the movie is just the usual mambo jumbo with trinkets like the kamikaze one which fail hard at delivering some sense of profoundness to the movie... the supreme villain death scene is handed so effortlessly that can be predicted from miles away... the humour stands out to the old movies i guess, but as it turns out, it was funny at the time just because we were young, nowadays it's just facepalmy... also some horrible cgi which makes you believe that the technology adopted in bringing such fx has not evolved at all since the 90's...
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I haven’t seen anything as visually stunning as this movie’s climax since the star gate sequence from 2001. Holy shit. Too bad the studio ripped it away from all international theaters except US and China. Very heady stuff, can’t stop thinking about it. 10/10

lol what? this movie was awful. bad cg, bad acting and totally incoherent non story


black panther was typical boring marvel stuff with bad african accents. 

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