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hmm the chicago one is 2hrs away from me, anyone else going to that one? how do these warp listening parties usually go down?

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i understand they are alien technology from the 80's, but why are we still using CD's? Only reason im considering a CD purchase is for the album swag. Ive had it with CD's. let's leave them behind with Robert Palmer. .They buzz and stop and start like a circular saw in my computer. im sure im alone in this.


running data from a phone or portable player into a stereo means you're using the cheap tiny sound card in that little device, and the sound still has to be processed by the stereo after that.


backing up files is a pain.


cds will survive a bad solar flare.


cds cost about the same as files and you can turn them into files.



CDs are very high quality audio. And are relatively durable. And are relatively cheap. And are re-sellable. And have pretty art. And is a physical object with which one can make emotional attachments. And are generally accepted as the industry standard for years to come (sorry MD/Blu-Ray/SACD/etc., you're all too niche/whatever). And are DRM-free. And will still be good in 50 years (I'll be curious to see if WAV/FLAC/etc is still around that long from now).


CDs rule.


I don't always buy physical copies of music,

but when I do, it's CDs.

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I hereby nominate myself as an official proctor of music listening and non-leak safety status and so you can be assured that I am trustworthy and you can let me throw a party here in my town that is many hundreds of miles from all of those parties. It will be so secure in fact that I won't invite anyone, it'll just be me at the listening party. You are assured that the new Phex Twinnipicks record will remain on or in my person at all times and no one will take it. Address where you can send me a copy to follow.

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Would I rather listen to the first new Aphex Twin album for 13 years in a place packed with noisy cunts (not yous guys of course, I don't doubt you're all lovely) in a building with some do-doubt wacky inappropriate acoustics - Or wait another week or so to hear the 24bit (for bonus nulls!) monster with a studio-grade audio setup ?

If I'm not mistaken, at the listening party for Drukqs in the Netherlands everyone received a high quality headphone where the album was being played on + cushions and lounge seats everywhere in the room, with dimmed lights, etc.

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I dunno. It's great if you live near a big city (I don't see Osaka or Tokyo on the list) but you'd think with all the internet technology avaialble now, people could have a listening party on-line. Yeah, I know people could use things like Audio Hijack on a Mac or whatever Windows offers but surely technology exists now that could allow it to take place without people making copies.

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Would I rather listen to the first new Aphex Twin album for 13 years in a place packed with noisy cunts (not yous guys of course, I don't doubt you're all lovely) in a building with some do-doubt wacky inappropriate acoustics - Or wait another week or so to hear the 24bit (for bonus nulls!) monster with a studio-grade audio setup ?

If I'm not mistaken, at the listening party for Drukqs in the Netherlands everyone received a high quality headphone where the album was being played on + cushions and lounge seats everywhere in the room, with dimmed lights, etc.
Blimey, really? Was imagining some crappy pop up building in Hoxton with it just being bunged on some PA speakers in the corner of the room. Beards fighting for digital vinyls.
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Would I rather listen to the first new Aphex Twin album for 13 years in a place packed with noisy cunts (not yous guys of course, I don't doubt you're all lovely) in a building with some do-doubt wacky inappropriate acoustics - Or wait another week or so to hear the 24bit (for bonus nulls!) monster with a studio-grade audio setup ?

If I'm not mistaken, at the listening party for Drukqs in the Netherlands everyone received a high quality headphone where the album was being played on + cushions and lounge seats everywhere in the room, with dimmed lights, etc.
Blimey, really? Was imagining some crappy pop up building in Hoxton with it just being bunged on some PA speakers in the corner of the room. Beards fighting for digital vinyls.
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also have my alarm set for 6:45am for NYC. it'd be nice to hear this for the first time on a giant system in a candle lit room where everyone is sitting around looking at each other like they're waiting for the imminent return of jesus christ. then at the end we all hug eachother through tears before we return to our normal every day lives

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pre-release live streams are pretty standard for lots of albums these days aren't they? has warp ever done one?


That would be great. Unfortunately, this thing has to be milked like the cash-cow it is. Warp will want to get every last ounce of promotion out of this release. It's slowly turning into TH all over again.


I don't agree with it but Warp are a business and everything that entails.

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Would I rather listen to the first new Aphex Twin album for 13 years in a place packed with noisy cunts (not yous guys of course, I don't doubt you're all lovely) in a building with some do-doubt wacky inappropriate acoustics - Or wait another week or so to hear the 24bit (for bonus nulls!) monster with a studio-grade audio setup ?

If I'm not mistaken, at the listening party for Drukqs in the Netherlands everyone received a high quality headphone where the album was being played on + cushions and lounge seats everywhere in the room, with dimmed lights, etc.
Blimey, really? Was imagining some crappy pop up building in Hoxton with it just being bunged on some PA speakers in the corner of the room. Beards fighting for digital vinyls.


Ok, I was halfright, they had headphones with some psychedelic system hooked up to it. Then they played Drukqs from a PA. I remember a picture from it though, with people all chilling around the room.


Review from the Drukqs listening party:



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London next Friday? I could make that.


"And your name is?"








Sean Booth"

"And your occupation?"


"I make...


I mean I work...





...in Lush"

Edited by jhonny
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