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Primer (2004)




Making sense of something like Memento is a cakewalk in comparison to this... any tips? The numerous charts and wikis are almost as baffling as the film itself.


Still though, very enjoyable and very well shot given the $7k budget. 7/10


There's this huge timeline graph available...





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star trek beyond


so three movies in we get a real star trek movie out of this reboot and it feels like too little too late. for once the cast actually gel and pine feels like kirk, captain of the enterprise, and not some hotheaded fratboy caricature. there are little nods to the original series all over the place in this, but it all ends up feeling like a pilot for a tv show that is somehow mid season yet also premiering. it's a course correction from abrams trash but it's also a big mess. you can blame wrath of khan for making all star trek movies action films with big villains. half of these movies are revenge plots against kirk/picard/the federation and beyond is no exception. basically feels like nemesis/insurrection with a budget and a better cast. if this is the end for this era of trek on film, i won't be sad to see it go, but there's potential here if they can get a script and a director who can actually keep a camera steady and communicate the geography of an action sequence (or god forbid dialogue) in a way that is comprehensible and doesn't give me a migraine. on some level trek is meant for the small screen and can never work as an episodic film series, but that won't stop them from trying.



I also recently watched this film, thought it was a big pile of crap. i wish i could rewind my life and watch The Secret Life of Pets in it's place.


What did I hate about it?




Well I'm torn between the bit I hated most between 1. that bit where they try and leave the vital component of a ghostly techno anthrax machine with some lizard dog people by way of explaining what it is without exposition and 2. the bit where they destroy the swarm of space bees with the 90s. Please end this debacle.



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i like bad movies. i like movies that are so bad they're good. i also like movies that are unintentionally bad, because they have a certain innocence in their incompetence.


then there's this. this isn't good- nor is it funny, nor is it really entertaining. it has some (funny?) lines, but they're mostly the "how could you go wrong" type- mixed with the "see if you can spot this z-grade celebrity making a cameo as..." aspect to it. but i think tara reid looks great so it was a total waste of time

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Primer (2004)




Making sense of something like Memento is a cakewalk in comparison to this... any tips? The numerous charts and wikis are almost as baffling as the film itself.


Still though, very enjoyable and very well shot given the $7k budget. 7/10


There's this huge timeline graph available...







Basically, the only way this movie could've worked is if it were a tv miniseries

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Movies that are purposely bad aren't any fun. That's why The Room is a masterpiece


i actually didn't mind the first 2 sharknado films and i'm a big fan of the 80s skinemax b-movies like bikini carwash company, bikini drive-in, sorority babes in the slimeball bowl-o-rama and masterpiece sleaze think-pieces like slave girls from beyond infinity and beach babes from beyond


the problem with sharknado 4 is that about 92% of the film is all done in green screen so you're always looking at a medium close of someone's face plus the jokes aren't that funny. it relies too heavily on cameos of people saying something stupid 


it's another case of "they don't make them like they used to" as any modern day softcore fan will atest to

Edited by Nebraska
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Movies that are purposely bad aren't any fun. That's why The Room is a masterpiece


i actually didn't mind the first 2 sharknado films and i'm a big fan of the 80s skinemax b-movies like bikini carwash company, bikini drive-in, sorority babes in the slimeball bowl-o-rama and masterpiece sleaze think-pieces like slave girls from beyond infinity and beach babes from beyond


the problem with sharknado 4 is that about 92% of the film is all done in green screen so you're always looking at a medium close of someone's face plus the jokes aren't that funny. it relies too heavily on cameos of people saying something stupid 


it's another case of "they don't make them like they used to" as any modern day softcore fan will atest to


This had most of the same chicks as Bikini Car Wash, usually like the same 4 topless girls with fake tits showed up in every Skinemax movie, lol. And poor Eraserhead.


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I Saw the Light - kinda interesting if you like musical biopics, and tracing the beginnings of the American music industry.  Very bleak and a little boring though.  Hiddleston nailed the look and sound of Hank Williams Sr.

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Primer (2004)




Making sense of something like Memento is a cakewalk in comparison to this... any tips? The numerous charts and wikis are almost as baffling as the film itself.


Still though, very enjoyable and very well shot given the $7k budget. 7/10


There's this huge timeline graph available...






the budget was literally $7k or are you being hyperbolic?


the acting was terrible but it was still a cool story/movie. 

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So a lot of watmmers seem to have this as one of their favorite films. I thought it was kinda fucked up.

favorite film? hell no. good film? for sure. fucked up? absolutely 

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whoa, this was a complete mess. besides the incredibly ludicrous story (basically predator but replace arnie and co for these jokers, and switch the alien for an overly cgi'd witch) the biggest let down here is the characters themselves. they're hardly fleshed out it's almost impossible to believe they'd work together (especially the croc guy who's basically just tagging along because he has nothing better to do)


also the casting sucks. regardless of anything you want to believe, jared leto's joker doesn't work. the only person who was believable and pulled it off was margot robbie as harley quinn. everyone else is forgettable- except will smith who is basically playing will smith (again)


too many music video moments and not enough story out of ten

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did viola davis do her unhappy black woman in position of authority routine that she's been doing for the last sixteen years? anyway, this movie has jai courtney in it, so i'm sure you're lying and it's a masterpiece.

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did viola davis do her unhappy black woman in position of authority routine that she's been doing for the last sixteen years? 


i'm not familiar with her other work but she was an "unhappy black woman in position of authority". i actually thought she sold the part, but she sticks to either telling people's backstories or just threatening them. everyone's part is very underdeveloped besides will smith who basically plays the same character he played in independence day


jai courtney tried ever so hard to be some boomerang badass but they decided to cut his parts down so he'd just mumble a funny and it would cut to someone more important

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Elvis Meets Nixon - hadn't seen this in about 20 years since it was on TV, but really funny look at two public figures way past their prime, trying to be relevant in an age they didn't understand. This is not the new Elvis Nixon movie.

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I keep checking for updates on The Bad Batch, my most anticipated film right now. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night was amazing, and this one just looks insane, can't wait to see what it ends up like.

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suicide squad


the juggalo stares at his juggalette. on screen, joker and harley stand above an ace chemical vat. harley vows undying love for joker and swan dives into the vat, joker follows. they emerge from the muck and kiss while rihanna or some other gutter trash music plays on the soundtrack. the juggalos project themselves onto these characters. he is a kind of crazy only she can understand. in another scene, actors spend fifteen minutes explaining the plot while eating steak dinners. viola davis chews her steak and speaks through half of her open mouth, using her fork as a prop, pointing it across the table. no one on earth has ever done this, yet all actors do it in films. give an actor a sandwich and they will point it at someone while eating and talking. i am not a father, nor will i ever be, but i imagine if i had a thirteen year old daughter who i saw only on weekends, and i took her to a mall, and she visited hot topic and asked me to hang around while she tried on choke collars and a t-shirt that says "oh, i'm sorry, were the voices in my head bothering you?", the experience would approximate the feeling i had watching this.



Edited by keanu reeves
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Primer (2004)




Making sense of something like Memento is a cakewalk in comparison to this... any tips? The numerous charts and wikis are almost as baffling as the film itself.


Still though, very enjoyable and very well shot given the $7k budget. 7/10


There's this huge timeline graph available...






the budget was literally $7k or are you being hyperbolic?


the acting was terrible but it was still a cool story/movie. 



Yes. Acting is shit, yet Shane Carruth still thought it a good idea to cast him self as the lead in his follow up film. Acting was shit in that one as well.

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suicide squad


the juggalo stares at his juggalette. on screen, joker and harley stand above an ace chemical vat. harley vows undying love for joker and swan dives into the vat, joker follows. they emerge from the muck and kiss while rihanna or some other gutter trash music plays on the soundtrack. the juggalos project themselves onto these characters. he is a kind of crazy only she can understand. in another scene, actors spend fifteen minutes explaining the plot while eating steak dinners. viola davis chews her steak and speaks through half of her open mouth, using her fork as a prop, pointing it across the table. no one on earth has ever done this, yet all actors do it in films. give an actor a sandwich and they will point it at someone while eating and talking. i am not a father, nor will i ever be, but i imagine if i had a thirteen year old daughter who i saw only on weekends, and i took her to a mall, and she visited hot topic and asked me to hang around while she tried on choke collars and a t-shirt that says "oh, i'm sorry, were the voices in my head bothering you?", the experience would approximate the feeling i had watching this.




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